It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

2698 Forum Posts Found:

yllus 20 yrs ago | 8 replies
Hi everyone. I'm opening the book ring for Christphor Moore's Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove. Please note that this is a ring. I very much need for the last person to send it back to me as it is part of my PC. If inte…

yllus 20 yrs ago | 13 replies
The book is heading out the door today. I've begun a journal for the book here: Final list: weeblet, VA C…

yllus 20 yrs ago
Thank you thank you. That makes total sense to me. Grateful!

yllus 20 yrs ago
Both good. Lamb by C. Moore, and She Loves Me Not, by Wendy Corsi Staub.

yllus 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
Hi, I understand that when you give a book or trade a book with a known individual, you should journal not make release notes. My question is though, how do you mark the book on your bookshelf, or do you remove it if yo…

yllus 20 yrs ago
Morning! I've finished my bookshelf. Same offer as before. I've gotten a couple of suggestions for rings/rays, so I'll get them started today. thanks!

yllus 20 yrs ago
*wipes brow* I think I have everything updated now. And want to add to my wish list :o) Evil Deeds - Bentley Little Night School - Bentley Little Neverland - Douglas Clegg Garden of Shadows VC Andrews Broken Wi…

yllus 20 yrs ago
If you read nothing by him but one book, it HAS to be Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christs' Childhood Friend. You will roll while reading it. One of the funniest books I've ever read. Looks like I'll start a…

yllus 20 yrs ago
Thanks. I was a little awed when I saw the number. I didn't realize I had so many :o) Ahhh the joys of reading.

yllus 20 yrs ago
Such pain you've had to go through. It will work out, it sounds like you have a good doctor now. All my vibes to you and your little one.

yllus 20 yrs ago
And I have no idea why! That's not even the kind of music I listen to. I read an article in the news earlier this year about a condition they did studies on called "ear worms" which is when people get a song stuck in…

yllus 20 yrs ago | 6 replies
Hi everyone. I'm pretty new to Bookcrossing and am currently listing my bookshelf. I'm hoping that my release package will come this week so I can get started sending my friends into the wild. I thought before I did…

yllus 20 yrs ago
My son's school did a similar thing. We'd love to have Mike for dinner. The guest room is made up!

yllus 20 yrs ago | 3 replies
Hi, I'm new to Book Crossing, and have started listing my bookshelf. I'm waiting for my release package to arrive so I can start setting free some of my books. In the meantime, if there are any there that you all may w…

yllus 20 yrs ago
by Wendy Corsi Staub.

yllus 20 yrs ago
I went to meetings as a young teen (my mom's sperm donor was an alcoholic). They have no cares about age. Their primary focus is to help themselves and each other. It is a very supportive atmosphere. No worries!

yllus 20 yrs ago | 4 replies
Hi everyone. I'm (as I'm sure everyone here is) an avid almost rabid reader. I think this is such a fantastic way to spread reading and our favorite authors around. We have a really new library in our area, and I'd …

yllus 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Big fan. I actually thought you were going to list them in your favs because of your screen name (grin)

yllus 20 yrs ago | 4 replies

yllus 20 yrs ago | 7 replies
Hi, found out about this site from Christopher Moore's website (another reader) and am very excited to start. What a fun way to share our favorite books with others.

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