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From Katy, Texas USA
Joined Sunday, November 30, 2003
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Extended Profile
books that contain letters "PC" after title are in my personal collection; I will lend them tho; if you see a TBR book you are interested in, let me know and I'll get to it quicker (besides, many of the TBR are simply waiting for hubby to read it!)

I usually have several books listed for trade

I have had my 'nose buried in a book' since I was 6 yrs old (my poor Mom!)
My fiction choices are usually 'detective' type novels, although I do read some 'fantasy', such as the "wheel of time' series by Jordan.
I also purchase crafts and gardening books.

My other interests are European history prior to 1800 and current Middle East matters.

Professionally, I am an industrial MRO buyer purchasing for a chemical processing plant at an International specialty chemical producer.

I have lived in Houston, Tx all my life; I am married, with two grown daughters and four grandchildren.

Bookrings/Rays/Boxes I am on:

Lost Boy (tyvmdear)
A Child Called It (tyvmdear)
Like Water for Chocolate (Jesse BC)
The Secret Life of Bees (Jesse BC)
Black and BLue (Summerbreeze)
101 Cororate Haiku (cytronella)
Dallasjay's January BookBox
Kevlarsen's Michael Moore is a Big Fat White Man

My Rings/Rays/Boxes
The DaVinci Code (ray)
'mystery' bookbox (this is really a Ray and was lost after the first person shipped it)
'Sailing books' (this is also a Ray and most of it is 'stalled')
M-Bag to ByBee (Korea)

@ at the beginning of the title indicates books I have released in the wild
* indicates books I have sent as a RABCK

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