The General

by Alan Sillitoe | Literature & Fiction |
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Registered by CatharinaL of Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on 5/25/2007
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2 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by CatharinaL from Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Friday, May 25, 2007
From the back cover:

The ninety-three musicians had been captured in a ridiculous military blunder. The General did not want to kill them. They were noncombatants. Besides, he hungered to hear them play. When he wired for orders, High Command replied: "They are to be shot immediately." And thus in the midst of total war, the General's own private war began. Should he disobey High Command and face dishonor and the bitter death of exile? Or should he obey and thereby destroy himself?

To be read.

Journal Entry 2 by CatharinaL from Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Friday, August 8, 2008
Katsellessaan edessään avautuvaa kauheaa näkymää hän yhtäkkiä lamaantui täysin. Kenraalina hän tiesi tarkalleen mitä hänen piti tehdä. [--] Hänen lamaantumisensa johtui hetkellisestä heikkoudesta. Hän ei olisi voinut jättää tehtäväänsä suorittamatta saamatta aikaan valtavaa hämminkiä ja sekasortoa ja saamatta itseään ja lukemattomia ystäviään ja seuraajiaan häpeään. Hänen oli pakko ryhtyä seuraajiensa kanssa siihen hirvittävään teurastukseen, johon he olivat kouluttaneet itsensä.

Ylläoleva lainaus ei ole Sillitoen romaanista, vaan Gandhin kirjoituksesta, jossa hän kertoo Bhagavad Gitan Arjunasta. Pandavan joukkojen komentaja joutuu pohtimaan, onko oikein tuhota ihmisiä valtakunnan hyväksi. Krishna opastaa Arjunaa ja määrää tämän ylimmäksi moraaliseksi velvollisuudeksi oikeudenmukaisuuden pyyteettömän noudattamisen — yli kaikkien henkisten ja materiaalisten velvollisuuksien.

The Generalissa Gorshekin armeija ottaa epähuomiossa vangiksi kokonaisen sinfoniaorkesterin, joka on lähetetty rintamalle viihdyttämään. Päähenkilö, armeijan kenraali, on kahden vaiheilla: noudattaako ehdottomia määräyksiä ja ammuttaa orkesterin jäsenet vaiko etsiä vapautusta näiden esittämästä sivistävästä ja moraalistavasta musiikista?

Brittilän vihaisiin nuoriin miehiin en olekaan palannut sitten opiskeluaikojen; Sillitoelta olen toki lukenut Saturday Night And Sunday Morningin. Nuori vihainen mies, joka ei halunnut olla nuori vihainen mies, sijoitti toisen romaaninsa epätyypilliseen ympäristöön. Pienimuotoisessa teoksessa ei pohdita luokkaeroja tai nuorten miesten kapinaa. The General on trillerimäisen niukka tutkielma kiristyvästä moraalisesta silmukasta; sen ikuisuusteema pohtii fyysisen voimankäytön moraalipsykologiaa.

Journal Entry 3 by CatharinaL at Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Sunday, March 11, 2012
[The above in English. The quote is also translated by me.]

As he was looking at the horrible sight in front of him, he suddenly became completely paralyzed. As an army general, he knew exactly what he ought to do. [--] His paralysis was caused by a moment of weakness. He could not have skipped what was his duty without causing considerable confusion and chaos and without bringing himself and his numerous friends and followers to dishonor. He and his followers had to begin the terrible slaughter in which they had been trained.

The above quote is not from Sillitoe; it was written by Mahatma Gandhi and refers to Arjuna of the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna, commander of the Pandava troops, is forced to stop and think whether it is morally right to destroy people for the common good of the empire. Krishna then guides Arjuna and makes it his superior moral obligation to altruistically follow justice—surpassing all his mental and material obligations.

In The General, the army of Gorshek accidentally captures an entire symphony orchestra that has been sent over to the front to entertain the troops. The protagonist, an army general, is torn between two decisions: whether to follow absolute orders and have the musicians shot, or to seek salvation in the educational and moral music they play?

I haven't looked back to the generation of Angry Young Men ever since my university days; the only other book I've read by Sillitoe is Saturday Night And Sunday Morning. An angry young man who did not want to be an angry young man seems to have placed his second novel in an atypical setting. The small-scale novel does not delve on the typical issues of the time: class differences or the rebelliousness of the angry young men. Instead, The General is an extremely focused study, a thriller almost, of a tightening moral loop; its universal and eternal theme centers around the moral psychology of the use of physical force.

Journal Entry 4 by CatharinaL at Pirkkala, Pirkanmaa / Birkaland Finland on Sunday, March 11, 2012
Reserved for souram in exchange for D'Oultremer à Indigo: to be sent to Geneva next week. Bonne lecture! Merci encore et salutations de la Finlande!

EDIT 13/03/2012: The book is on its way.

Journal Entry 5 by wingsouramwing at Genève, Genève Switzerland on Friday, March 23, 2012
Thanks CatharinaL, the book arrived today:)

Journal Entry 6 by wingsouramwing at Genève, Genève Switzerland on Sunday, June 17, 2012
"He turned to see the General looking at him...:"I hope you're being well looked-after ?"
- Our instruments ?
- They will stay in the barn.
Good book about (dis)obeying orders.

Journal Entry 7 by wingsouramwing at Genève, Genève Switzerland on Saturday, July 21, 2012
An idea...

Journal Entry 8 by wingsouramwing at Statue du Général Dufour in Genève, Genève Switzerland on Saturday, July 21, 2012

Released 11 yrs ago (7/21/2012 UTC) at Statue du Général Dufour in Genève, Genève Switzerland


On the steps... because otherwise it's too high :)

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