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Age 59
Joined Monday, February 17, 2003
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Extended Profile

Os meus livros "available/disponíveis" estão prontos a sair da prateleira e seguir viagem! se algum te interessar, envia-me PM :-)

Prefiro ler os livros na sua versão original (se forem em Português, Inglês, Espanhol ou Francês)
Gosto muito de romances históricos, de biografias, lendas, e de contos tradicionais.

I read in Portuguese, in English, in Spanish and in French.
I do like Historical fiction books and Biographies and I am also very interested in Legends and Traditional Tales from all over the world :-)

The books labeled as "available" are ready to go to other shelves ... if you are interested in any of them, just ask me. The same for the TBR, but you'll have to wait until I read them...

The books labeled as "permanent collection" belong to my private collection but I don't mind lending them, as long as they come back to me safely.

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