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Dry: A Memoir **BOOKRING**

by Augusten Burroughs | Biographies & Memoirs |
ISBN: 0312272057 Global Overview for this book
Registered by rem_ABK-578523 on 10/6/2004
Buy from one of these Booksellers: | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Amazon DE | Amazon FR | Amazon IT |
14 journalers for this copy...
Journal Entry 1 by rem_ABK-578523 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004
I really enjoyed the author's first book, Running with Scissors, that I had checked out from the library as an audiobook. I bought this 'cause I couldn't wait to find out what could possibly happen to this guy next...

This is for read and release.

Journal Entry 2 by rem_ABK-578523 on Sunday, November 21, 2004
His first book, Running with Scissors chronicled Augusten Burrough's life from the time he could first remember (about 8 or 9) until he was about 17. Although it is not essential to read Running with Scissors to read Dry, it really sets up where this guy is coming from.

This memoir is told in novel style, and picks up when the author is about 24, and tells the story of those next two or so years.

This was a time in Augusten's life when he was working in advertising and drinking, well, like a fish (see front cover). Because of his excesses, his employer forces him into rehab, least he lose his cushy, well-paying job. Being forced to be satisfied with a mere seltzer water when all his drinking buddies are still partying made him then feel like a fish out of water (reference cover again).

So this is a story of Augusten's struggle with his cravings, relationship problems with his boyfriends, and some pretty funny out-takes from the ad agency. This book for me was a real page-turner, as I kept wanting to know if he would fall off the'll have to read it yourself to find out if he does. It was an easy read, and I was able to finish it in about 2 days time.

One of the things I really liked about both these books was Augusten's ablitlity to look back on his younger self with wisdom and a self-deprecating sense of humor. Here finally is a writer that is not so full of ego that he is able to know himself and laugh at his own foibles! The intelligence and education with which this book was written certainly shows how far Augusten has come from his totally whacked childhoold and live-threatening alchololism. Since here's a guy that really should be dead, I have to say Bravo for you Augusten, for turning it around and making a mint off of it...and for remembering any of it at all!

I recently found out that he has written two more: Sellevision and Magical Thinking . When I have time, I'll have to look into those works as well.

Journal Entry 3 by rem_ABK-578523 on Tuesday, November 30, 2004
With all the adult themes in this book, it didn't really seem too suitable for wild release. So I made it bookring instead!

Bookring rules:
1. Please journal when it arrives in the mail. To make comments on the book after your done, feel free to edit original journal entry or make a new one.

2. After you read it, PM the next person on the list for their address.

3. Mail it to the next reader in about a month's time after receiving it yourself.

4. Enjoy it!

Squirrel818, NE
Calvarez4, CA
Guinaveve, OH
scram33, NC
junegirl, WI
LyekkaMarengo, PA**current reader**
Jebbie74, Toronto, Canada
Mamikaem, Missouri

Journal Entry 4 by squirrel818 from Tafton, Pennsylvania USA on Wednesday, December 8, 2004
received in todays mail. i will read it asap.thanks!

Journal Entry 5 by squirrel818 from Tafton, Pennsylvania USA on Thursday, December 9, 2004
I'm glad I finally got to read this. I love Augusten and enjoy his writing so much. He's so honest and darkly funny. Thanks so much for sharing this book!

Released on Friday, December 17, 2004 at about 9:00:00 AM BX time (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) at a fellow bookcrosser in Newport Beach, California USA.


Journal Entry 7 by calvarez4 from Oakland, California USA on Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Arrived a few minutes ago. It looks phenomenal. I'm afraid I may not be able to start it for a few days, though, with the busy-ness of the holidays this week. I'm wondering, from reading the journal entries here -- should I be reading Running With Scissors first??

Thank you, choclaholic, for sponsoring this ring!

Journal Entry 8 by calvarez4 at on Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Released on Wednesday, January 05, 2005 at about 11:00:00 AM BX time (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) at Controlled Release in Mason, Ohio Controlled Releases.


I was really impressed with Dry. Burroughs is incredibly talented -- oozing with sarcasm and bitter wit. Many close family members struggle with alcoholism, so much of this book was an almost painful read for me, watching Augusten struggle with his addiction. I would love to know more about his past with Pighead -- perhaps this is ultimately too painful to write about.

Choclaholic referenced Burroughs' other books in her/his post, and I think I will try to find those -- although I don't think I'm emotionally ready yet to read about his childhood.

This is perhaps the best bookring that has come my way. Thank you very much, choclaholic! This is being sent on, this afternoon, to the next BCer.

edited to add: This was also my first book for the 2005 BCing A-Z "new to me" authors challenge!

Journal Entry 9 by guinaveve from Mason, Ohio USA on Friday, January 14, 2005
Thank you for starting this ring, choclaholic. I have been looking forward to reading this ever since I read Running With Scissors. I will update after I have read it and am ready to send it on.
edited to add-
This was another interesting book by this author. It is not what you would expect if someone where to describe the book to you. Is is a book about an alcoholic with a high stress job and life who tries to overcome his alchohism. That description alone conjures up a book with a lot of self help type platitudes or maybe a "woe is me, my life has been so hard, and I am so brave" tale. This book is not like that at all. Augusten is witty and funny although the subject matter is bleak. He doesn't glamourize the fast lifestyle, but doesn't seem to be looking for pity. While he brings up his dysfunctional childhood, he doesn't lay the blame there, he takes responsibility.
I found this book very interesting, because (not despite the fact that) the dark humor doesn't overshadow the sadness of the events in his life.


I sent this on to the next person in line. Enjoy!

Journal Entry 11 by SCRAM33 from Wilmington, North Carolina USA on Friday, February 11, 2005
received in the mail yesterday. Will read, review and pass on ASAP.

Journal Entry 12 by Manga-Maniac from Wilmington, North Carolina USA on Tuesday, February 15, 2005
What an interesting first person account of the fall down and the slow, steady rise back to the surface. He treated the subject matter with the amount of severity it required, yet he injected bits of levity which kept it from being too intensely depressing. There were several incidents that I fully expected to sending him spiralling downward that didn't and was surprised to see him relapse after standing up so well to the other pressures. My hat is off to him for getting it back under control. What great insight into the mind of the alcoholic without being preachy! off to the next member of the ring as soon as I receive their address. Thanks for sharing!

Journal Entry 13 by SCRAM33 from Wilmington, North Carolina USA on Tuesday, February 15, 2005
oops! sorry! Didn't realize I was signed in as my daughter when I left the previous journal entry. Didn't mean to cause any confusion!

Journal Entry 14 by EMA375 on Monday, March 21, 2005
3/21 Arrived today. I'm looking forward to this one!

3/27: Another gripping memoir by Augusten Burroughs! After finishing Running with Scissors I felt lost without knowing what happened to Burroughs. I know many people in my life struggled with addiction so this book as well as the first one hit home. Thanks for sharing this book.

* Sent PM to junegirl for address.

Journal Entry 15 by EMA375 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
Mailed to "junegirl".

DC# 03043490000196461640

Journal Entry 16 by rem_NYJ-974408 on Saturday, April 2, 2005
Received today. Looks good. I have no less than 4 rings ahead of Dry but will get to it ASAP. I'm happy to have a chance to read this. Thanks!

Journal Entry 17 by rem_NYJ-974408 on Friday, September 16, 2005
Oh, I am so ashamed!! I have held onto this book and delayed the ring far too long. Though it pains and humiliates me, I am sending this book on without have read it. Ever since I acquired a job in a bookstore and took over responsibilities for conducting a monthly reading group, I haven't been able to get caught up. I apologize profusely for holding this book far beyond the acceptable time limit. Choclaholic, I beg forgiveness . . .

Journal Entry 18 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Monday, October 31, 2005
Book arrived safe and sound in PA 10/31/2005. I have one other book ahead of this so this is really pretty good timing.

Journal Entry 19 by Mamikaem from Maryland Heights, Missouri USA on Friday, November 25, 2005
Received this today and looking forward to reading it! I've got two book rings in front of it, but will get to it asap.

UPDATE: 12/07/05 - started this today.

Journal Entry 20 by LyekkaMarengo from Warriors Mark, Pennsylvania USA on Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Back with the review I forgot to post after I mailed it on. I wasn't looking forward to this book since I was one of the 5 people in the world who didn't find "Running with Scissors" the hilarious laugh fest everyone else did. I found that book sad and sometimes pretty disgusting and didn't particularly like Augusten. I thought he was a smart-ass little twerp who desparately needed professional help. In this book, he gets it. Not directly for his troubled childhood, although I am sure that played a part, but for his out of control drinking. This is a more thoughtful and mature Agusten, still sassy, but dealing with his problems. Such as this passage "I think for the first time I can see that I do drink much more than normal...And when I sit there looking at what I've written, I almost can't help but feel it's possibly a good thing I am here. Or rather that this has been drawn to my attention, made serious and not just a joke". And there actually are some giggles in amid the bizzarre cast of characters. His love for Pighead keeps coming through even as he tries to deny it. I also loved the ending, which I won't give away. I will probably now look to read more of his books.

Journal Entry 21 by Mamikaem from Maryland Heights, Missouri USA on Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I'm about halfway through this and really enjoying it. However, the reason for this early journal entry is to get the attention of Choclaholic! I've been trying to PM you and hoping you'll see this. Since I'm last on the list, shall I return the book to you when I'm finished or continue it on its journey? Thanks!

Journal Entry 22 by Mamikaem from Maryland Heights, Missouri USA on Thursday, December 15, 2005
I thoroughly loved this memoir, so much more than Running With Scissors.

Since I haven't heard from choclaholic and she mentioned in her first journal entry that this was for "read and release," I'm going to offer it up as an ongoing book ray. Thanks to all those before me who passed this along!


No rules, just read and enjoy. Last person either continue the ray or wild release...your choice!

KarenZero - NY - prefers US only
Bulan-Purnama - OR - prefers US only
twinkpuddin - NY

Released 18 yrs ago (12/19/2005 UTC) at To the next participant in Bookring/Bookray, -- By post or by hand/ in person -- Canada



continuing on its journey to KarenZero

Journal Entry 24 by KarenZero from Maplewood, New Jersey USA on Friday, December 30, 2005
Arrived safely. Thanks!!

Journal Entry 25 by KarenZero from Maplewood, New Jersey USA on Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I thought this was a very good and harrowing look at alcoholism. It was sad and infuriating at the same time and was definitely a page-turner. I have "Running With Scissors" somewhere, so I'll have to pull it out now and give it a read!

Thanks so much choclaholic for sharing the book and Mamikaem for continuing the bookray!!

Released 18 yrs ago (2/1/2006 UTC) at Controlled Release in Controlled Release, A Bookcrossing member -- Controlled Releases



On its way!

Journal Entry 27 by Bulan-Purnama from Springfield, Oregon USA on Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Arrived today with another book. I try not to keep this book sejourning too long in Oregon. I could not belive it snowed in Oregon this morning! Some crazy weather.

Journal Entry 28 by Bulan-Purnama from Springfield, Oregon USA on Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I finished reading several days ago. It is a thought provoking memoir, which leave me to ponder whether the author will stay sober or fall back to his drinking habit again. Even though he went to an AA session, he still crave for a drink now and then. Alcohol addiction is terrible, it can ruin ones mind and body in the long run. Reading through the line, he seems to have unresolved problems of his childhood. Is this why he became alcoholic? I hope for his sake, that he will quit his alcohol addiction before is to late.

Thanks mamikaem for continuing the bookray.

Journal Entry 29 by Bulan-Purnama from Springfield, Oregon USA on Saturday, March 18, 2006
Mailed the book this morning by media mail to twinkpuddin.

Journal Entry 30 by twinkpuddin from Seattle, Washington USA on Saturday, March 25, 2006
Received today! I'm going to finish up a few other books before I begin this unless someone joins after me soon. Can't wait to read it though!

Journal Entry 31 by twinkpuddin from Seattle, Washington USA on Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I finished this up today. I expected it to be a little different. I guess I feel like most of the alcoholic / recovery books I've read go much more into what happens before the realization of the disease. This felt like it focused a lot more on the process of recovery, which was kind of refreshing. Understanding the affects of alcoholism from a few areas in my life, this really resonated.

I had mixed feelings about his writing style - usually thought it was well done, occasionally thought he was a hair shy of getting his desired affect. I definitely came away from it with a renewed interest in reading "Running with Scissors."

Thanks to Mamikaem for continuing this ray. Will either pass along or wild release per Mamikaem's journal entry. For now it'll hang out on my bookshelf as "available," keeping all my unread books company.

Journal Entry 32 by twinkpuddin from Seattle, Washington USA on Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Reserved for trade with gebodogs.

Journal Entry 33 by twinkpuddin from Seattle, Washington USA on Thursday, July 6, 2006
Dropped in the mail today for gebodogs - enjoy!

Journal Entry 34 by gebodogs from Thermopolis, Wyoming USA on Friday, July 21, 2006
Received in a trade from Twinkpuddin. I loved Running With Scissors, so I'm looking forward to reading this one. Thanks!

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