
Book Search

53 Forum Posts Found:

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
There is a wildcard (asterisk) that you can use if you don't know the exact wording of the title. For example, if you type in *Danish Girl* a whole stack of books show up. Hope this helps.... Tanz

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 2 replies
Well, my mother was born very near the VIC/SA border, does that count? I was born in Melbourne & remain Melbournian through and through! :) (Wow, am I sitting here defending my Victorian-ness? Who'da thunk it?) I do…

tanzen 21 yrs ago
Hey Isis, welcome to bookcrossers! There have been a few Kiwi registrations in the last couple of days, sounds like it's really hotting up down there! Have fun! Tanz

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 6 replies
Just wandering aimlessly around the site whe I noticed that there are now 1000 Australian BookCrossing Members, over 600 of whom hail from hmble Victoria! Nice work kids, hope to catch up with you (or maybe just your …

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 3 replies
Ok, the last post was in reply to your other thread (re: the picture). It's ok, it's just Friday afternoon, that's all... for a suggestion of books, may I suggest everything on my bookshelf! :) (Someone ment…

tanzen 21 yrs ago
here's a few (pretty lame) suggestions :) - books on the brain - bookhead - carry the weight of all bookcrossers on his....well, his head..... - portrait of reader and books - the latest craze in paris ..ok, …

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 2 replies
Has anyone got a copy of "Zen & The Art of Motorcyle Maintenance" that they would be able to send or swap? My bookshelf is always open... :) Tanz

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
Has anyone got a copy of "Zen & The Art of Motorcyle Maintenance" that they would be able to send or swap? My bookshelf is always open... :) Tanz

tanzen 21 yrs ago
Howdy Judy! Sorry for the late reply! Welcome to the site & have fun! Tanz

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 1 replies
Hi!! Another 22 year old chick from Melbourne here!! Getting ready to release for the first time this weekend, and am (hopefully) swapping with another guy on this site! Glad to see more Melbournians on! Hey, if anyone w…

tanzen 21 yrs ago
If you do a book search for "On The Road", all the people who have registered the book will come up. Maybe you could send a note to someone in your area to organise a swap or something? It's a great book, and I highly re…

tanzen 21 yrs ago
It's not that I don't want to keep them, it's just that I'd rather someone else got to read them. There's nothing more frustrating then finishing a fantastic book & having no one to share it with. No one in my family r…

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 5 replies
I get that a lot. People see my age and automatically form an opinion on where I am emotionally, intellectually and all that jazz. I just put it in 'cos I like to get that stuff out of the way....

tanzen 21 yrs ago
done and done. And for future reference, I have added my email to the bottom of my little intro thingy-majiggy! :)

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 4 replies
Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, so I'll just post it here! I've registered pretty much all of the books I have at my house at the moment (ie every book I've read in the last year or so), so if anyone - particularly…

tanzen 21 yrs ago
In means the book has been released and hasn't been re-registered yet...

tanzen 21 yrs ago
It doesn't look like anyones released in Waco yet. If you do a people search by location, there's a few people registered from Waco, but none of them have released a book in the area. Just add it on....

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 4 replies
...Wow, I really sound like a whinger now, don't I? Is there any way to speed up the clock & calendar, depending on where you are? I mean, Australia is about 10 hours or something ahead of America, which means that our …

tanzen 21 yrs ago | 4 replies
Hello to both of you!! I just joined yesterday and I think this is such a great idea! I can't wait to release my first book! May catch you both at some point.... Kristy

tanzen 21 yrs ago
Is there any way that you can see all of the members in your area? I mean, if you were planning to book swap, it might be a bit easier than just looking through & hoping you came across people from your town. Just a su…

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