
Book Search

211 Forum Posts Found:

tuff517 20 yrs ago
That sounds great! I would love to come but have to take a math test. I do plan on coming to the next Meet Up though. Have fun at the movie!

tuff517 20 yrs ago | 6 replies
The first few stories I've read so far aren't as "scary" or don't have that twist in them like say, "Nightmares & Dreamscapes" did, but they're still interesting stories.

tuff517 20 yrs ago | 9 replies
I really loved this book! I'm glad to see someone else enjoying it, too. It has still stuck with me even though I read it over 2 years ago.

tuff517 20 yrs ago
I'm in between Austin and San Antonio. The beaches are about 2 hours away if we drive fast. I'm originally from Illinois. Hello to you in Winnipeg!

tuff517 20 yrs ago | 6 replies
I actually joined a while ago, but I'm trying to get my bookshelf updated and try to get some trades going. I realized I have all of these books and they're just sitting on my bookshelf at home. Why not put them out wh…

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