You Might Be From Canada If ....

Registered by LFLHunter of Burlington, Ontario Canada on 6/29/2024
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Journal Entry 1 by LFLHunter from Burlington, Ontario Canada on Saturday, June 29, 2024
Review: Fun little Canadian book, quick read.

Background: I found this book at Turner Drive Book Exchange, as a fifth generation Canadian I enjoyed this book during Canada Day weekend.

Overview: You Might Be From Canada If... is an examination of Canada at 150 by one of the country's great satirists/cartoonists. Michael de Adder draws for the Toronto Star and is the cartoonist of record for the (Parliament) Hill Times and Chronicle Herald. His work has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Vanity Fair, The Guardian, New York Times, among many others. He is the author of four bestselling books. His You Might Be From series of books have sold more than 50,000 copies.

Journal Entry 2 by LFLHunter at LFL - Turner Dr. in Burlington, Ontario Canada on Saturday, June 29, 2024

Released 2 days ago (6/29/2024 11:00 PM UTC) at LFL - Turner Dr. in Burlington, Ontario Canada


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