It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.
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From San Jose, California USA
Age 58
Joined Friday, July 25, 2003
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Extended Profile
A mind is never idle when there is a "Book in Hand"!
~A booknhand Original Quote :)

I love to read - always have from the time I was little!!! Rarely has there not been a "booknhand" during my spare time.

Since joining BookCrossing back in 2003, I have read even more books than I would have otherwise. Thanks to other BCers I have also joined two other book trading sites (not as cool as BC though). Check them out for yourself at and I would really appreciate if you join either of them, tell them you were refered by booknhand.

I am obtaining my Masters Degree in Family Life Studies - have finished all my classes and now justneed to get that blasted thesis complete! I just can't seem to get motivated to do it. Everytime I try, I end up picking up a pleasure book instead. See what bookcrossing has done to me (LOL)!!!!!

Thanks to The "Friend's of the Library" sales and our city's "Book Give-Away" my bookshelf is a combination of books, some that reflect my tastes and more that do not reflect my personal taste in reading style. Even some of the romances (which is my reading style) don't match my personal taste.

What is my personal taste??? Well, read on.........

My favorite type of book is the novel that has a romantic story woven through the book. I prefer the romantic story to be secondary to a well developed and good plot, yet still be obvious. I also enjoy reading Christian inspired romance stories, especially Love Inspired books published by Steeple Hill.

My favorite authors are Barbara Delinsky, Nicholas Sparks and Richard Paul Evens and I (to the best of my knowledge) have all her books, except some of RPE's childrens books - which I do intend to obtain at some point soon.

All three write the kind of fiction novels with romance threaded through a good plot that I like. I am totally devoted to these three authors and I purchase each new book as soon as it is released. These new releases go to the top of my TBR stack and stay in my personal collection, unregistered or not released (unless I get duplicates), but if you see them anywhere and want any info on any of them, let me know. I would be happy to share my thoughts :)

Some of my other genres of choice are:
> Life Experience stories, such as Tuesday's with Morrie (in my personal collection in which I don't plan to part)
> Family or personal dynamics involving overcoming an obstical, such as custody issues, disabilities, and tragedy.
> Light fun comedy
> Inspirational, quotes, and thought of the day kind of books

I do read outside of these genres on occasion, but have been pretty picky in the past and usually have to find a theme of interest, such as my Torey Hayden books about the education of children with severe special needs (also in my personal collection in which I will not part).

Since joining Bookcrossing, I find myself reading more diverse types of books, as can be reflected in...

My Wish List

What a great thing for me, my books, and most of all my pocketbook!!! I can now read so much more for so much less.

Thanks BookCrossing :)

If you see anything that catches your eye - even if it is in my TBR pile, please PM me and we will work something out. See you in the forums :)

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