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From Ipswich, Suffolk United Kingdom
Joined Wednesday, February 5, 2003
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Extended Profile
For my wishlist for the Uncon NSS, please see
and please ignore all he psychology books - I just use it to remind myself of stuff I need to get, too.
For sweepstakes, NSS-es and so on, I love books, or things like a cloth carrier bag from a local shop or cause; or something savoury to eat (I'm trying to avoid sweets and chocolate, only sometimes successfully, as I love them), or anything to fidget with.

I help maintain two Official BookCrossing Zones in Ipswich. One is located upstairs in CoffeeLink on Neptune Quay and the other upstairs in Caffe Nero in the town centre. Donations of books are always welcome.

Bookcrossers from the area also meet up at CoffeeLink on the second Saturday of each month between 12 and 1.30 - please drop me a line if you'd like to come along and/or join the announcements list here:

In Ingeborg Bachman's 'Malina', the main protagonist says, at one point:
'Reading is the one passion that can replace all others. I do not consume drugs, I consume books.'
While this is not a very elegant translation, it describes fairly well how I feel about books, and reading, and giving other people the chance to be taken in and away by books as much as I am, and always will be.

Being a bookworm has ultimately resulted in me becoming an eloquent, occasionally incontinently articulate smartass, which found its logical conclusion in getting a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology - if you are interested in logic, reasoning or evolutionary psychology, please drop me a PM.

My name, 'Semioticghost', is based on a concept taken from a short story by William Gibson, who is one of my all-time favourite sci-fi writers. The story is called 'The Gernsback Continuum' and is published in a collection titled 'Burning Chrome'. I also happen to be rather interested in semiotics [...]

Please have a look at:" alt="BCUK Unconvention, Birmingham, 1st-3rd July 2005. Will you be there?" hspace="5" vspace="5" border="0" align="right">
[Many thanks to cliff1976 for the wish list script!]

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