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From Suffolk, Virginia USA
Joined Tuesday, July 31, 2007
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4 weeks all time
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Extended Profile
I first learned about the site from a little article in Body + Soul on recycling. I was quite intrigued by the idea of setting books free and seeing where they might end up. Unfortunately, I am not as active as I used to be. I am sending books that I have received from fellow Bookcrossers on their journey, mainly through releasing them in the Little Free Libraries that have been popping up in my hometown. I have been shelfish for way too long!

"A book is a dream you hold in your hands."-- Neil Gaiman

If you receive one of my books, you may keep it forever and ever, pass it on to a friend, or release it in the wild in the true spirit of bookcrossing.
My only request is that you please make a journal entry when you receive it or pick it up to let me know that it is safe in your hands.

Need to contact me?
Please send a PM or feel free to email me at elle311.bc at gmail dot com!

"More than at any other time, when I hold a beloved book in my hand my limitations fall from me, my spirit is free."-- Helen Keller

Last updated: 10/01/17

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