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120 Forum Posts Found:

starrling84 17 yrs ago
We read BFG in 6th grade together as a class. I loved it so much I had to buy my own copy and finish it myself before the rest of the class! hehehe And Matilda I read a year later on my own and just loved her so much! Sh…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
I can be a sucky penpal too. Like roo and Kkitten if they start to pile up it becomes a chore but then sometimes you just don't feel like writing for a few days you know? So I've had people get snippity with me because I…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
If anyone else is interested please PM me. Otherwise I will probably be lowering the number of books in the box and I'll just send it to the first person.

starrling84 18 yrs ago
PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions from Ordinary Lives by Frank Warren and any of the Griffin & Sabine books by Nick Bantock.

starrling84 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
She's Come Undone is one of my favorite books. A lot of Oprah's books are my favorites. I like books about women's hardships and the amazing strength they have to pull through.

starrling84 18 yrs ago
I loved both of these and The Bell Jar is one of my favorite books. I love the hopeful ending and yes, it does hit close to home which is why I love it so much. She really captures the ups and downs. Her prose are just a…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
yes I was just about to post this title here. I just read it for the first time a few months ago. I loved it but God, it was very depressing.

starrling84 18 yrs ago
I saw the film and decided not to read the book. I actually love Southern fiction but I can't stand to read about children being sexually abused. It just turns my stomach.

starrling84 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
yes, the american version has that scene too. I loved it!

starrling84 18 yrs ago | 4 replies
> Would it be weird if I watch it again > tonight? Surely not! Just reading all these posts makes me want to set aside my day and watch all the different versions! (Especially Mr. Firth!) And I agree it does grow o…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
Yes I agree as well. Please, tell me, how does the non-American version end?? Does it just stop there where they are together in the sunrise or does it go on to something else? Also, when I heard they'd set the movie tim…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
I just watched the movie and it made me want to read the book. She's one of my favorite authors and I just finished her book The Ice Queen which was wonderful! Classic Hoffman! Definitely one of her best! I've just start…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
yep same here... first three shelves are all books alphabetical by author but after that it's so cluttered with old magazines, photo albums, misc papers, and just odds and ends that would otherwise be on the floor. lol!

starrling84 18 yrs ago
So true. I love going back to "old friends". And rereading stuff from high school. I recently picked up Night by Elie Weisel. I read it in high school and couldn't finish it because it was so heartbreaking. But now altho…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
Like others have said writers embellish and if he had called it fiction there would be no problem. Either way his book has affected people and changed lives and isn't that the point of good writing, fiction or otherwise?…

starrling84 18 yrs ago
my problem isn't turning off the tv. I don't have time for tv with my work schedule. My problem is turning off the computer. LOL! The internet sucks me in most times. I generally have to make time to read. I hardly ever …

starrling84 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
"I Could Do Anything... If Only I Knew What It Was" by Barbara Sher. It's about figuring what you want to do with your life. All these dead end jobs are really starting to get to me. I used to know what I wanted to be wh…

starrling84 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
YESSSS!! I was going to say the same thing! She's my favorite author! Go to for an excerpt from The Firefly Cloak. I can't wait for this one either!

starrling84 18 yrs ago
My grandma died a couple years back. It was an awful time for me. She was the best thing in my life at that time and I was devastated even though it was a long time coming. My grandma wasn't much of a reader as far as I …

starrling84 18 yrs ago
LOL! no offense here! I totally agree! does kinda sound like self-love gone overboard...

starrling84 18 yrs ago
I've only read one really fabulous book. Actually it's a short story. Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx. It was beautiful and engrossing. I loved it! Okay, I'm editing this. I did read 2 other fabulous books. One was…

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