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From Oudenbosch, Noord-Brabant Netherlands
Age 34
Joined Thursday, March 28, 2013
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Extended Profile
Due to a full bookcase, I cannot accept RABCK offers. Thank you for thinking about me, but I first have a bookcase full of books to read.

After a long reading break due to no interest and video games (still my favorite hobby), I decided to start reading more to improve both my Dutch and English language skills. Thanks to bookcrossing, I have the opportunity to read books I would otherwise leave in the store. The genres I like are fantasy, non fiction (topics about nature, science, history) and detectives. Genres that I do not like are chick-lits and books with a lot of romantic fluff (a good example are the fantasy books with a naked man torso on the cover, a red flag for romantic fluff)

You can find me on goodreads (saskia smits), where I have reviews on most of the books I've read since 2015

In May I read a book set or about WWII to remember the liberation of the Netherlands.

2015: The Dairy of Anne Frank
2016: Schindler's List
2017: The Boy in the Striped Pyjama
2018: Oorlogskinderen
2019: The man who broke into Auschwitz
2020: Ik ontsnapte uit Auschwitz
2021: Parnassia
2022: De laatste 7 maanden, vrouwen in het spoor van Anne Frank
2023: De verloren kinderen
2024: De Boekendief

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