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742 Forum Posts Found:

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago
Thanks for all your effort, Granny Coy! You're the greatest! I hope lots of people will respond!

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago
Here in Holland Nora Roberts books are pretty scarce. I think I've read all the ones that are available over here, but when I browse the books on BC, I see that there are a LOT more out there than I thought! Anyone wi…

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
Hey, do you do anything else but going on vacation? I released one of the books you sent me 2 weeks ago, in my own waiting room. It sat there on the table for a week and a half, and then suddenly it was gone. H…

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 4 replies
Vandaag na het werk hadden we een kerstborrel, georganiseerd door alle collega's die in december jarig zijn. Aangezien ik volgende week jarig ben, was ik ook van de partij. Wat ik meegenomen had? Nou gewoon... zelfgebakk…

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago
Ha, even inwrijven!!! Ik ga morgen denk ik nog wat boeken droppen; we moeten ze toch voorblijven?!

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
Nope, cereal reading is not just American... see my personal profile! Or maybe I'm doing this because my husband is American? ;-)

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 12 replies
Nope, I'm here too! The REAL readers can't stay away from here, right? ;-)

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 3 replies
I noticed that some people have put codes behind the titles of their books, like T/R meaning "available for trade or release". Is there a way to do that with books that were originally not registered by me? I have a few …

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
I was thinking of writing something for our local newspapers and the magazine at work. If I can make up something good, maybe I should PM you and we can talk about it? Groetjes Patricia

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago
Perfect! Bedankt... ik wacht vol spanning de PM af!

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 3 replies
Dat lijkt me erg leuk! Weet Zeldesse er ook van dat ik wel mee wil? Groetjes Patricia

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago
Ik doe heeeeeeel graag mee! Ik ben via PM benaderd door een fellow bookcrosser en had het telefoonnummer al opgeschreven om morgen te bellen, maar misschien kunnen we het er onderling nog even over hebben? Ik heb nog ni…

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
Here in Holland, Nora Roberts books are not that popular yet, unfortunately. I managed to find "Dance upon the Air" (the first part of the "Three Sisters Island Trilogy") in a bookstore, after searching for weeks, and I …

Lunabooks 21 yrs ago
I'm in the Netherlands, and there's not much going on here yet! I released one book in the wild, got one in the mail from Alsomama, and went hunting for two (which couldn't be found anymore but aren't listed as "caught" …

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