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551 Forum Posts Found:

affinity4books 10 yrs ago
won't let me edit my top post so here is the crurent order please let me know if you want to be moved around eponine38 MA Stephario AL Ollie1976 FL NMreader VA heartthumper KS Tribefan OH T02S03B11D20 MI Fi…

affinity4books 10 yrs ago
so far no one is able to ship to canada, sorry peace-filled! Let me know if anyone wants to be moved in the shipping order.

affinity4books 10 yrs ago
Ollie1976 just let me know when you decide. YOu can be nearer the end if that would help. peace-filled, if we can get someone willing to pay shipping to Canada, I will add you to the list :)

affinity4books 10 yrs ago | 18 replies
Starting a third round of my cozy mystery box soon! This round will be shrinking since I am trying to empty my overflowing shelves a bit. Please take out 1-2 more than yo…

affinity4books 11 yrs ago
I have enjoyed maryzee's bookish boxes for years and would love to join in. she recently helped me organize the latest round of my cozy box. She is missed! Thanks for doing this. I'm in Texas and can do US shipping only

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
Thanks for the help with organizing MaryZee! My toddler and work and life have eaten into my BC time for sure. I have plenty if Cozies and look forward to letting them travel and seeing some cool journal entries. I will …

affinity4books 12 yrs ago | 1 replies
Status update- just pm'd love2cook for her address since I did not hear back from copchic905 after 2 pms. Don't worry there is no sf left! :)

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
I would love to join. However I can only ship to the US right now unfortunately. Looking forward to it.

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
You must have a different Bookbox... Mine is still home as I have not gotten organized enough to start the next round!

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
I'm looking forward to getting this box back soon and seeing what is in it! But I will then send it out again and put angelface46 and olivia poolside on the list. Glad this is a popular box! Happy New year all!

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
Safely in Texas. Can't wait to go through it- this is one of my all-time favorite themes!

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
I'd love to join in the middle or wherever needed- I like SF.fantasy and other genres

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
Darn, I just picked up a few for this box at the librarby booksale this weekend. Hopefully you will get a few more participants!

affinity4books 12 yrs ago | 1 replies
I have a couple that fit this theme!

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
I can always release a few at our obcz if they are not my taste.

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
Mailed this out Monday Journal traveling with the box:

affinity4books 12 yrs ago | 2 replies
Here's the list so far. Minerva101 CAN rureading CAN Rhonder CAN aunt-sophie CAN bookpatch US NMReader US copchic905 US Tribefan US babsdotter US back to me: affinity4books US

affinity4books 12 yrs ago
Thanks for the info on the strikes, sounds like it shouldn't affect the box too much. I have 15 books registered and labelled and have a few more to go. Now to find a box! Will post order soon.

affinity4books 13 yrs ago | 2 replies
I need to check into this Canada post strike before I mail the box off- I was going to start it in Canada. ANyone have any info on it?

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