The New York Trilogy:

by Paul Auster | Literature & Fiction |
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Registered by sflyte of Madrid, Madrid Spain on 8/11/2003
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6 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by sflyte from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Monday, August 11, 2003
The Question is the story itself...

Journal Entry 2 by letra-clara from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
recibido de sflyte. ya veremos q tal, tengo buenas expectativas sobre auster. espero no tener que tirar mucho de diccionario (está en inglés).

Journal Entry 3 by ventarron from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Wednesday, January 14, 2004
lo tengo yo, no letra-clara. aclaremoslo. ;)

Journal Entry 4 by Lucilla76 from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Pues ahora lo tengo yo. Y prometo liberarlo cuando acabe con él.
He oído hablar mucho y bien de este autor y la verdad es que me pica la curiosidad.

Journal Entry 5 by Lucilla76 from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Monday, March 8, 2004
Se lo entrego en mano a Hec en el próximo Mitap, con la promesa de que vuelva otra vez a mi que ¡yo aún no lo he leído! :P

Journal Entry 6 by Hec from Lyon, Rhône-Alpes France on Friday, March 26, 2004
Es un libro interesante y entretenido. Aunque son tres historias, estan muy unidas entre sí y el tema central es recurrente en todas ellas. Aun así, me quedo con The Locked Room.
Según lo prometido el libro vuelve a manos de Lucilla.

Journal Entry 7 by Lucilla76 from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Thursday, April 22, 2004
Pues efectivamente el libro ha vuelto a mí. Mientras tanto, cosas del destino, he tenido oportunidad de leer esta misma trilogía en su traducción al castellano de Maribel de Juan (¡ejem! la merecida publicidad a la traductora). Así que pronto será liberado...

Journal Entry 8 by Lucilla76 from Madrid, Madrid Spain on Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Se lo entreog en mano a Olepinto en el Meet-up de septiembre.

Journal Entry 9 by OlePinto from Ciempozuelos, Madrid Spain on Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Hey, SFlyte again, source of every book in English running around bookcrossing-madrid :-)
I have it now, as one of an Auster's four books mini-pile. Let's see how it ends.

Journal Entry 10 by OlePinto from Ciempozuelos, Madrid Spain on Saturday, October 2, 2004
C'mon boys & girl, the book is in English! Some people reading the book will not be able to understand your comments ;-)
Not an easy reading for me. The stories are not full of action, in fact it is just the opposite in some cases. One could feel like the characters in the two first stories.
Nonetheless, the stories are original, and I have enjoyed some of the Auster's divagations.
I can not find many links between the three stories, besides the red notebook. And the main character working, or acting as a detective, of course.
The book should be right now travelling to Melbourne/Australia, where it is to be left in any BC meetup, if I can get my friend going there :-)

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