Where the Heart Is

by Elizabeth Lowell | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0380767635 Global Overview for this book
Registered by Blue_Fairy of Montréal, Québec Canada on 7/2/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by Blue_Fairy from Montréal, Québec Canada on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Safe After the pain of betrayal and divorce—after years spent decorating other people's houses—Shelley Wilde's cherished dream has finally come a home all her own, where she can live happily, secure. . .and alone. Wild But Cam Remington has come to shatter her solitude. A traveler who has journeyed to the world's wildest places, a renegade with no roots and no shame, he is everything Shelley has ever feared-and desired-in a man. Free An intruder has broken through Shelley's barricades to lure her wounded spirit out of hiding with his electric sensuality. And it will take a traveling man to show her that real love is risk and danger. . .and that home is the haven found in a lover's embrace. A captivating contemporary love story in Where the Heart Is, bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell revisits and expands upon Traveling Man, one of her most beloved classic novels. It is an unforgettable tale that brims with the passion and magnificent artistry that have become her trademarks.

Journal Entry 2 by Blue_Fairy at Montréal, Québec Canada on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Found in the little free library on the Queen Elizabeth Place. Soon to be released.

Journal Entry 3 by Blue_Fairy at LFL - #104914, 20 Broadway in Ottawa, Ontario Canada on Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Released 2 days ago (7/2/2024 9:00 PM UTC) at LFL - #104914, 20 Broadway in Ottawa, Ontario Canada



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