It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

105 Forum Posts Found:

lilsher 19 yrs ago
I can see you getting a kick out of that. :oP

lilsher 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
or you can choose to see the good. My guess is they are choosing to focus on the good in it.

lilsher 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
My husband sometimes comments, "Every time I see you, you have your head in a book." I just reply, "Yeah, it's such a brainless hobby."

lilsher 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
Moonlight cast upon my hair

lilsher 19 yrs ago
Iona or Domeli I've used both as names for online games. I look like neither. lol I look more like Little Orphan Annie or Strawberry Shortcake. :oP

lilsher 19 yrs ago | 5 replies
My mother forwarded this to me and it cracked me up so I had to share. :o) Dear Tide: I'm writing to say what an excellent product you have! I've used it all through my married life, as my Mom always told me it wa…

lilsher 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
Thanks to everyone who has adopted my books and to those that had dear Deveraux to pass along. The books will start going out Monday. :o)

lilsher 19 yrs ago | 15 replies
I've gone through my books today and sorted out those that I know for sure that I won't read. I have a lot of mystery/thrillers available, some are brand new hardbacks that I thought I would read, but I'm just not into r…

lilsher 20 yrs ago
If my children count as significant others, then yes! LOL My husband might actually go for it because he likes audiobooks and is very lazy. :P I prefer to read myself rather than listen, though.

lilsher 20 yrs ago This is a children's book, 48 pages. My youngins are still too young for this one, anyone up for a bookring? This will be my first bookring, so be gentle. :P

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