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Age 0
Joined Friday, May 23, 2003
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 4 2,008
released in the wild 3 1,724
controlled releases 2 222
releases caught 1 322
controlled releases caught 3 214
books found 2 520
tell-a-friend referrals 0 52
new member referrals 0 26
forum posts 27 3,537
Extended Profile


If you found one of my books, I hope you enjoy it and the BookCrossing site/community.

It is my 21st year with BookCrossing. I enjoy trading and wild releasing. Although the only wild releases I have done since the pandemic are in Little Free Libraries. Thanks to all the LFL stewards out there! Update: I started wild releasing again! But I will still leave books in LFL's if I see any that need some.

The books on my shelf don't necessarily reflect my tastes. People give me books and I often buy random bags of books at book sales. I used to love doing themed releases.

I mostly read fiction. Here are some of my favorite books in no particular order: Remarkably Bright Creatures, This Tender Land, A Man Called Ove, Cutting for Stone, Gone Girl, The Double Bind, Big Stone Gap, Evening Class, The Glass Lake, Girl in Hyacinth Blue, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Thirteenth Tale, Bel Canto, My Sister's Keeper, I Capture the Castle, White Oleander, A Painted House, Five Quarters of the Orange, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Pillars of the Earth, The Art of Racing in the Rain, Angela's Ashes, Time and Again, The Joy Luck Club.

Some of my favorite series are the Donna Andrews Meg Lanslow mysteries, the Coffeehouse Mysteries by Cleo Coyle, Harlan Coben's Myron Bolitar series, The Monkeewrench series by P.J. Tracy, and the No. 1 Ladies' Detective series by Alexander McCall Smith.

Hopefully that gives you somewhat of an idea of what I like to read. I love recommendations, so let me know if there is anything you think I'd enjoy!

For Holiday Gift Giving/Birthday Group, here are some of the things I like:

Member created (or any!) bookplates are always nice
Re-use labels
Any Birds & Blooms magazine
Any Outdoor Photographer magazine
Dark Chocolate (or any tasty treats)
Larabar or Kind bar or similar bar or trail mix
A Book Sleeve
A donation to the Wellness House in Hinsdale:

For the wishlist tag game:

Waiting for:
I'll be Seeing You by Elizabeth Berg from mrsjones

Some books I've enjoyed watching travel:

Dave Barry's Book of Bad Songs:
A Dog's Life:
Do Fish Drink Water?:
The Museum Guard:
Keishas Mystery Maze

STALLED Bookring:

Beat This! Cookbook by Ann Hodgman

Happy Reading and Releasing!

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