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From Portland, Oregon USA
Age 58
Joined Monday, May 5, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 5,840
released in the wild 0 4,188
controlled releases 0 229
releases caught 1 208
controlled releases caught 0 34
books found 0 24
tell-a-friend referrals 0 39
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forum posts 0 36
Extended Profile
I read more than anyone else I know. Sometimes I feel like I bug people by recommending books to them so often. One of the reasons I was delighted to discover Book Crossing (I learned about it from a friendly check out clerk at a grocery store) was because it gives me an avenue to share books. Now I can stop foisting them on my unwilling friends and acquaintances~ and it's fun to imagine someone discovering a book I've released. (I also worry about books I've released-- will they be found and read, or will they fall into hostile hands?) Lately I've been indulging in an esoteric flight of fancy that releasing books is a suitable atonement for all the library books I keep until they are overdue: I'm banking good book karma! Now if only the library system would buy this theory and let me off of the fines I've accrued, I could buy some more books!
HEY!! If you love books, here's another way to share the love:

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