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18 Forum Posts Found:

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
MyssCYn, right on most of the bookcrossing labels at the bottom is a statement "free and anonymous" in addition, on the site it does say the worlds largest free book club. It's not exactly liek Where's George, which is …

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
at the gym several times. unfortunately, no one has ever registered picking up any of the books. I always thought it would be a good place, myself!

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
I think even in Spain, some books will go through a Discard process, once they are very worn, and no longer in good shape for circulation. Usually then they will be stamped with a "discard" stamp.

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
to do what people call a themed release and really think ahead of time about where to leave my book. That way I feel like it's got a better chance of being picked up. though my catch rate doesn't show that at all! A T…

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 2 replies
Similarly, I am not too keen on the idea, though my opinion may not matter. The reason being is several. Firstly, I have had a recent post about Book crossing on my Blog and one former BC'er wrote in it that she stoppe…

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
You have a nice catch rate. i really need to look at the places you have used. I have had pretty bad luck, but hey, when I realize I have only released like 38 books!

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
for sure. Once I left a book at a Pizza Inn, and I can not believe it, but the lady called the real estate agent I was having a meal with (house buying ya know?) and the agent, thinking she was doign me a favor, went al…

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I left a book recently on a Bus stop bench and watched as a man sat down and snuck a peek at it (It was Brat Farrar by Jaqueline Tey not a mans book really), and then looked at it again...and glanced around and finally p…

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I think leaving the book just slightly outside the store is a good compromise. Clearly the traffic to and from will be able to notice the book. Wild Releases are always chancey...but thats part of the interest and fun …

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
Glad to hear it isn't just me! I want to wild release his books, but I just hate the idea of them not being "caught"!!!

Katiebell 16 yrs ago | 3 replies
Just curious if anyone else has been reading Colin Cotterill's fairly new series of Dr Siri Mysteries? I recieved the first in the series last year for Christmas and have been hooked ever since. I'm intrigued that Cott…

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
I am not a fan of these books. Oddly, I grew up in the same town as koontz, Unfortunately not a fan at all, so I'll be voting None of the above!!!

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
would not be too pleased with someone selling my BC books. (clearly I am in the minority here) This is just because it says its "The worlds Largest FREE etcetc" I will also say that I am fortunate enough lately (for th…

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
WHen I first told my Dad about BC, he continuously asked me how I could tell if a book wouldn't be thrown away! I had to tell him there was no way to tell. It's very frustrating. I feel your pain.

Katiebell 16 yrs ago
WHo reads what. Remember some of the worlds more interesting writers and composers had "day jobs" After all, Melville was a Customs Inspector.

Katiebell 17 yrs ago
to know where I am going to leave my book, b ut sometimes when I go to leaving it, I find that the spot is just not quite right (for example I had a book on massage and aromatherapy I planned to release in front of a "mo…

Katiebell 17 yrs ago | 2 replies
in the ladies locker room at the gym....which is adjacent to both the swimming pool, lounge chairs for relaxing, hot tubs and also saunas. heard absoloutley nothing yet. I'm still trying to figure out why!! (Heck someo…

Katiebell 17 yrs ago
A lesson before Dying, by Ernest Gaines. Now I'm slowly getting through Katherine Routledges account of her voyage to Easter Island in the 1800's... and wishing i could find some more good books.

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