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From Regensburg, Bayern Germany
Joined Wednesday, September 4, 2002
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Extended Profile
Note (April 2008): Now that users in the Members Plus program can manage their wishes on, I'm letting the website run its course. When it's out of money, it'll shut down by itself. Users with lists there currently can expect probably about a year of service before it runs out of funds. I'm not accepting donations or new sign-ups for the purpose of supporting the Members Plus wish lists here on I suggest you erase all the wishes on your wish list hosted at my site in favor of using the Members Plus wish list feature here — that should help limit confusion and upkeep.

Note: I'm using my friends list to indicate which BCers I've actually met, face-to-face, in real-life. If you were previously on my friends list and now aren't, it doesn't mean you're not my friend anymore! It just means we have yet to meet in person. If you've met me in person and don't appear on my friends list, then please by all means send me a reminder!

I set up a blogsite at for those who are interested in learning more about me and my wife, MarahSulloy.

My reading list order fluctuates. I try to read books that I know someone else wants first so I can send them on their way.

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