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77 Forum Posts Found:

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 6 replies
I was the last person on a ray for this good book. I'd like to restart this ray and offer it up to be read. If you are interested post here and pm me your shipping preferences.

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
Would love to join. Would prefer to ship within the US. Thanks, Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
I would love to read this book. I would prefer to ship within the US if possible. Thanks, Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This book looks really good! I would prefer to ship within the US if possible. Thanks Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This book looks thrilling. I'd like to join. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible. Thanks, Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
This book looks so inspiring. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible.

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This book looks interesting. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible.

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
Hi, I just recently read Mansfield Park and I loved it. I would love to read Emma and Persuasion. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible. From Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This looks spine thrilling, I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US but will ship anywhere. Thanks

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
Is this still open? I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible.

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US but will ship anywhere, this book looks worth it!

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
I would like to join this bookring. I was born near Vancouver, B.C. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible, but will ship anywhere if need be.

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This book looks really good. I would like to join if its not too late. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible. Thanks

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
Wondering if I can join. This book looks like a great book. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US but will ship anywhere. Thanks, Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This book looks powerful, I would love to join this bookray. I live in the US and would prefer to ship within the US if possible, thanks, Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 2 replies
This book looks really interesting. I just had a baby, so this book seems fun. I prefer to ship within the US. Thanks

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
This book looks great. I would prefer to ship within the US. Thanks, Kris

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago
I would love to join this bookring. Would prefer to ship within the US if possible. Thanks

fairydustwings 17 yrs ago | 1 replies
I live in OH, US and would prefer to ship within the US. Thanks

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