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From Leeds, West Yorkshire United Kingdom
Age 65
Joined Monday, June 4, 2007
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 858
released in the wild 0 229
controlled releases 0 225
releases caught 0 27
controlled releases caught 0 80
books found 0 59
tell-a-friend referrals 0 25
new member referrals 0 7
forum posts 0 1,449
Extended Profile
I am a real bookworm - when I don't have a book to read, I read the backs of cereal packets and other printed matter. I read a wide range of books and have registered some of the children's books that we can bear to part with - mostly doubles or books that I think will be dated by the time any grandchildren come along!

I have really enjoyed being part of, and hope it will help me pass on more of my books, especially if there is a possibility of tracking them on their travels.

I have listed some books on and, so if you want to trade books, try there first. Email me if you are interested in available books that are not listed there and I will try to transfer them. Postage out of Europe has become very expensive, unfortunately, but maybe we could swap books directly?

Quite a few of my wild-released book have now been caught 'in the wild' and journaled, which is great fun and encouraging! I have yet to catch a book that has been released into the wild, as I generally don't have time to 'go hunting' and haven't been to a bookcrossing meet up.

I am interested in joining any Christian fiction book rings. I have a few books myself that I am happy to pass around UK and Europe if people will journal them and keep them travelling. These sorts of books are easy to get hold of in USA, but like gold-dust over here in UK. Any one willing to trade these sorts of books for any other sorts of books on my available list, or even my TBR list, please PM me. I am very aware that my TBR pile is out of control!!!!

My younger son (now 25) is autistic (mildly-moderately). I taught him at home for 8 years and we all benefited from it. I would love to hear from other people who have home educated/home-schooled, or who still are doing so. I don't think my son would have made so much progress in school in his younger years. He settled in to school really well and was a very popular member of his class.

I am back to full-time again for the foreseeable future. Nice to be able to pay the bills, but more time to read/walk the dogs/see friends would be nice!

I have added my Weight Watchers page as my home page. Not sure if you can access it if you don't belong. So now you know, I'm addicted to food as well as books :)

Thanks to LastEdition who introduced me to this site.

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