It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.


Book Search

27 Forum Posts Found:

KittyNic 18 yrs ago | 1 replies
Don't dismiss something unless you've tried it.

KittyNic 18 yrs ago
That includes both BookCrossing books, rings, rays and trades and my own personal collection books. I'm eventually aiming to register every book I own, but I'm concentrating on the books that will eventually be released …

KittyNic 18 yrs ago
It would be lovely if we could start anew and take full benefit of NetStation's GC work. Otherwise people are going to continue using the old release locations and it's going to get incredibly confusing!

KittyNic 18 yrs ago
It's either my wolf bookmark from Canada, a bus ticket or the beaded bookmark made by LucyCat.

KittyNic 18 yrs ago
I'm doing fine at the moment. Mainly because I'm avoiding book shops and charity stores. :-) But if I go into town again, I can see me relenting. So I'm staying away.

KittyNic 18 yrs ago
Use a bus ticket! Or any bit of paper for that matter. Or even remember your page number. Please don't fold pages.

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
The Chronicles of Narnia, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Earth Children. I forget all the different ones!

KittyNic 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
Swallows & Amazons, Anita Blake, Harry Potter, Famous Five

KittyNic 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
I sent in a registration form about a month ago but don't appear to have been added to the list. Am I registered?

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
I'm reading Angels & Demons at the moment. :-)

KittyNic 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
Take Glasgowgal as an example, she sent me a one of the books off my wishlist when she sent me a ring book and the postage wasn't cheap!

KittyNic 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
He wrote the better books of the Buffy and Angel series and he also wrote the Prowler saga.

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
I always finish a book once I've started reading it. There's only one exception to the rule and that's Wild Animus which has been put to one side to try again with later.

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
Option C - Black or Red Option A - All Black Option B - Black I think B is not good for carrying books around, two straps is a much better idea.

KittyNic 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
To me if you're going to ask for a book, then you check any restrictions the person you're asking has first!

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
Sounds like a good plan to me! Cut & Paste is often your friend.

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
I read everything I want to release because to me that's the point of BookCrossing, to read books you wouldn't normally read because you might find a gem of a story you would not otherwise have come across. Trouble is…

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
I updated mine this morning and I'm relatively good at crosses off books as I buy them. I tend to use it more as I list of books I need to keep an eye out for myself, rather than hoping for someone else to fill it for me…

KittyNic 19 yrs ago | 2 replies
I love seeing what kinds of books people read, if we have similar tastes and it generally helps to spark off conversations. My ultimate aim is to have one of those reading rooms like you see in the big mansions with …

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
A beaded bookmark made by Lucycat, a wolf bookmark I picked up in Canada or a bus ticket. Depends where I am and whether it's a book I'm currently reading or have just started.

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
I definitely register every book from another BookCrosser when they arrive with me from meets (and soon from rings). My TBR pile is a little more flexible at the moment as I've had a couple of large multibuys so I'm abou…

KittyNic 19 yrs ago
Most definitely. I can rarely enter a charity shop recently without picking up at least one more book for the collection! Although I am trying to stick to things on my wish list.

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