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Joined Monday, March 26, 2007
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Extended Profile
I'm a reader and I claim to be a "real" reader - I need books as much as I need oxygen. I'm a writer too, although not published writer, (i.e yet). One day in the distant future, I hope my novels will circulate in this community. In the meantime I will have to read and sense a belonging with others who will read not just the same books as me, but the very same copy as me. You are welcome and I look forward to the comments. I hope I will find a book myself - haven't yet, but I promise to comment when I have. I live in London so I gather I would be able to come across one in Cafe Nero (where I pick up a coffee each day) or on the 14 or 19 bus, which I travel to work, or in the park where I stroll for lunch.
I cannot guarantee I will leave ALL my read books - there are titels I just have to hang on to, such as Eats, shoots and leaves - a book to go back to many times.
See you on the coffee house, the park or on the bus. Read on.

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