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937 Forum Posts Found:

cathepsut 19 yrs ago | 1 replies
It's the first 4 letters of my real name and rest is a "pharaonisation" of it, as I live in Egypt and thought that would be a nice twist!

cathepsut 20 yrs ago
I move about a lot and work needs to be able to reach me any time during the day, so yes, for me it is. At least at work. I don't think it is essential to have it on your ear in front of the frozen veg in the supermarket…

cathepsut 20 yrs ago | 4 replies
What is wrong with these people? Why can't we just let each other live in peace? Can we please get rid of all religious fundamentalists, no matter to which god they pray....

cathepsut 20 yrs ago
It's lots and lots and lots of cats. The odd bird, but couldn't tell you what kind.

cathepsut 20 yrs ago
No kids. Don't have time for them - they simply don't fit into my plan. And I don't like 'em enough to make them fit. Too much bother. Much prefer cats, a glass of wine and a good book. Talking of wine....

cathepsut 20 yrs ago | 3 replies I would hve to go on a 4 hour flight to London... Anybody knows anything closer to Cairo?

cathepsut 20 yrs ago
Gibt's sowas nicht bei Amazon? Die haben doch sonst alles....

cathepsut 20 yrs ago
Ok, macht Sinn, aber warum nicht einfach in English? Ist nun mal die Weltsprache. Was nützt ein Arabisches Label 'nem Italienischen Touristen, der ein Buch zum Beispiel im Museum von Kairo findet? Oder, wenn schon ein L…

cathepsut 20 yrs ago | 10 replies
Genau, das frage ich mich auch. Ein Arabisch geschriebenes Label hätte für mich nur Sinn auf einem Buch, daß in Arabisch verfaßt ist. Ein Arabischer Muttersprachler, der so gut in einer Fremdsprache lesen kann, daß er ei…

cathepsut 20 yrs ago | 1 replies
Hiya, I'm the last name for a bookray of The Stars' Tennis Balls by Stephen Fry. This book is looking for a new home! The ray was started by scorpiosphynx. PM her, if you want to be added to the list! "…

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