
Book Search

59 Forum Posts Found:

babyimran 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Dear Fellow Bookcrossers To celebrate my new entrance to several bookrings and bookray yesterday. I shall start with my first two bookrings today : The Hobbits by JRR Tolkien and The Grapes of Wrath by Jo…

babyimran 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Since my favourite opening line of A Prayer for Owen Meany was taken, found one. The first lines from the prologue of "The Alchemist" : The alchemist picked up a book that someone in the caravan had brought (sounds…

babyimran 20 yrs ago
Always wanted to read any of Terry Prachett books - not willing to buy it, unfortunately. Just wondering if there are anyone who don't mind sharing the book with me.

babyimran 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
My children's book list : 1. All the Little House books 2. Dr. Seuss books 3. Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books 4. Alfred Hitchcock - the one with the three/four boys series, can't remember 5. Beverly Clearly books …

babyimran 20 yrs ago
I would love to have your Cider House Rules. Planning to collect all his books. Here, I would like to inform you that I am staying outside US - Malaysia to be exact. The shipping cost could be used to buy a brand new…

babyimran 20 yrs ago | 8 replies
Dear Fellow Book Crossers I know that the avearage age of the members are around the 35 to 45 years of age and they are WOMEN (yahoo). This should help me in my search. When I speak of tatting, people would stare a…

babyimran 20 yrs ago
Just finished 'Long Walk to Freedom' by Nelson Mandela. The history of South Africa and the democratic parties to fight apartheid was a bit boring. The most interesting part was his time when he was underground and in pr…

babyimran 20 yrs ago
I suppose it could be okay. Here in Malaysia they did a featured article in one of our top newspapers, The Star. That was how I know about bxing.

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