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1300 Forum Posts Found:

ORNOT 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
> Pay no attention. He's a Kiwi, and you > know what they say about the average IQ of > both countries every time one of them > moves to Oz (and they do it in droves). Umm... did you realise the quote you are…

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
> And isn't it cool that my husband lets > another male in my bed? Only if the other male takes all the blankets. Does he let other females into your bed?

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
The true Anzac BISCUITS don't have chocolate icing!! That's for hyper-active pansies after a chocolate fix. The originals are sweet enough without. The chocolate was only added as a marketing gimmic. I remember Mum b…

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
Do you hate your horse? Does your horse hate you? Back to the building: I thought you Americans were straight up and down? You wouldn't fit in this one.

ORNOT 20 yrs ago | 7 replies
Australia!!! What you want to go there for? Sure if you have relatives living there - you've got no choice, but to CHOOSE to go there!!! I mean... it's Australia!!!

ORNOT 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
> there he was, with those big brown eyes > staring out at me. "he needs me, he needs > me" I gasped. It was love at first site. > He hogs the bed, but never fights over the > channel clicker. He eats the same th…

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
> too old, too married (and a relative to > boot!) :o} You're too busy booting relatives? What sort of excuse is that?

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
> Why do so many people spit their chewing > gum on the pavement (or "sidewalk")? It's a tiny statement about society, a show of contempt without actually showing it - laziness? ( I am not a chewing gum spitter on…

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
> > He didn't write the plays anyway. > Maybe the bloke who threw the pipe in his > garden did LOL! Shakespeare's gardener wrote the plays! That's why all the flowery imagery! Here's rosemary for...

ORNOT 20 yrs ago
It was physically impossible to take pictures of an event i wasn't at, but you asked so nicely. I thought it only polite to say yes. Good trip. Watched "Three colours: Red" a french film and one of my all time favo…

ORNOT 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
> > Don't feel bad: I didn't know that a > > hummer meant the same thing until > very > recently. > It does?!? Boy, they keep coming up with > new slang words every day. How is a person > supposed…

ORNOT 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
This is per the NEW ZEALAND Edmonds' cooking book. 200g 7ozs butter, 75g 3ozs sugar, 175g 6ozs flour, 25g 1oz cocoa, 50g 2ozs cornflakes. I quote: "Soften butter, add sugar and beat to a cream; add flour, cocoa and…

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