
Book Search

1066 Forum Posts Found:

travelina 2 yrs ago
Telefonkiosken på Solli plass med bøker er ikke der nå pga. byggearbeider, men se kartet for andre alternative i tillegg til de som er nevnt her.

travelina 3 yrs ago
You are in. It's still open for more participants.

travelina 3 yrs ago | 1 replies
Jeg synes det var lurt å flytte det til mandag 10. mai. Nå har jeg også fått tilgang til en zoom-lisens, og kan sette opp møter hvis det ikke passer for deg en gang, MLA. Men å starte kl. 18 høres greit ut for meg.

travelina 3 yrs ago
Og så tipper jeg at muligheten for breakout-rooms ikke finnes i gratisversjonen.

travelina 3 yrs ago | 2 replies
Flott at du bidro med å sette opp møtet, MLA:-)

travelina 3 yrs ago
Please sign up in the Bookrings, Bookrays, and Bookboxes forum if you want to join the Bookray:

travelina 3 yrs ago | 13 replies
The Secret Life of Cows is being offered as as a bookray - Charming stories of everyday life of cows livning on an organic farm:-) This was my book in the Conventions…

travelina 3 yrs ago
[[My screen just says the host will let me in soon, but it's said that for over 20 minutes now. Can somebody please send me the link? ]] Sorry for this, bookgirl and the rest of you waiting in the waiting room. It was…

travelina 3 yrs ago
[[ And we should number the sentences, in case they don’t show up in the chat in the order they were read. ]] I agree😊 But preferably, we should try to put them in the right order in the chat.

travelina 3 yrs ago | 1 replies
[[ *checking time difference* ]] Not long now - less than one hour. I will open the meeting 15 minutes before scheduled start so that people can start to log in.

travelina 3 yrs ago | 2 replies
Plum-crazy, LittleWhiteBird, Livrespublic, Cfreckle, FraukeRo, shnedwards and Bookgirrl, you are all in! It would be good if we can also type the sentence we read in the meeting chat when/after we read it. It might be…

travelina 3 yrs ago | 3 replies
For the second part of the meeting I suggested to offer some of the books as a Bookring or a Bookray. Some joining the meeting might not be familiar with Bookrings and Bookrays. Can someone volunteer to explain the basic…

travelina 3 yrs ago
For ikke å risikere at det stopper noen fra å delta, tror jeg vi dropper opptak, men du skal i alle fall få høre hvordan det gikk. Og så har jeg bedt om at vi kan skrive setningene i chat-en for møtet, så da kan du få le…

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