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From Redlake, Minnesota USA
Age 40
Joined Friday, March 17, 2006
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Extended Profile
Update April 2010:
Working seven days a week for a construction co. PM's will be answered. I do trades. Mostly on a USA ONLY basis.
I hate Obama, sorry if that bothers I'm not really sorry. Deal.
And an FYI, my address is invisble on the bottom of my page...until you hilite it!

What can I say about me? I'm outspoken, passionate, a flair overdramatic. I'm a writer and a rebel. I like piercings and tattoos, Harley Davidsons and I hate following the masses.
If I could live anywhere, it would be Helsinki Finland. I don't know enough to back off a fight, even when the odds are against me.
I've raised my siblings since I was 9 years old-lost my mom when I was 16. I hope someday to be a lawyer-a novelist and acheive all the great things that my mother believed I would.
I would love to live up to the expectations placed on the genius daughter by my mother, grandmother and Neva.
I get fighting mad when people tell me I'm just a kid, not a grown up-I've never been a kid.
My political views get me in all sorts of trouble with basically, everyone. I hate that people in this country get their panties in a twist over any little thing. Which is probably why I refrain from speaking to people at all in real life.
Animals are so much simpler. I've been on the board of directors for an animal rescue charity in my hometown since I was 20. A member of HSUS since I was 17, PETA since I was 18 and ACLU since I was 18.
I'm Straight Edge (sXe) and have been since I turned 17. Many people don't understand about sXe, it's a lifestyle. Abstaining from alcohol, any drug that isn't absolutely neccessary.
If I were an animal, I would like to be a horse, though with my luck, I would end up a porcupine.
I love The 69 Eyes, the color purple and romance books-belying the fact that deep down in my tortured mind-I'm a hopeless romantic.
Is that a thousand words to describe the picture at the top of the page?

Sarah Jane PO Box 612 Red Lake MN 56671 USA

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