
Book Search

179 Forum Posts Found:

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
I work with kids just so I can have an excuse to act silly.

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
Especially when something is bothering me... I try to figure out different ways of conveying my problem to the source (though I rarely get around to having the real conversation) :)

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
The third graders are going to LOVE this bit of information when we do our unitl on tall tales!

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
Or at least that's what one of the kindergarteners told his mom my job was... "The barbarian read us a really good story today!"

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
"You're a fine girl... What a good wife you would be! But my life, my lover, my lady, is the sea." Yes... Even at birth, my mother foresaw my eternal state of unmarriedness...

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
Teaching is hard work, but it's also so much fun! Best of luck to you.

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
There was this brown, jalopyish truck that I got stuck behind in traffic about once a week at my old job... I SO wanted to take a picture of it and share it with my 5th graders as the perfect example of how the apostrop…

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
I've found that the longer I live alone, the more solitary I get. I have 7 email accounts and I check them multiple times each day. Work emails get immediate responses... friends and family get responses if they ne…

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
we're all lining up for the next 12-step program "Used Thread Takers Anonymous." For shame... this "frivolity". For. Shame. :)

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 4 replies
A really bad joke. Hrm. Ahem. *grabs the glass cleaner*

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
I decided that "Scratch and Sniff" (like the stickers I used to have when I was a kid) MUST be called "Scratch and Smell" in other parts of the world... So OBVIOUSLY this book must be from some far away land.

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 15 replies
I just looked over at the Recently Released column and saw "The Scratch and Smell Thoughts of Karl Marx." And I wondered what that book could POSSIBLY be about. So I clicked on it... "OOOOooooohhhh... 'The Social an…

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago
...wait for it to come out on DVD so you can skip the boring parts. Then you can hunt for your brother and NOT lose an hour and forty-five minutes of your life that you can never get back.

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
I had to read 30 novels in less than 7 weeks and booktalk every one. So I had to quickly dogear while I read so I had quotes to include in my booktalks. At least people will know what I felt was important... (As a…

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 3 replies
And the boyfriend really wants to see the movie... Maybe that's the one good thing about having no weekends together this month... :S

ofortuna0675 18 yrs ago | 3 replies is going on 10 eastern. :) I detest time changes.

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