
Book Search

8 Forum Posts Found:

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
I'm right with you there! A friend said I absolutely HAD to read them, and I thought they were boring, badly written, and a complete waste of my time. I'm an Unbeliever in that I don't believe these things ever got publi…

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
Now I am back in my home state of CT, in a pop. 3500 town with a part-time library and miles of trees and woodland creatures. It's beautiful and peaceful, but I miss being amongst book geeks like me. Thank god for BC!!

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
Though I must say, for the most part, I end up hating the book. I should stop trusting people's taste. That's how I ended up watching Napoleon Dynamite!!

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
I have tried to walk and read (and drive and read, shower and read, cook and read, etc.! :) ) but I find I can't quite get into the book or magazine enough to retain the info. So I end up re-reading it anyway.

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
What a wonderful thread to start! I remember the stunning Mercer Mayer version of East of the Sun..., how I wish it were still in print! Also, I absolutely ADORED A Wrinkle in Time, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, a…

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
Yes, I think I learned about the "true" civil war from this novel alone! I need to find a few used copies so I can release them into the wild. :)

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
One of Irving's best novels, there is a subplot involving a story which Garp writes; it is probably the most wonderfully disturbing and awkward story about violent rape (and "justice") that I have ever read. I thought th…

Gooeybuns 18 yrs ago
I'm reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance right now. I have NEVER had so much trouble wrapping my head around a book. I am determined to plow through it to the end, but there were so many times I felt like th…

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