
Book Search

221 Forum Posts Found:

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
You know, risingmoon , I am hooked after reading the Prolog and the first page of the story, lol. I haven't been able to get back to any book reading this last week because of end of the school year happenings and erran…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
I'm going to call my little book ring between my mother, sister and I the same thing,"our *cyber bookclub"! I was trying to figure out a way to connect over the distance in a new way... and the book thing with the note …

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
They might be on vacation and have no internet access where they are!

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
has anyone ran into this before? Yep! I have, but I can't elaborate on it... I feel clueless has an inferiority complex about you and it is the only way to get under your skin...

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
> d actually made a little pocket at the > back of the book, with a little homemade > *notebook* for others to elaborate on > comments. This book is now circulating > between 6 close friends who live in 5 > sta…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
Minx, If no one takes you up on the offer, you could always donate them to your nearest charity that takes reading material. If you are able to BCID it, you would have the added bonus of introducing an unknowing person …

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 4 replies
How many times have you fed your dog grapes or raisins? It can cause acute renal failure. Feeding your dog grapes and raisins is a toxic, poisonous gesture which can be making your dog sick without you even knowing. …

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
You are a giver, duklyn! It's nice to see such kindness;)

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
> One of my closest friends did her doctoral > thesis on the "Wild Man Archetype". She > teaches literature. I will certainly let > her know about this book and I am sure she > would have interesting thoughts. C…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
Methinks the same as ye!! Good luck with your effort, moher1999!!

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
At least you gave the book its due with an honest stab at letting it reach you or not!! Kudos to you!

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
It looks like katatonic used another label to RELABEL your released book. If I'm reading the journal entry correctly K says "prenumbered label used for registration" sounds like K made an error about how to enter a ca…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
How absolutely wonderful!!!! Mrs. O'Brian always had a book in her hand, such a romantic picture of an avid book lover ... a lover of reading, an activist of the kindliest bent!!!!! I got to wipe that one tear out of m…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
> Oh yeah... yaywoo! I don't give a darn! > Who else doesn't! It's a shame that you should act out such negative sentament on this site. Here's wishing you a wonderful experience in literature. And hoping that at th…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
> Just a warning, it's more violent and > explicit than Wild Animus. Thanks for the link. Since I am still way down the bottom of the list for receiving a copy of Wild Animus and have absolutely no point of referenc…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
i gave cpr to our TURTLE, Banacle Houdini, so many years ago. Really. He was limp and white at the deep end of the pool. I fished him out and opened his eyelid to check the pupils, boy he looked all the way dead. I t…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 2 replies
> My story, THE GOAT, actually has a guy > named Glenn with a lot in common with > Sam/Ransom... so, it is weird in that > sense... a happy coincidence for me, mind > you... and the plot is wildly different... …

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
> by the end of the garage sale, I'd given > away 10 books and probably double that > number of flyers. awakeagain, where can I find a good flyer to print out? I'm trying to talk the neighborhood YMCA into lettin…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
> That's what the Trojans thought. Cassandra > tried to warn them, but would they listen? > Oh, no! "Free stuff rocks!", they said, > and that was that. I don't want a building sized horse made out of wood, just…

Labrecky 20 yrs ago
grooble, "bumpitty bump", are you quoting Trash Can Man from Stephen King's book-"The Stand"???? That's what Trash Can Man always said to emphasize a subject; lol!!!!!!!!

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