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From Dublin, Co. Dublin Ireland
Age 41
Joined Saturday, October 20, 2007
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Extended Profile
Hi all!

Some of my favourite authors/books are:

Terry Prattchett, Tad Williams, Carl Hiaassen, Lee Child, Christopher Brookmyre, "The Book of Dave" by Will Self, Jeffrey Archer, Michael Crichton

On trading/rings/rays: I'm not really into trading books, most of the books I have aren't in great condition and not really worth the postage. If you are in Dublin though and you like any of the books that I have listed as Available, give me a shout and they are yours (unless I have other plans for them and forgot to un-available them :)

Once a book has left my hands I no longer consider it mine. So if you find/are given one of my books feel free to do with it as you want! I like books to travel, but if a book has found a good home and wants to stay there I have no problem with that either :) (I would of course appreciate a journal entry ;-)

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