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From Ellesmere Port, Cheshire United Kingdom
Joined Saturday, September 15, 2012
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Extended Profile
I think the idea of book crossing is bloody brilliant. I don’t use the library very much for my own reading (my children always have books out), but I like to take my time with a book and 3 weeks is never enough. So I usually buy books, often second hand on eBay. I therefore have a busting set of selves. The idea that my books could be passed on and loved by one person after another is fantastic. But I reckon, if anyone caught one of my books and loved it so much they wanted to keep it, that would be cool too. Take your time, enjoy, love it, no matter how long it takes (with no concern over late fees and renewals).

I have kindle capabilities, but I don’t use it unless it’s an emergency. I love the smell of old books and the way the pages feel. I love books and read every single day.
My favourite authors are (not in order of favouritism) JRR Tolkien, David Eddings, JK Rowling, Stefanie Meyer, Philip Pullman, Chuck Palahniuk, Shakespeare, Austen, Scarlett Thomas, Maggie Stiefvater, Douglas Adams and CL Lewis.

My favourite ever books (subject to change of course);
The Hobbit – JRR Tolkien
Dracula – Bram Stoker
Treasure Island – Robert Louis Stevenson
Lullaby – Chuck Palahniuk
Swallows and Amazons – Arthur Ransome
Emma – Jane Austen
The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
The Secret Garden – Frances Hodgson-Burnett
The Remains of the Day – Kazoo Ishiguro
(That was really difficult to compile, and I know it looks a bit like an A level reading list, but these are the books I go back to read again and again).

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