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From Faringdon, Oxfordshire United Kingdom
Age 53
Joined Wednesday, August 6, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 770
released in the wild 0 687
controlled releases 0 7
releases caught 0 241
controlled releases caught 0 3
books found 0 395
tell-a-friend referrals 0 710
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forum posts 0 94
Extended Profile
Hello! Like everyone here, I'm a book addict, and have been as long as I can remember. When I was a child I'd spend hours locked away in my bedroom devouring anything that came my way, and the only thing that has changed now is that I don't have the hours to read as much as I'd like, and I'm terrified that I'll die without reading everything I want to read!

My reading tastes vary wildly from Aga sagas to science fiction, from chick lit to the supernatural, from biographies to biology. Finding BookCrossing has opened my eyes to the vast number of books, of authors and of genres that I haven't even considered .... but no doubt will, if I can only find the time.

Books on my list are available for RABCKs, rings or rays ... I've got loads more at home and will try and register them at some point! I also have some PC books on ADHD and autism which I may loan within the UK only - sorry.

View my wishlist
(Thanks to Cliff1976 for providing this!)

One more thing ... for a university assignment I had to produce a 15 minute radio documentary on a subject of my choice ... naturally I chose BC, and the (almost finished) results are here.

Books read in 2009
No. F or NF Book title Author Comment Score out of 10
1 NF The Teatime Islands Ben Fogle Interesting but a bit twee, Ben's lovely but bloody annoying too! 6/10
2 F Lifeless Mark Billingham Found it difficult to get into, lots of plot holes 6/10
3 F Two's Company and Three's a Crowd Sue Haasler FFluffy stuff about a woman suddenly finding herself in the world of parenting 7/10
4 F Cross My heart and Hope to Die Claire Calman Complications abound when three families book a holiday together 7/10
5 F The Girls Lori Lansens Amazing story of conjoined twin girls. Best thing I've read in ages. 10/10
6 NF Bad Science Ben Goldacre The book of the Guardian column. Unmissable - it will make you think twice before you accept a prescription! 10/10
7 F The Accidental Time Traveller Sharon GriffithsTD>
Very tame tale of time travel .. or is it? 5/10
8 F Looking for JJ Anne Cassidy Great teens book about a girl with a past and the way the media rip her life apart 7/10
9 F The Abortionist's Daughter Elisabeth Hyde Average crime book 6/10

Books read in 2008
No. F or NF Book title Author Comment Score out of 10
1 NF Toast Nigel Slater Wonderful memoir based around food, had my mouth watering but also very sad 8/10
2 F D is for Deadbeat Sue Grafton Another fun Kinsey Millhone mystery 7/10
3 F The School for Husbands Wendy Holden A bit silly but fun 6/10
4 NF The True Story of the Elephant Man Fascinating, I must watch the film again now! 8/10
5 NF The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl Shauna Reid Inspiring diary of an amazing woman who lost half her body weight and learned to love herself. 9/10
6 NF Freakonomics Steven D Levitt & Stephen J Dubner Interesting exploration into using statistics to work out the mysteries of life 7/10
7 F The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox Maggie O'Farrellr Fantastic, beautiful, sad, shocking sotry of a family's betrayal of their child. One of my books of the year 10/10
8 F Snow at Midnight Rosie Thomas beautiful tale, part romance, part action adventure, set in Antarctica. 9/10
9 F Harvest Tess Gerritsen The first medical thriller from TG - slightly unsubtle in plot but still enjoyable in a gory way. 8/10
10 F Stand by Your Man Gil McNeil Gardening subplot aside, I really enjoyed this. 8/10
11 F The Starter Marriage Kate Harrison If only divorce was really that easy - or that fun!! 8/10
12 F The L Shaped Room Lynne Reid Banks My favourite book ever, as good as it always is at times of need 10/10
13 F The Backward Shadow Lynne Reid Banks Sadder than I remembered 10/10
14 F Two is Lonely Lynne Reid Banks Only the second time I've read this third in the trilogy ... had me sobbing in the bath! 9/10
15 F To Be Someone Louise Voss Ex rock star suffers accident, plots suicide and tells life story through song ... interesting premise that almost works 7/10
16 F Wish You Were Here Mike Gayle Another fab book by Gayle, about three friends trying to rediscover their youth on an 18-30 holiday. 9/10
17 F Single Men Dave Hill Fun book about a single mum and the three men in her life. 7/10
18 F The Lawnmower Celebrity Ben Hatch Diary-style novel about a teenage boy. Hilarious and touching. 9/10
19 F Lizzie Jordan's Secret Life Chris Manby Fun fun fun! And I promise never to lie again ;) 7/10
20 F Vanishing Acts Jodi Picoult Enjoyable format tale about a woman who discovers she was kidnapped as a child. 7/10
21 F Seven Sunny Days Chris Manby Enjoyable enough no-brainer chick lit, perfect for the beach! 6/10
22 F The School Run Chris Manby Lots of characters whose lives intertwine - enjoyable but confusing! 6/10
23 F Harvesting the Heart Jodi Picoult Loved this book, a slow burner. 9/10
24 F The Web Jonathan Kellerman Took a while to build up but an intriguing plot 8/10
25 F The Match Breaker Chris Manby Not her best, unpleasant main character 5/10
26 F Snow Blind Chris Manby Okay crime/thriller 6/10
27 F Past Mortem Ben Elton Fun novel combining murder with school reunions 8/10
28 F Gravity Tess Gerritsen Gory space thriller; not one of her best though 7/10
29 NF The Further Intimate Confessions of a London Call Girl Belle de Jour Very disappointing sequel - call girl gives up work and goes on holiday! 5/10
30 NF The God Delusion Richard Dawkins Initially interesting but he's preaching to the converted with me and by the halfway point I was finding it very repetitive unfortunately 6/10
31 NF Can Any Mother Help Me? Jenna Bailey Fascinating collection of articles written by women in the early 20th century. 10/10
32 F A Spot of Bother Mark Haddon Jumps around a bit but worth the effort. 8/10
33 F The Thirteenth Tale Diane Setterfield One of the best books I've read in a long time. 10/10
34 F Star gazing Linda Gillard beautiful love story with a dead sexy man! 10/10
35 F Black Swan Green David Mitchell Interesting coming-of-age type story set in the 1980s 8/10" hspace="5" vspace="5" alt="BookCrossing UK Unconvention '07 Brighton 29 June-1 July; I was there, were you?" border="0" align="left">" alt="Bookcrossing UK Unconvention, Birmingham, 30 June to 2 July 2006 - I was there!!" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="2" align="center">" alt="BCUK Unconvention, Birmingham, 1st-3rd July 2005. Will you be there?" border="0" align="right">

Books read in 2007
No. F or NF Book title Author Source Comment Score out of 10
1 F Call After Midnight Tess Gerritsen BC Ring Enjoyable espionage romp set in London, Berlin and Amsterdam. 6/10
2 F The Shadow of the Wind Carlos Ruiz Zafon Bookswap Fantastic beautiful book about literary obsessions and earthly love. Wonderful. 10/10
3 F The Jigsaw Maker Adrienne Dines BC Ring Gentle tale about the jigsaw pieces of life - with a dark undercurrent. 8/10
4 F Fat Mountain Scenes Phyllis Kiehl BC Ring Unsettlng thriller about a clinic for the obese. 7/10
5 F Perfect Match Jodi Picoult BC Ring More of the same from Picoult - enthralling court room case involving child abusr and murder. 8/10
6 NF People Who Don't Know They're Dead Gary Leon Hill BC Ring Bizarre new age look at souls and ghosts - hated the style, unfinished. 4/10
7 F Emotional Geology Linda Gillard BC Ring beautiful novel of a woman with secrets starting again on a Scottish island. 9/10
8 NF A Life Stripped Bare Leo Hickman Mine Interesting look at ethical living, but poorly organised. 7/10
9 NF George and Sam Charlotte Moore Mine Fasincating account of life with two autistic sons. 9/10
10 F The Apprentice Tess Gerritsen BC Blood and guts crime tale, great fun! 7/10
11 F The Other Woman Jane Green Mine Irritating mothers-in-law and betrayal by friends - huge fun. 8/10
12 F Deception Point Dan Brown Mine Thrilling page turner about the discovery of fossilised alien life .. or is it?. 7/10
13 F The Adventures of Sam the Suitcasent Diane Reid BC Ring Gentle tales of a suitcase that comes to life. 7/10
14 F The Sixpenny Debt and other stories Various BC Ring Short stories set in Oxford - a bit hit and miss but a couple of great ones. 6/10
15 F The Shadow in the North Philip Pullman BC Ring Exciting Victorian romp with Sally and her friends. 6/10
16 F The Tiger in the Well Philip Pullman BC Ring Plodding, deepyly dull and overlong. 4/10
17 F The Tin Princess Philip Pullman BC Ring A return to form - great characters and thrilling! 8/10
18 NF The Modern Pagan Brian Day BC Ring I only dipped into this - interesting but way too organised a religion for my liking. 5/10
19 F Life Support Tess Gerritsen BC RABCK Excellent medical thriller involving the secret of eternal youth and horrific experimentation. 8/10
20 F The Bookshop Penelope Fitzgerald BC Ring Very short novel about a bookshop in rural Suffolk - not satisfying enough. 6/10
21 F Promise Me Harlen Coben BC RABCK Excellent thriller, fantastic read! 6/10
22 F The Book Thief Marcus Zusak Mine Excellent novel narrated by Death about Nazi Germany. 10/10
23 NF Born on a Blue Day Daniel Tammett BC Ring Fascinating insight into the life of a man with autism 8/10
24 NF Feel the fear - and Do It Anyway Susan Jeffers BC Ring Too American but interesting up to a point 6/10
25 F The Crimson Petal and the White Michael Faber BC Ring Mammoth novel about a Victorian prostitute - fascinating, didn't want it to edn despite the 800+ pages! 10/10
26 F Daniel isn't talking Marti Leimbach Mine Wonderful novel about an autistic boy and the mother who will do anything to help him. Really good. 10/10
27 F Angels and Demons Dan Brown BC trash, but very exciting trash, about the Illuminati and the Vatican. 7/10
28 F The Sinner Tess Gerritsen BC RABCK Gory book about nuns, disease and murder. 7/10
29 F Life Swap Jane Green BC RABCK Fun when a London editor and US housewife swap lives. 7/10
30 F The Undomesticated Goddess Sophie Kinsella BC RABCK Great fun, enjoyed this a lot. 8/10
31 NF London Orbital Iain Sinclair BC Ring Hated the style I'm afraid, couldn't get further than 50 pages.. 3/10
32 F The Boy in Striped Pajamas John Boyne Mine hard to say much without giving anything away ... very subtle, very simple, very effective novel. 9/10
33 F A Lifetime Burning Linda Gillard Mine Excellent book dealing with very tricky topics - incest, depression, alcoholism - but handles them sensitively without shocking. 9/10
34 F Visions of Sugar Plums Janet Evanovich BC Short, quirky crime tale - not sure what to make of it really! 6/10
35 F Can you keep a secret? Sophie Kinsella BC Very enjnoyable, feelgood stuff! 7/10
36 F Embroideries Marjane Satrapi BC ring Short but illuminating comic book about Iranian women 7/10
37 F Like Ali Smith BC Ring One of the most frustrating books I've read 5/10
38 F Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince J.K>Rowling Mine The best of the HP books so far, loved it! 9/10
39 NF Stiff Mary Roach BC Ring Fascinating and not as gruesome as you'd expect 8/10
40 F HP and the Deathly Hallows JK Rowling Mine Excellent finish to the series, and I cried!! 9/10
41 F Chart Throb Ben Elton Mine Scathing look at reality TV, good fun but a bit too close to the bone too 7/10
42 F Home: the story of everyone who ever lived in our house Julie Myerson BC Ring Took a while to get into but ultimately very interesting 7/10
43 F Playing with the Moon Eliza Graham BC Ring Fantastic debut novel about two women dealing with tragedies 8/10
44 F A Proper Family Christmas Jane Gordon-Cummings Mine Slightly contrived in style but a good easy read for the seasonal period. 6/10
45 NF Joe, the only boy in the world Michael Blastland Mine Interesting if complex look at what makes us human compared with the author's autism 7/10

My genuine Wild Release catches!
(45)The Surgeon Released in book cupboard at Cape Town Hollow Hotel on 17/04/06, caught by readingtrix on 28/04/06.
(44)***DOUBLE JUMPER*** The Moon's a Balloon Released on bench in Wantage market square on 19/09/05, caught by skyhighdipstick on 21/09/05, then caught again (and again on bench in Wantage) by Anonymous Finder on 06/04/06.
(43) Patches of Fire: A Story of War and Redemption Released during London Renegades Treasure Hunt 2005 at the war memorial next to St James' Park, London on 28/08/05, caught by mommaseeta on 02/09/05.
(42) For Rouenna Released at Outlet Centre, Swindon on 27/08/05, caught by archerchick on 27/08/05.
(41) The Broken Promise Land Released at Sainsbury's, Wantage on 26/08/05, caught by rachael21 on 26/08/05.
(40) The Road to Wellville Released outside Farnborough Library on 02/08/05, caught by julisa67 on 26/08/05.
(39) The Potato Released outside Earth Sciences building, Oxford on 25/08/05, caught by chillery on 25/08/05.
(38) Flickerbook: an autobiography Released in Bloc2 OBCZ, Henley on 05/06/05, caught by catgirl5 on 25/06/05.
(37) Green Girls Released on a cash machine on 08/06/05, caught by sammy-j on 11/06/05.
(36) Cooking with Herbs and Spices Released in market place (during a Normandy Market) on 05/06/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 06/06/05.
(35) Deep Waters Released in swimming pool changing room on 03/06/05, caught by penelope299 on 03/06/05.
(34) Hey Yeah Right Get a Life Released on a park bench on 31/05/05, caught by mels-journey on 01/06/05.
(33) Robbie Williams: Somebody Someday Released at college on 18/04/05, caught by nikkibrown8 on 18/04/05.
(32) Coming Home Released in shopping centre on 18/04/05, caught by Amethyst-Fairy on 09/05/05.
(31) Heat Released in a phone box on 18/04/05, caught by hapireadaz on 19/04/05.
(30) Dangerous Minds Released at college on 03/03/05, caught by happydaiz on 03/04/05.
(29) The Gemini Contenders Released in a bank on 04/03/05, caught by Amethyst-Fairy on 09/05/05.
(28) Silk, lace and Videotape Released on a bus on 05/03/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 09/03/05.
(27) *** Double Jumper*** Nothing Lasts Forever Released outside McDonalds on 28/02/05, caught by sucka-craigy on 01/03/05, passed on to indispindi on 03/05/05.
(26) This Side of Heaven Released in a phone box on 05/02/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 06/02/05.
(25) The Shell Seekers Released in a phone box on 29/01/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 30/01/05.
(24) Goodbye California Released in a phone box on 29/01/05, caught by RHippy on 30/01/05.
(23) Rugby's Strangest Matches Released on someone's doorstep on 21/04/05, caught by Calum on 15/05/05.
(22) ***Double Jumper*** Revenue Management Released in a phone box on 08/04/05, caught by lenniebender on 11/04/05, then re-released on 18/04/05 and caught by Anonymous Finder on 04/05/05.
(21) Ancestral Vices Released in a phone box on 23/01/05, caught by Anonymous finder on 31/01/05.
(20) World of Mr Mulliner Released in supermarket car park on 11/02/05, caught by jackhasabigbum (!!) on 22/02/05.
(19) Wilt on High Released in a pub on 28/01/05, caught by Molyneux on 24/03/05.
(18) Getting Back at the Traffic Warden Released in a car park on 05/02/05, caught by lamiffy on 05/02/05.
(17) Hard Times Released in a shopping centre on 11/01/05, caught by Hoggie-Jnr on 21/01/05.
(16) Mini Pony and Friends Released at Wizzy World play centre on 12/01/05, caught by Hoggie-Jnr on 16/01/05.
(15) The Little Drummer Girl Released in a phone box on 19/01/05, caught by Chr1s on 23/01/05.
(14) Hidden Jewel Released in a phone box on 05/01/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 06/01/05.
(13) Dictionary of Dreams Released outside a pub on 05/01/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 09/01/05.
(12) Samson Agonistes and the shorter poems of Milton Released in phone box on 08/02/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 09/02/05.
(11) Laurie and Claire, released outside station on 05/01/05, caught by Anonymous Finder on 01/02/05, returned to phone box on 02/02/05.
(10) Polly, released at station on 05/01/05, caught by rodfan on 27/03/05.
(9) The Henry Root Letters, released in post office on 31/12/04, caught by Anonymous Finder on same day.
(8) The Juniper Tree, released in Salcey Forest on 01/04/2005, caught by jaybeth on 14/04/05.
(7) *** Double Jumper?*** The Lord God Made Them All, released in shopping centre on 20/10/04, caught by Anonymous Finder on 20/04/05, released at ?, caught by chavanddave on 13/03/05.
(6) Bridget Jones' Diary released in Asda carpark on 20/10/04, caught by mustangsammy on 22/10/04.
(5) The X-Files:Goblins, released in The Strand, London on 19/09/2004, caught by walker31 on 06/11/2004. Released in San Fransisco??(4) A La Carte released in a park on 20/07/04, caught by keyedit on 05/09/2004.
(3) Summertime released outside a school on 20/07/04, caught by rebbecca on 02/10/04.
(2) The Best Paper Airplanes You'll Ever Fly, released outside a school on 20/07/04, caught by rebbecca on 02/10/04.
(1) The Unauthorized Trekkers' Guide to The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, left behind a Star trek video in Blockbusters on 05/12/03, caught by Kleptokitty same day. (okay, so it was KK, but she did actually go hunting for this one so it still counts!)

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