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Joined Sunday, January 4, 2009
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Olá a todos os apaixonados por livros!
Sou viciada em livros desde que me lembro.
Todos os livros que se encontram na minha lista de available estão disponíveis para trocas, empréstimos e bookrings.
Boas leituras!
Greetings to all booklovers! I've been addicted to books ever since I can remember.
My books are available for swaps, loans and bookrings. Please feel free to PM me.
Happy readings!

++++++Livros que já li de "1001 Books you must read before you die": +++++++++++++++
Books I have read from "1001 Books you must read before you die":

Anonymous, As mil e uma noites
Achebe, Chinua, Things fall apart
Alcott, Louisa May, Little Women
Atwood, Margaret, The blind assassin
Atwood, The handmaid's tale
Allende, Isabel, The house of the spirits
Bassani, Giorgio, O jardim dos Finzi-Contini
Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre
Bronte, Emily, O monte dos vendavais
Boll, Heinrich, The lost honor of Katharina Blum
Baricco, Alessandro, Silk
Buchan, John, The thirty nine steps
Byatt, A.S., Possession
Banville, John, The Sea
Camus, Albert, O estrangeiro
Cleland, John, Fanny Hill
Christie, Agatha, The murder of Roger Ackroyd
Coelho, Paulo, Veronika decides to die
Coetzee, JM, Disgrace
Cunningham, Michael, The hours
Calvino, Italo, Invisible Cities
Chang, Jung, Wild swans
Coelho, Paulo, The devil and Miss Prym
Dick, Philip K., Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Doyle, Arthur Conan, The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Arthur Conan, The hound of the Baskervilles
Duras, Marguerite, The lover
Drakulic, Slavenka, Como se eu não existisse
Esquivel, Laura, Like water for chocolate
Eugenides, Jeffrey, Middlesex
Forster, EM, Howards End
Forster, EM, A passage to India
Frame, Janet, Faces in the water
Faber, Michel, Under the skin
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, Tender is the night
Fitzgerald, O grande Gatsby
Foer, Jonathan Safran, Está tudo iluminado
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, Cem anos de solidão
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, Love in the time of cholera
Garcia Marquez, Gabriel, O Outono do patriarca
Gibson, William, Neuromancer
Golden, Arthur, Memoirs of a geisha
Greene, Graham, The third man
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, The yellow wallpaper
Hartley, L.P., The go-between
Heinlein, Robert, Stranger in a strange land
Hemingway, Ernest, The old man and the sea
Hesse, Hermann, Siddhartha
Huxley, Aldous, Brave new world
Haddon, Mark, The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
Houellebecq, Michel, Elementary particles
Ishiguro, Kazuo, Never let me go
Ishiguro, Remains of the day
Irving, John, The world according to Garp
Kundera, Milan, The unbearable lightness of being
Kundera, O livro do riso e do esquecimento
Kadare, Ismail, Broken April
Lawrence, DH, Lady Chatterley's lover
Lovecraft, HP, At the mountains of madness
Levi, Primo, Se isto é um homem
Maurier, Daphne, Rebecca
Mann, Thomas, Death in Venice
Martel, Yann, Life of Pi
Mistry, Rohinton, Family Matters
Mistry, Rohinton, A Fine Balance
McCoy, Horace, Os cavalos também se abatem
Mitchell, David, Cloud Atlas
Morrison, Toni, Beloved
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita
Nothomb, Amelie, Fear and trembling
Orwell, George, Animal farm
Orwell, George, 1984
Ondaatje, Michael, The english patient
Paton, Alan, Cry, the beloved country
Plath, Sylvia, The bell jar
Poe, Edgar Allan, The purloined letter
Poe, Edgar Allan, The fall of the house of Usher
Poe, Edgar Allan, The pit and the pendulum
Reage, Pauline, História de O
Remarque, Erich Maria, All quiet on the western front
Roth, Philip, The human stain
Rhys, Jean, Wide sargasso sea
Stevenson, Robert Louis, The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Saint Exupery, Antoine, The little prince
Salinger, JD, The catcher in the rye
Schlink, Bernhard, The reader
Suskind, Patrick, Perfume
Smith, Zadie, On beauty
Soljenitsin, A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich
Sebald, W. G., Austerlitz
Trevor, William, The story of Lucy Gault
Tolkien, The lord of the rings
Tartt, Donna, The secret history
Tabucchi, Antonio, Pereira declares: a testimony
Tolstoi, A morte de Ivan Illitch
Voltaire, Candide
Woolf, Virginia, Jacob's room
Welsh, Irvine, Trainspotting
Walker, Alice, Possessing the secret of joy
Wilde, Oscar, The picture of Dorian Gray
Winterson, Jeanette, Oranges are not the only fruit
102 Waters, Sarah, Fingersmith


Livros que quero ler, de "1001 Books you must read before you die":
Books I wish to read, from "1001 Books you must read before you die":

-Kate CHOPIN - the awakening
-DH LAWRENCE - the plumed serpent/ the rainbow/ women in love
-Somerset MAUGHAM - of human bondage/ the razor's edge
-Katherine MANSFIELD - the garden party
-Ernest HEMINGWAY - a farewell to arms/ for whom the bell tolls/ old man and the sea/ sun also rises/
-William FAULKNER - the sound and the fury
-Alfred DOBLIN - berlin alexanderplatz
-John STEINBECK - grapes of wrath/ of mice and men
-Sandor MARAI - embers
-Malcolm LOWRY - under the volcano
-Octavio PAZ - labyrinth of solitude
-Mikhail BULGAKOV - the master and margarita
-Jorge AMADO - tenda dos milagres
-Margaret ATWOOD - cat's eye/ / surfacing
-Bessie HEAD - a question of power
-Imre KERTESZ - fateless
-Kazuo ISHIGURO - an artist of the floating world/ a pale view of hills
-Elfried JELINEK - the piano teacher
-Peter CAREY - oscar and lucinda
-Jeffrey EUGENIDES - virgin suicides
-Carol SHIELDS - unless
-Siegfried LENZ- the german lesson
-Barbara KINGSOLVER- a Bíblia envenenada
-Margaret MAZZANTINI- não te mexas

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