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From Sesimbra, Setúbal Portugal
Age 44
Joined Wednesday, June 2, 2004
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Extended Profile
First book released: 05.06.2004

Portuguese bookrings

"Berta, a Grande", Cuca Canals (desde Setembro 2005)" alt="Image hosted by">

1- Marcenda, Lisboa
2- Árvores, Viana do Castelo
3- Chocolatebox, Amadora
4- Anamae, Setúbal
5- Conto, Lisboa
6- Mishka-bookworm, Albufeira
7- PedroGamaVieira, Ponta Delgada <------------ está aqui!
9- Lililima, Lisboa
10- Chibia, Castelo Branco

"O Castelo", Franz Kafka (desde Setembro 2005)" alt="Image hosted by">

1. Elsita, Almada
2. –Claudia-, Amadora
3. Chibia, Castelo Branco <------------- está aqui!
4. Butterfly-noir, Lisboa
5. IsaPedro, Aveiro
6. Shelly 20, Linda-a-Velha
7. Lililima, Lisboa

"As Cidades Invisíveis", Italo Calvino - BOOKRING CONGELADO (Setembro 2005)" alt="Image hosted by">

1. Pedrop, Açores <---------- the book is here!
2. Fungaga, Lisboa
3. Mita1 , Lisboa
4. Jota-P, Sacavém
5. Fio-dagua, Maia
6. Drowner, Porto
7. Catia, Pinhal Novo
8. Samdoherty, Braga
9. Butterfly-noir, Lisboa
10. Elsita, Almada
11. Lenore, Lisboa
12. Lililima, Lisboa

"How To Be Good", Nick Hornby (versão original): desde Setembro 2005" alt="Image hosted by">

1. Freakinout, Lisboa
2. Frangipani04, Lisboa
3. Samdoherty, Braga <------------ the book is here!
4. QueenSissi, Seia
5. Drowner, Porto
6. Lisboa06, Munique, Germany
7. Lenore, Lisboa

Bookings terminados:
"Fantasia para Dois Coronéis e Uma Piscina", Mário de Carvalho
(Janeiro 2005 - Agosto 2006)


"Elementarteilchen", Michel Houellebecq (Feb. 2006 - Dec. 2008)


"Die Stadt der Blinden", José Saramago
"Lust", Elfriede Jelinek


"TheCat Who Played Postoffice" (bookray originally by cyber-librarian)

Bookrings for which I´ve been waiting forever:

- Cão como nós, Manuel Alegre (by Leitora)
- Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides (by AnglersRest)
- Fury, Salman Rushdie (BettyBoekwurm)

Bookrings I´ve joined:
- A Casa dos Budas Ditosos, Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro (by Suzana-Cricket)
- Felidae (histórias de gatos) (by Rabenaas)
- Berlin Alexander Platz, Alfred Döblin (mobycat)
- South of the Border, West of the Sun, Haruki Murakami (SqueakyChu)
- Chá e Amor, Yasunari Kawabata (by darjeeling)
- Chocolat, Joanne Harris (by tante25)
- American Psycho (oisec)
- Illumaniti, Dan Brown (knuffimausi)
- Menschensöhne, Arnaldur Indridason (Piggeldy)
- Saturday, Ian McEwan (Gracie25)
- Populärmusik aus Vitulla (FabiRq)
- Mein Leben als Leser, Nick Hornby (Petteflet)
- The Jane Austen Book Club (by OneMorePage)
- Wilde Schafsjagd , Murakami (buchleser)
- Fup, Jim Dodge (by MadameClock)
- Der Klang der Zeit, Richard Powers (rumble-bee)" target="_top">Free Web Counter" target="_top">Free Web Counter

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