
Book Search

16 Forum Posts Found:

-ClaidissaStar- 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I took out 5 books: In My mother's house The puzzle barktree Driving lessons Sea Glass The regulators and The true confessions of Charlotte Doyle (my sister is enjoying it!) I havn't got them a BCID yet (will…

-ClaidissaStar- 16 yrs ago
if it's still open. I have some little books around here, lol.

-ClaidissaStar- 16 yrs ago | 4 replies
I got a box of romance books I havn't done anything with and I could alway's use some more! lmbo. I'd love to join this!

-ClaidissaStar- 16 yrs ago | 1 replies
I would love to join if you're still taking participents.

-ClaidissaStar- 16 yrs ago
I'd like to join. But due to money, I can't ship outside of the states. Hope that won't be a problem.

-ClaidissaStar- 17 yrs ago
This book sounds excellent! And since I too, have a big ass, I just can't live without this book! I am a speed reader. Any books I get from book rings will go above my other TBR pile, and on a good day I can finish a …

-ClaidissaStar- 17 yrs ago
I've heard mixed reviews on it. So I would love to read it and get my own view =D and I love bookrings beacuse it's like renting the book, reading it, and if you don't like it, move it along, and if you do, move it along…

-ClaidissaStar- 17 yrs ago
> 7) leave releases with the tip at a > restaurant, especially if you are > travelling I hadn't thought of that one! =D

-ClaidissaStar- 17 yrs ago | 33 replies
So I joined the other day thanks to PostSecret and my love for books. As soon as I joined I printed out about 30 bookplates made by me, went through my hundreds of books, and pulled about 35 off my shelf and started …

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