Random Acts of Kindness

by Conari Press | Health, Mind & Body | This book has not been rated.
ISBN: 0943233437 Global Overview for this book
Registered by kz4ufo of Panama City Beach, Florida USA on 4/10/2005
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6 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by kz4ufo from Panama City Beach, Florida USA on Sunday, April 10, 2005

Lately a popular thing for BookCrossers is to send out Secret Rays (or Rings) as a surprise to another BookCrosser. The motives behind who gets each book next varies - but the theme behind this one is to send to another BookCrosser who has done something special for you - through a Random Act of Kindness.

The rule is simple - just don't post who you are sending the book to! That way it is a total surprise. Although, you may want to put some information in the journal entry as to why you choose the next person.

Have fun!

Released 19 yrs ago (4/29/2005 UTC) at Controlled Release in Controlled Release, A Bookcrossing member -- Controlled Releases


Sending this to someone special who recently RAK'd me! She is a very sweet and caring BookCrosser ~ someone who thought of me during a difficult time in my life. Her kindness is appreciate in more ways than she can imagine. THANK YOU!

Journal Entry 3 by AmyMS88 from Wolfe City, Texas USA on Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Wow, what a nice surprise! It was very sweet of you to send this book to me! I was totally stunned. I will read it and definitely find someone to pass it on to! Thanks again, you are one in a million! :-)

Journal Entry 4 by AmyMS88 from Wolfe City, Texas USA on Sunday, September 11, 2005
I am honored to have received this book from KZ4UFO. That was a very sweet thing for you to do! Some of the little stories made me teary, but most of them are just sweet little everyday things that people do for one another.

This is on its way to the next recipient, a wonderful bookcrosser who made it her mission to keep me in dark chocolate for months. She's awesome, and not just to me. I see things about her all the time on the forums where she has done something nice for someone else. She's just an all-around nice girl. I hope she likes the book!

Journal Entry 5 by Antof9 from Lakewood, Colorado USA on Saturday, September 24, 2005
I wish you could hear me say "awwwww" and the tone of voice I'm using. It's not just "aw, shucks", and it's not just "aw, gee", it's a feeling of "oh my, this is sooooooooo nice", and it made my eyes a little wet :)

GREAT idea, kz4ufo, and oh THANKS, Amy!

I'm flattered and honored to be in the secret ray :) Warm fuzzies all around . . .

In addition, thanks for the bumper sticker and glasses holder! I've been looking at the glasses holder for a while, actually, but had yet to order one for myself! (saw your postcard on the bumper sticker, and we are the same! LOL -- but you're right -- there are places to put them. . . .)

Hugs to you, and thanks! I'll enjoy reading through the stories, and deciding on another unsuspecting sweetie to send this to.

Journal Entry 6 by Antof9 from Lakewood, Colorado USA on Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I just this morning had a *head-smacking* moment, as I realized who I could send this to! This person (actually two people, so I'm hoping she shares with her partner in crime) sent me the most wonderful box o' fun, for no apparent reason whatsoever! There were silly things, a fabulous coloring book (no, that doesn't count as "silly"!), and not one but TWO books from my wishlist! The best part was that one of them was the next book my bookclub was/is reading!

The sheer size of the box was also exciting, and very "random act of kindness-y" -- it was a monstrous box, and I felt like a little kid opening it.

The only thing in there that was NOT "random act of kindness-y" at all was some Kansas City Chiefs *cough*paraphernalia*cough* (in case you don't know, the Denver Broncos and the KC "Chefs" are HUGE rivals). But to show that I'm a bigger person, I'm including some KC scrunchies I found on eBay recently. And no, I'm not addicted. Why do you ask?

Anyway, these two girls definitely RABCK'd me, and I'm happy to send the book to them.

re: the stories in the book -- how can you not like them all? I found two at the back that I liked particularly -- page 130, where a backpacker finds his ID/money/keys, etc. behind the tire of his car, and page 133, where someone pays for 20 people's orders in a row at a coffee shop. Love them both!

Sorry I've had this for so long, but I'm happy to get it moving again!

Journal Entry 7 by BountifulPots on Saturday, March 4, 2006
Ant, you are so awesome! I must say, I was absolutely shocked when I saw this package, because I figured it was for a hug boxfor acertain someone, and then saw the *2* scrunchies. Bigger person, indeed! (Though she will be the first to tell you that she has a Broncos jersey that she loves) Thank you SO much. I am putting her scrunchie in the box for tomorrow, and I'm going to attempt to read the book tonight so that I can put in the box as well. *HUG* Love you, lady!

Journal Entry 8 by shaunesay from Olathe, Kansas USA on Monday, March 6, 2006
Received in my hug box! Thanks Ant and BP! I do have a Broncos sweatshirt and I love it, it is very soft, but I'm afraid to wear it outside here! *G* I will give this a read and then pass along to someone else, following the rules of course! :)

Journal Entry 9 by shaunesay from Olathe, Kansas USA on Friday, November 17, 2006
Sending along soon to a very kind lady who is always generous with a hand to help out, a hug to soothe, an ear for listening, a shoulder to cry on, and a smile to share. She's also guilty of some RAK's herself! ;) I haven't met you in person, but I still feel close to you!

Journal Entry 10 by CdnBlueRose from Steinbach, Manitoba Canada on Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wow! What a wonderful surprise and I'm honored to be a recipient of this special little book!! I see from past J.E.'s that I'm in some pretty wonderful company here!!! I've been feeling sorta kinda homesick and sorry for myself these past few days and this has perked me up considerably.... I thank you SO much, shaunie - BIG CYBERHUGS!!!!!

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