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Age 44
Joined Friday, March 12, 2004
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Extended Profile
All of the books marked "Available" on my bookshelf are destined to be donated to charity or released in the wild, so if you see anything there that you'd like, drop me a message and we can organize a swap or something.

A lot of the stuff that's marked TBR is Advance Reader Copies of books that I get through work. Most of these get passed on when I'm done with them, unless it turns out I REALLY like the book. But I'm trying to stop being such a hoarder of books, so... If you see something you'd like that's marked TBR, go ahead and drop me a message, and chances are I'll be able to pass it on to you when I'm finished.

A note on condition: Most of my books have been read at least once, some many more times. If they're in less than good-to-great condition, I usually try to make note of it in a journal entry. If the journal doesn't say anything about the condition, it's probably safe to assume that the book is in good shape, but if you're especially finicky, just ask and I'll give you as accurate an assessment as possible.

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