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Joined Monday, November 22, 2004
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I have always been a reader since I learned that some of the stuff on boxes of Cheerios actually mean something and can be interesting. For years I have purchased books because I never thought that I would ever want to get rid of books. I found out the first time that I moved, that is not a good idea. I still keep many of what I buy. The others, I used to drop into the return slot at the library, then some friends asked to borrow books. If the book that I loaned out was one that I did not feel that I had a permanent claim to, I would tell them that I would let them have the book on two conditions:

1. Never return it to me.

2. Never throw it away. If you cannot find someone who wants to read it, leave it someplace where it can be found by an interested reader.

I was so surprised when I found out that there was an organization of wierdos like me who are incapable of throwing away a book. I am happy to have found book crossing.

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