When Demons Walk

by Patricia Briggs | Literature & Fiction | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0441005349 Global Overview for this book
Registered by delaniamac of Columbia, Tennessee USA on 10/17/2008
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5 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by delaniamac from Columbia, Tennessee USA on Friday, October 17, 2008
I picked this book up thinking i would like it then realized that someone else i "knew" had it on her wishlist so i sent it on. This is amberkatze's paranormal devil selection. I hope she enjoys it. =)

Journal Entry 2 by Amberkatze from Wien Bezirk 10 - Favoriten, Wien Austria on Friday, October 17, 2008
Thank you so much for this book from my wishlist! I only wish that the picture shown was the cover on this copy because it is much nicer ;)

I can't wait to try this one and I think it will be read very soon!

Released 13 yrs ago (1/7/2011 UTC) at Café Einstein (Ehemalige OBCZ) in Wien Bezirk 01 - Innere Stadt, Wien Austria


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Journal Entry 4 by Rianonne at Wien Bezirk 22 - Donaustadt, Wien Austria on Saturday, January 8, 2011
Woohoo, a book from my wishlist! Just didn't recognize it because of the different covers ..

Released 11 yrs ago (9/7/2012 UTC) at Café Einstein (Ehemalige OBCZ) in Wien Bezirk 01 - Innere Stadt, Wien Austria


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Danke und viel Spaß beim Lesen :-)

Released 11 yrs ago (9/7/2012 UTC) at Café Einstein (Ehemalige OBCZ) in Wien Bezirk 01 - Innere Stadt, Wien Austria


OBCZ Café Einstein - am shelf

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Released 11 yrs ago (1/12/2013 UTC) at -- Irgendwo / Somewhere in Wien - irgendwo / Vienna - somewhere, Wien Austria


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