Punk Cookery, The Punk Rocker's Cafe Cookbook, Vegetarian Specialties

by Ian Finn | Cooking, Food & Wine |
ISBN: 9780979627149 Global Overview for this book
Registered by snowlionproduct of Gainesville, Florida USA on 1/13/2008
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by snowlionproduct from Gainesville, Florida USA on Sunday, January 13, 2008
A compendium of recipes served out of the cafe I managed for 10 years.
Combined with one of my favorite ingredients, Punk music and the punk movement of the 80's.

Journal Entry 2 by lifeonmargins from Chippewa Lake, Ohio USA on Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I got this book in the mail today, along with two others. I found out about this book on Amazon, and I'm thrilled that I'm getting the chance to read it. By flipping through it, I can see that it talks about punk in the context of a culture and lifestyle (instead of just the musical aspects or the mass-market "punk" that teen girls are into now), and how healthy eating (specifically vegetarian) plays a role in that. I've always been drawn to various aspects of bohemian and hippie counter-cultures, but it took my wonderful boyfriend to show me that punk was about more than being angry and aggressive. In fact, punk, hippie and bohemian lifestyles have more in common than many might think! Once I'm done with this book, I'll be sending it off to Ireland so my boyfriend can read it and pass it along to others. I don't know where it'll end up, but I hope it'll inspire plenty of people along the way.

Journal Entry 3 by lifeonmargins at Chippewa Lake, Ohio USA on Saturday, June 2, 2012
Wow - so much has changed since that last entry! I lost a job, moved back home, moved to a new place, the boyfriend is now a fiance, and he's in Toronto...

Anyway, I meant to cross this book ages ago, but I couldn't bring myself to give it up. There are some great recipes in here, many of which I've never seen anywhere else. Thankfully, I was able to find this book on Amazon and downloaded it to my Kindle. I'll buy a copy for my fiance as well!

I currently live in a rural area, and I think that many of the people around here could benefit from checking out this cookbook - it's full of healthy, cheap, easy and nutritious recipes! And hey - it may introduce some kids to the idea that the punk ethos has more to it than awesome music. I hope that it will help a lot of people on its journey.

Congratulations - you've found a hitchhiking book!

I've recently started labeling my books as "hitchhiking books". What I would like to do is see if my books can get to another country without being sent there directly - it all has to be done via Bookcrossers taking it with them on adventures. (For one successful example, check out this entry: http://bookcrossing.com/journal/6767029) Each book that is going places will have a special journal entry, so please look out for them! Also, feel free to suggest new places for my books to go, such as cities or landmarks. You can send me a PM to help me figure out where my books should go to next. If you're the lucky 'Crosser who gets the book to its final destination, please let everyone know by writing a journal entry! From there, you're free to give the book a new destination or simply let it find its own destiny. It's all up to you!

This book is trying to get to the Bahamas. Can it ride with you for a while?

Journal Entry 4 by lifeonmargins at Chippewa Lake Post Office in Chippewa Lake, Ohio USA on Saturday, June 2, 2012

Released 11 yrs ago (6/2/2012 UTC) at Chippewa Lake Post Office in Chippewa Lake, Ohio USA


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