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From Graz, Steiermark Austria
Age 19
Joined Saturday, February 26, 2005
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Bookcrossing in Graz, Austria

BookCrossing Zones in Graz and surroundings

Obcz Bulme
Bulme: Ibererstraße 15 - 21,8051 Graz
Die Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Freitag 7.30h - 21.30h! During school hours only!
Das Bücherregal befindet sich im Eingangsbereich.
There is one obcz already, located at the "Bulme". The school's opening hours are Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 9.30pm. The Obcz bookshelf is in the main hall, next to the computers. For more details, please pm Molivos

Obcz Scherbe
Cafe Scherbe: Stockergasse 2, 8020 Graz
Die Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Samstag 10.00h - 1.00h, Sonntag 10:00h bis 24:00h.!
Das Bücherregal befindet sich beim Stiegenabgang.
Cafe Scherbe's opening hours are Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 1.00am, Sunday from 10:00am to 0.00am. The Obcz bookshelf is located next to the staircase... The obcz Scherbe is the local bookcrossing meetup venue.
For more details, please pm Diamondlucy.

Obcz Logo Schmiedgasse 23a, 8010 Graz
Die Öffnungszeiten sind: Montag bis Freitag 12.00h - 17.00h!
Das Bücherregal befindet sich im Eingangsbereich.'s opening hours are Monday to Friday from 12.00am to 5.00pm. The Obcz bookshelf is in the entry area.
For more details, please pm phonie

Obcz Orweinschule
Modeschule Graz, Ortweinplatz 1
Öffnungszeiten: nicht geöffnet während der Schulferien.
Opening hours: Closed during school holidays.
For more details, please pm piba

Obcz Nostalgisches & Neues
Theodor Körner Straße 43, 8010 Graz
Öffnungszeiten: Montag und Dienstag 13.00h - 17.30h, Donnerstag und Freitag 09:00h bis 17:30h.!
Opening hours: Monday and Tuesday 13.00h - 17.30h, Thursday and Friday 09:00h bis 17:30h.!
For more details, please pm Nostalgisches

Obcz Rein
Bundesgymnasium Rein, Rein 1, A-8103 Rein
Die Öffnungszeiten: Montag bis Freitag: 7.30 bis 17.00h! During school days only!
Obcz Rein's opening hours are Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 5.00pm.

Obcz Amberger
Bergsportgeschäft Amberger, Rosseggerstraße, Bruck.
Öffnungszeiten: Montag - Freitag 8.30- 12.00h, 15.00 - 18.00h, Samstag 8.00 - 12.00h.
Bei trockenem Wetter steht der BookcrossingKorb am Gehsteig der roseggerstraße, wenn es regnet im Bergsportgeschäft Amberger.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 12.00pm, 3.00pm - 8.00pm, Saturday 8.00am - 12.00pm. You can find the bookcrossing basket outside the Shop Amberger when dry, inside when it's raining.
For more details, please pm Mammut

The Austrian BX forum
If you are interested to meet other nutcases, erm... fellow local BookCrossers please visit the Austrian BookCrossing forum. Austrian BookCrossers tend to meet there to argue, play silly mind-numbing games, talk about God and his mother and obviously organise meetups, birthday parties, dog- crossing, food-crossing and other fun stuff! And hey: we don't bite..... hard... so give it a try :-)

Meetups, After- Meetup- Meetups und sonstige Kuriositäten
Es finden monatlich Treffen in der Scherbe statt, abwechselnd unter der Woche und am Wochenende. Mehre Infos findest du hier
MeetUps, After-MeetUp Meetups and other curiosities are planed through the Austrian BookCrossing forum and are held on a regular basis. Please check out this or write Diamondlucy a pm. Thank you!

Release Challenges
Die Grazer BookCrosser sind momentan so aktiv wie eh und je. Es gibt eine Unmenge an Releases und Challenges. Details zu den Orten und Tagen findest du auf oder du pmst Diamondlucy! Danke! :-) Natürlich freuen wir uns über Anregungen, Ideen und dein Mitmachen!
The Graz' BookCrossers are more active than ever these days. A lot of release challenges and activities are being held.Most of them are planed through the Austrian BookCrossing forum so please check out this or write Diamondlucy a pm. We are always interested to get new ideas and of course you can always join us! Thank you!

[Edited on 17/03/2012 by Diamondlucy]

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