It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

701 Forum Posts Found:

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
I'm going to China sometime in July, PM me if you live in Wuhan or Guangzhou and are interested in any of the AVL or TBR books on my bookshelf!

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Then I'll read everything before and after the story (table of contents, footnotes, review blurbs on the cover, ...)

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Thanks cowgirl-up! I hope your first day on the job was a good one :-)

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 3 replies
Start one quickly, before you become a character from the back of a cereal box!

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
I've just bought a diamond ring for my fiancee, and am happy to know that "this gift, which was possibly the most expensive gift he would ever give in his life, was a gift from the very soil of Botswana. ... He was givi…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Here's a sample link from the site - click on a book and view the "Social data". I was considering using this site for my PC books, but I d…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
Right now the release notes screen has 2 choices, each with a Go button: S Shortcut - Select Previous Crossing Zone - or - 1 Release Country Would it work to add a third choice (with another Go button) until the…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
Since the use of wing as a verb is fairly recent, an argument could be made for the weak conjugation of 'winged'. Evidently English verbs are evolving (devolving?) from strong to weak conjugations. But 'wung' has a muc…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 7 replies
Anyhoo, Bagmaker and yokaye were 'wung' when I bought gift certificates for 2 others! Bagmaker seems to be a very enthusiastic newbie and yokaye was the most optimistic in my challenge of last year to guess when we'd re…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
Give us some hints, were you holding the book in your hands when you opened it, and did you open it with your right or left hand? Hee hee. Congratulations! If I found a book on a mountain I think I'd have to join B…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
I think there's a boring preface before we're introduced to the protagonist but after the preface I was hooked. But if you aren't hooked after page 100 then it might not be your kind of book :-)

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
I'd like to enter for "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway". Your post made me fear for you in retrospect at the thought of having to overcome so many obstacles to get your job. :-)

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Hi Tracy, I think my PMs were out of order last week - I successfully sent PMs out but I know of 2 PMs that I didn't receive, and if you sent me one that would be three... So I'm PMing you with my email address...

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago | 2 replies
The creation of wings as a commodity in and of itself is a good idea. I like that I get something for my 'donation' to BC. I like that I can make someone else happy by winging them out of the blue. I don't think I'd b…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
> But is is AUTUMN here!! [mlbish] > Oh come on! Now you're just being contrarian. But I do appreciate being reminded of the internationality of this site. What, it's not Spring everywhere? (Actually, I forget th…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
> Would anybody but me buy wings just to be > able to see which country had the highest > average books registered/released-per-BCer > within the last year? {wry grin} It sounds like something I would do. In my…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
Before BookCrossing I'd say Rowling was the only YA book I've read in recent years, but then I started buying some to release and that's how it all begins isn't it?! Most recently, I was delighted by "Make Lemonade" by…

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird, so I'll suggest Scout or Boo Radley. And how about Harper Lee? :-)

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
I had a little card catalog with all my books, with the title and author on index cards... They also made great beds when I was creating a house for my Barbie doll...

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
just for the sort by journaler count. Most recently journalized would be very cool as well! I looked up journaled to see if it had one L or 2, and was surprised to find that (according to journal …

rebeccalyr 18 yrs ago
I love seeing "Share the love" on the hot threads - what a nice warm fuzzy :-)

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