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Joined Sunday, September 16, 2007
Recent Book Activity
4 weeks all time
books registered 0 3,225
released in the wild 3 1,848
controlled releases 0 249
releases caught 0 356
controlled releases caught 0 131
books found 0 192
tell-a-friend referrals 0 11
new member referrals 0 2
forum posts 0 902
Extended Profile

My TBR is huge as my reading wrestles with quilting and geology (lots of walks). Titles released since 2010 do not necessarily reflect my taste as I am given boxes of books for release: my 'read' list indicates my preferences. Funds permitting, all books that have stayed with Bookcrossers in the past will be off on a RABCK journey when they have been read.

2024 goal 11000 pages

Pages: 1953

1. Look to Windward-Iain M Banks 403 scifi
2. Lord Arthur Saville's Crimes- Oscar Wilde Mt TBR 192
3. The Miracle Shed- Phillip McCann 175 Mt TBR
4. Marrying the Mistress-Joanna Trollope 333 Mt TBR
5. The Pocket, a hidden history of women's lives- Burman & Fennetaux 233 Library
6. Mr Norris Changes Trains-Christopher Isherwood 192 Mt TBR
7. Matter-Iain.M.Banks 600 Mt TBR

2024 audio
1. Lord of the Flies William Golding
2.Infinite Jest-David Foster Wallace
3. Paradise Lost-Milton
4. Leave it to Psmith-Wodehouse
5. Buddenbrooks- T Mann
6. Anna Karenina-Tolstoy
7. Uneasy Money-Wodehouse
8. The Secret Agent- Conrad
9. Within The Tides-Conrad

2023 goal 20000 pages or 30 books

Pages: 9428

1. Loitering with Intent-Muriel Spark Mt TBR 158
2. Silent Voices-Ann Cleeves Mt TBR 372
3. Notes on a Scandal-Zoe Heller 244 Mt TBR
4. The Glass Room-Ann Cleeves 488 library
5. K-PAX -Gene Brewer 231 Mt TBR
6. Of Love and Other Demons-GG Marquez 160 Mt TBR

7. Cryptonomicon -Neal Stephenson 910 Mt.TBR
8. Harbour Street-Ann Cleeves 451 library
9. The Moth Catcher-Ann Cleeves 400 library

10. The Seagull-Ann Cleeves 400 library
11. J -Howard Jacobson 327 Mt. TBR

12. The Bullet Journal Method-Ryder Caroll 297 kindle

13. Other Minds: the octopus and the evolution of intelligent life-Peter Godfrey-Smith library 204
14. Very British Weather-Met. Office 240 Mt TBR

15. The Darkest Evening-Ann Cleeves 401 Mt. TBR
16. Piranesi-Susanna Clarke 272 library
17. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time-Mark Haddon 272 Mt TBR

18. The Thursday Murder Club-Richard Osman 400 Library
19. The Innocent-Ian McEwan 240 library
20. Sentient- Jackie Higgins DNF, 90 Library
21. Generation X-Douglas Coupland 208 Mt TBR
22. The Long Call- Ann Cleeves 375 Mt TBR

23. The Salt Path-Raynor Winn 274 Mt TBR
24. The Heron's Cry-Ann Cleeves 382 Mt. TBR
25. The Raging Storm-Ann Cleeves 400 library

26. C19 Underworld -Stephen Carver Library 200
27. Frankenstein-Mary Shelley 208 Kindle

28. The Rising Tide-Ann Cleeves 400 library
29. Inversions- Iain M Banks Mt TBR 404

1. The Graveyard Book-Neil Gaiman
2. Sun Also Rises-Hemingway
3. The Rescue -Joseph Conrad
4. Jeeves in the Offing - PG Wodehouse
5. The Rainbow-DH Lawrence
6. The Bridge - Iain Banks
7. The Wasp Factory-Iain Banks
8. The Watchers- Dean Koontz
9. Middlemarch-George Eliot
10. Scenes of Clerical Life-George Eliot
11. Daniel Deronda - George Eliot
12. The Ancestors Tale - Richard Dawkins
13. War and Peace -Tolstoy
14. Persuasion-Jane Austin
15. Mansfield Park-Jane Austen
16. Sense and Sensibility-Jane Austen
17. The Watsons -Jane Austin
18. Northanger Abbey-Jane Austin
19. Little Dorrit-Dickens
20. Emma-Jane Austin
21. High Rise-JG Ballard
22. Right Ho Jeeves-PG Wodehouse
23. Grand Canyon of the Colorado-John Muir
34. The Haunted House-Dickens
35. Pride and Prejudice-Jane Austin
36. Lady Susan- Jane Austin
2022 Pages: 9266


2022 goal 20,000 pages or 40 books
1. The Mist in the Mirror- Susan Hill Mt TBR 185
2. Surfacing-Walter Jon Williams SCifi 53 (novella)

3. The Fall of Hyperion- Dan Simmons 535 Mt TBR, SciFi
4. The Debt to Pleasure- John Lanchester 232 Mt. TBR
5. Injury Time -Beryl Bainbridge 158 Mt. TBR

6. The Zigzag Way-Anita Desai Mt TBR 179
7. Endymion-Dan Simmons scifi/Mt. TBR 617

8. The Rise of Endymion- Dan Simmons 804 library
9. Coming Through Slaughter- Michael Ondaatje 155 Mt TBR
10. Flowers for Mrs Harris-Paul Gallico 118 Mt TBR
11. The Crow Trap- Ann Cleeves 520 Library
12. Soumchi- Amos Oz 82 library
13. The Messiah of Stockholm-Cynthia Ozick 167 library
14. Telling Tales-Ann Cleeves 422 kindle

15. Rites of Passage-William Golding 298 library
16. Close Quartets- William Golding Library 301

17. Life of Pi-Yan Martel 319 Mt TBR
18. Fire Down Below -William Golding 313 Mt.TBR

19. When We Were Orphans-Kazuo Ishiguro Mt TBR 313
20. Hidden Depths- Ann Cleeves 345 library
21. Agent Zigzag-Ben Macintyre Mt TBR 121 DNF

22. Gormenghast-Mervyn Peake Mt TBR 511
23. A Tale of Two Cities- Dickens 424 Kindle

Part read anthologies tbc 31.12


2022 audio books: 27
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin
The Creatures that Time Forgot
The Secret History
20,000 The Leagues Under the Sea
Jeeves and the Yuletide Spirit
Aunts Aren't Gentlemen
Ring for Jeeves
The Mating Season
Thank you Jeeves
A Christmas Carol
The Inimitable Jeeves
Carry On Jeeves
The Code of the Woosters
Howard's End
The Waste Land
Monty. His Part in my Downfall
Adolf Hitler, my part in his Downfall
The Spire
Consider Phlebas
The Player of Games
Use of Weapons
The State of the Art
The Theory of Everything
Daisy Miller
2021 Pages: 6797

Library: 1
Mt TBR: 8
Scifi 2
Non fiction: 2
Kindle: 1

1. Hyperion-Dan Simmons 473 Library
2. The Saddest Summer of Samuel S-JP Donleavy 122 Mt TBR
3. The New Epicurean-Edward Sellon/ANON 125 Mt TBR

4. Feeding Frenzy-Will Self 381 Mt TBR
5. The Sellout-Paul Beatty Library 288
6. The Dark Half-Stephen King Mt TBR 412
7. 4th Science Fiction Megapack 672 Kindle
8. Phoenix-Chuck Palahniuk 28 (Kindle Novella)
9. A Gun for Sale-Graham Greene 186 Mt. TBR

10. The Ancestors Tale-Richard Dawkins Mt TBR 629
11. Mme Bovary-Gustav Flaubert 368 (Kindle)
12. Titus Groan-Mervyn Peake 506 (Mt TBR)
13. Dead Water-Ann Cleeves 408 (library)
14. Thin Air-Ann Cleeves 414 (library)

15. Cold Earth-Ann Cleeves 385 Mt. TBR
16. Morality Play-Barry Unsworth 188 Mt TBR
17. Wild Fire-Ann Cleeves 398 library

18. Colour-Victoria Finlay Mt. TBR 479
19. Adjustment Day-Chuck Palahniuk 316 Library
Pages :8967

1. Sarum-Edward Rutherfurd Kindle 1376

2. The Terranauts-TC Boyle Library 508
3. The Child in Time -Ian McEwan Mt TBR 245
4. Short stories vol2 Ursula K Le Guin 100 Library

5. The Way of All Flesh-Samuel Butler Mt TBR 414
6. Time's Arrow- Martin Amis Mt TBR 176

7. Brazzaville Beach- William Boyd Mt TBR 398
8. Frenchman's Creek-Daphne DuMaurier 242 Mt TBR
9. The Faded Sun: Kesrith-CJ Cherryh 250 Mt TBR/Scifi
10. The Faded Sun: Shon'jir-CJ Cherryh 247 Mt TBR/Scifi
11. Agnes Grey -Anne Bronte 251 Mt TBR

12. The Faded Sun: Kutath-CJ Cherryh 250 Mt TRB/Scifi

13. The Separation-Christopher Priest Mt TRB/Scifi 404
14. Q's Legacy-Helene Hanff Mt TBR 138

15. Sailing to Byzantium-Robert Siverberg Mt TBR/scifi 47
16. Raven Black-Ann Cleeves Kindle 401
17. Lamb Chops and Chain Saws-Glen Johnson-Kindle 235

18. The Rape of Tamar-Dan Jacobson Mt TBR 168
19. White Nights-Ann Cleeves-Library 402
20. Red Bones -Ann Cleeves-library 412

21. Blue Lightning-Ann Cleves 372 Library

22. The Essex Serpent- Sarah Perry Library 418

7507 pages

1. The Testament of Gideon Mack-James Robertson Mt TBR 387

2. The Wonder Worker-Dan Jacobson Mt TBR 139
3. How to Eat Better: How to Shop, Store & Cook to Make Any Food a Superfood - James Wong 224 Library
4. Xeelee: Endurance Stephen Baxter 446 Kindle

5. Gnomon-Nick Harkaway 704 Library
6. Jonathan Livingston Seagull- Richard Bach- 93 Crossed Book

7. Goulds Book of Fish-Richard Flanagan 404 Mt TBR
8. Canal Dreams -Iain Banks 198 Mt TBR
9. Xeelee Vengeance- Stephen Baxter 346 Kindle/Scifi
10. Zennor in Darkness-Helen Dunmore 313 Mt TBR

11. Xeelee Redemption 432 Kindle
12. Bloodstream-Tess Gerristen 484 Mt TBR

13. Complicity-Iain Banks 313 Mt TBR
14.Miss Smilla's Feeling for Snow -Peter Hoeg 410 Mt TBR
15. Angels and Insects-AS Byatt 304 Mt TBR

16. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man-James Joyce 384 Kindle
17. Thames-Peter Ackroyd 512 Mt TBR
18. My Name is Lucy Barton-Elizabeth Strout 191 Mt TBR
19. The Clerkenwell Tales-Peter Ackroyd 213 Mt TBR

20. Room-Emma Donoghue 401 Mt TBR
21. Never Let Me Go-Kazuo Ishiguro Mt TBR 282
22. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Mt TBR/scifi 240
23. Sketches of Young Gentlemen-Dickens 47 Kindle

4223 pages
10 books

Space -Stephen Baxter 464 kindle/scifi

The Big Sleep -Raymond Chandler 251 Mt. TBR

Darkness Visible -William Golding 265 Mt. TBR
So Much for that-Lionel Shriver 544 Kindle

Origin-Stephen Baxter 464 Kindle/scifi
Fair Warning-Robert Olen Butler 240 Kindle

Past Imperfect-John Matthews 627 Mt TBR
The Post-Birthday World -Lionel Shriver Mt TBR 608

Jack Maggs -Peter Carey 328 Mt TBR

Phase Space-Stephen Baxter scifi/Mt TBR 421


Picking Up the Pieces-Paul Britton- 592 Mt- TBR
Virtual Light-William Gibson- 294 -SciFi
the Naked God -Peter F Hamilton 1264 SciFi

The Dog-Joseph O'Neil 241 Mt TBR

Broken Wings-John Douglas Mt TBR 324

Ordinary Thunderstorms-William Boyd 403 Mt TBR
The Fowler Family Business-Jonathan Meades 212 Mt TBR
The Pyramid-William Golding 217 Mt TBR

Cosmoplolis-Don deLillo Mt TBR 209
House of Suns-Alastair Reynolds Sci-Fi 502
Hard Times-Charles Dickens 272 Kindle
Moab is my Washpot-stephen Fry 436 Kindle

Time -Stephen Baxter Kindle 464

Reamde- Neal Stephenson Mt TBR 1042
* * * *
Books: 14
Pages: 6544

Books: 10

Pages: 4832
(Kindle) 4
(Mount TBR)4
(Crossed Book) 0
(SciFi) 2

The Reality Dysfunction - Peter F Hamilton-1221 pages

More Fool Me - Stephen Fry - 480 pages
The Children of Dynmouth - William Trevor 189 pages
When the Wind Blows - James Patterson 496

Walking Home- Simon Armitage - 281 pages

The Neutronium Alchemist- Peter F Hamilton 1259 pages
Round Robin-Jennifer Chiaverini 304 pages
My Idea of Fun-Will Self 384 pages
She Won't Get Far Her Bag is too Heavy- Marie Stamp 110 pages

What's Bred in the Bone-Grant Allen 308 pages
Books 8
Pages 3311

(Kindle) 3
(Mount TBR) 4
(Crossed Book)
(SciFi) 1

Black Swan Green David Mitchell 371 10.11.15 Mt TBR
Dolores Caliborne-Stephen King 307 29.10.15 Mt TBR
The Sirens of Titan- Kurt Vonnegut 224 26.10.15 Kindle Prime free book
Zodiac-Robert Graysmith 307 25.8.15 Mt TBR
Monnseed-Stephen Baxter 676 6.6.15 Kindle
Titan- Stephan Baxter 581 19.5.15 SciFi
Wildwood-Roger Deakin: 416 13.3.15 Kindle
The Minds of Billy Milligan-Daniel Keys 428 25.3.15 Mt TBR
2014: books 15; pages 4839

(Kindle) 5
(Mount TBR) 5
(Crossed Book) 2
(SciFi) 3
(Mt TBR draw RABCK)

Voyage-Stephen Baxter 608 (kindle) 4.9.14
Heart of Darkness-Joseph Conrad 144 (Kindle) 4.7.14
Metroland-Julian Barnes (Mt TBR) 1.7.14 176
The Ghost Road-Pat Barker (Mt TBR) 27.6.14 276
Space Ranger-Isaac Asimov 25.6.14 144 (crossed book)
The Eye in the Door-Pat Barker 24.6.14 278 (Mt TBR)
Regeneration-Pat Barker (Mt TBR) 21.6.14 250
Big Brother Lionel Shriver (Kindle) 4.6.14 416
Tinkers-Paul Harding 1.6.14 (crossed book)191
The Crying of Lot 49-Thomas Pynchon 26.5.14 (Mt TBR) 139
Helliconia Winter-Brian Aldiss 21.5. 342 (sci-fi)
A Week at the Airport-Alain de Botton 13.4.14 112 (kindle)
The Year of the Flood-Margret Atwood 6.4.14 528 (sci-fi)
Hellicona Spring/Helliconia Summer-Brian Aldiss 23.02.14 935 (sci-fi)
2013: books 27; pages 8003

(Ring/Ray) 1
(Kindle) 8
(Mount TBR) 9
(Crossed Book) 3
(SciFi) 3
(Mt TBR draw RABCK)3

Surfacing-Margaret Atwood 15.12.13 (Mt TBR)
*Vacuum Diagrams-Stephen Baxter 8.12.13 477 (sci-fi)
Dead Air- Iain Banks 27.11.13 436 (Mt TBR)
Kingdom of the Golden Dragon-Isabel Allende 16.11.13 100 (aborted the mission!437) (Mt. TBR)
Into the Wild-Jon Krakauer 16.11.13 224 (Kindle)
*The Fry Chronicles-Stephen Fry 12.11.13 464 (Kindle)
*Treasure Island-Robert Louis Stevenson 7.11.13 223 (Mt TBR draw RABCK)
The Difference Engine-William Gibson 20.10.13 383 (Mt TBR)
Living the Quaker Way-Ben Pink Dandelion 9.10.13 32 (Kindle)
Fahrenheit 451-Ray Bradbury 13.9.13 184 (Mt TBR)
*My Cousin Rachel-Daphne du Maurrier 5.9.13 304 (mt TBR draw RABCK)
*Moby Dick-Herman Mellville 25.8.13 554 (Kindle)
Restoration-Rose Tremain 15.7.13 385 (Mt TBR)
*Clara Hopgood Mark Rutherford 2.7.13 108 (Kindle)
*The True History of the Kelly Gang-Peter Carey 30.6.13 421 (Mt TBR)
Still Blinking-Mark Krahling 10.6.13 70 (crossed book)
The Sugar Camp Quilt-Jennifer Chiaverini 7.6.13 306 (ring/ray)
*If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things-Jon McGregor 3.5.13 275 (Mt TBR draw RABCK)
The House by the Thames-Gillian Tindall 19.5.13 233 (mt TBR)
*Ring-Stephen Baxter 448 03.05.13 488 (Scifi)
The Dinner-Herman Koch 352 04.04.13 (Kindle)
The Bell Jar-Sylvia Plath 240 (Kindle) 28.3.13
The Ginger Man-JP Donleavey 345 17.3.13 (Mount TBR)
I s it me, or is it hot in here?-Jenny Murray 290 (Kindle)
The Sea, The Sea-Iris Murdoch 530 12.2.13 (Kindle)
*The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne-Brian Moore 255 14.1.13 (Crossed Book)
Flux-Stephen Baxter (Xeelee) 258 9.1.13 (Sci-fi)

2012-pages 11,721: 35 books
The Quilters Apprentice-Jennifer Chiaverini 207 30.12.12 (ring)
*Cod-Mark Kurlansky 304 26.12.12 (kindle)
A lifetime Burning-Linda Gillard 408 14.12.12 (kindle)
*A Case of Conscience-James Blish-185 5.12.12
*Young Adolf-Beryl Bainbridge 161 1.12.12
*Oryx and Crake-Margaret Atwood 433 30.11.12
Concrete Island-JG Ballard 208 18.11.12 (Kindle)
*Dirt Music-Tim Winton 461 12.11.12
Twisted Triangle-Caitlin Rother 308 (Kindle) 28.10.12
The Great Gatsby- F Scott Fitzgerald 189 20.10.12
*The Preserving Machine-Phillip K Dick 286 14.10.12
The Welsh Girl-Peter Ho Davies 339 13.10.12
Tell-All- Chuck Palahniuk 179 10.10.12
Dombey and Son-Charles Dickens 978 5.10.12 (Kindle)
Making History-Stephen Fry 572 7.8.12
*Survivor-Chuck Palahniuk 289 23.8.12
*Tabloid Dreams-Robert Olen Bultler 203 30.7.12
Fifty Shades of Grey- EL James 514 22.7.12
Xeelee Omnibus-Timelike Infinity-Stephen Baxter 18.7.12 143
The Imoralist-Andre Gide 159 13.7.12
The Land of Painted Caves-Jean M Auel 784 2.7.12
By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept-Paulo Coelho 210 29.6.12
*the Greatest Show on Earth-Richard Dawkins 426 22.06.12
The Idea Of Perfection-Kate Grenville 401- 8.6.12
*Babylon Revisited-F Scott Fitzgerald-7.5.12 73
*London-Edward Rutherfurd-29.4.12 1302
The Blind Assassin-Margaret Atwood 3.3. 637
*Property-Valerie Martin 209 9.2
Xeelee Omnibus (RAFT)- Stephen Baxter 162 26.1
*Rant: the Oral History of Buster Casey-Chuck Palahniuk 319 20.1
*A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers-Xiaolu Guo 12.1. 354
The Honorary Consul-Graham Greene 8.1. 221
Greybeard-Brian Aldiss 1.1. 239


Middlesex-Geffrey Eugenides 17.12.11 544
*Desperate Remedies-Thomas Hardy 26.11.11 330
The Jigsaw Man=Paul Britton 5.11.11 651
*Resplendednt-Stephen Baxter 6.10.11 590
The Boleyn Inheritance-Phillipa Gregory (ring) 14.9.1 514
Rut-Scott Phillips 28.8.22 226 (ring)
Solar-Ian McEwan 16.8.11 285 (ring)
*Wolf Hall-Hilary Mantel 3.8.11 650
*Lullaby-Chuck Palahniuk-8.7.11 260
The Milwaukee Murders-Don Davis-30.6.11 299
Surviving Galeras-Stanley williams (ring) 250?
Oath of Fealty-Larry Niven 19.6.11-328
The Flip Side-Andrew Mattews 23.5.11-173
The American Boy-Andrew Taylor 21.5.11-485
*The haunted House-Rebecca Brown 12.5.11-139
Whistling for the Elephants-Sandi Toksvig 26.4.11-300
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?-Philip K Dick 19.4.11-210 (ring)
*Transcendent-Stephen Baxter 3.4.11 522
The Tin Can Tree Ann Tyler 21.3.11-201
*The Comfort of Strangers-Ian Mcewan13.3.11 124 (ring)
The Uncommon Reader-Alan Bennett 2.3.11-117
The Interpreter of Maladies-Jhumpa Lahiri 5.2.11 198 (ring)
Idoru-William Gibson 27.1.11 292
Picture Perfect-Jodi Picoult 4.1.11 436
*Atonement-Ian McEwan 1.1.11 371

2010 -total 19
Goldfish-Rayond Chandler 13.10.10-60
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly-Jean-Dominique Bauby 10.10.10-139
Friends from Philadelphia-John Updike 9.10.10-85
*Exultant-Stephen Baxter 3.10.10-490
*Olive Kitteridge-Elizabeith Srout (ring) 5.9.10-270
*Indgnaton-Philip Roth (ring) 9.8.10-233
*The War of don Emmanuels Nether Parts-Louis de Bernieres 7.8.10-376
*Coalescent-Stephen Baxter
*I Capture the Castle-Dodie Smith as part of the Reading Group Spiral
Cloud Atlas-David Mitchell- for the winner of my Spring Equinox draw
Eden Close-Anita Shreve-as part of the Reading Group Spiral
Heartburn-Nora Ephron-as part of The Reading Group Spiral
*Sabbaths Theatre-Philip Roth (for a very patient arturogrande)
*Non-stop-Brian Aldiss-ring
*Birthday Letters-Ted Hughes
Fifty Minuite Hour-Robert Linder
*Spilling the Beans-Clarissa Dickson Wright
The Friday Night Knitting Club-Kate Jacobs
*The Sweet Smell of Psychosis-Will Self

2009-total 19
*Perfume-Patric Suskind
The Butt-Will Self
City at the end of Time-Greg Bear
*Choke-Chuck Palahniuk
Bad Faith-Gillian Philip
The Lovely Bones-Alice Sebold
Eve Green-Susan Fletcher
A Crime in the Neighbourhood-Suzanne Berne
The Dark Quartet by Lynne Reid Banks
The Passion-Jeanette Winterson (ring)
A Bit of Singing and Dancing-Susan Hill
Other Peolple-Martin Amis
Fat-Rob Grant
*Mrs Dalloway-Virginia Woolf
Natures Studio-Joan Colvin
Quiltmaking by Hand-Jinny Beyer
*Saturday-Ian McEwan
The Magic Seeds-VS Naipaul (ring by Heaven-Ali)

2008-total 33
*A Walk in the Woods-Bill Bryson
The 30 Minute Cook-Nigel Slater
The Creative Pattern Book-Judy Martin
Judy Martins Log Cabin Quilt Book
*Snuff-Chuck Palahniuk -ring by Marko167
Screw It Lets Do It-Richard Branson
*The Magnificent Ambersons-Booth Tarkington (ring by Haugtussa)
A Long Night at Abu Simbel-Penelope Lively
Alone in the Kitchen with an Eggplant (ring by oi-reader)
Half a Life-VS Naipaul (ring by Heaven-Ali)
The Life and Times of Michael K-JM Coetzee (ring by stubee)
*Star Gazing-Linda Gillard (ring by AngelChild)
Kafka on the Shore-Haruki Murakami
Citizen of the Galaxy-Robert Heinlien (ray by Erishkigal)
*White Noise-Don de Lillo (from 1001 library)
Our Betty-Liz Smith
Eating for England-Nigel Slater (now a ring if you want to join....)
Whit-Iain Banks
Varying States of Grace and Providence II- Ian Stephen (ring by PeaMartian)
The Parasites- Daphne Du Maurier
The E-Myth Revisited-Michael E Gerber
*Mindhunter-John Douglas (ring by Mary-T)
Astonishing Splashes of Colour-Claire Morrall (ring by lellie)
*American Pastoral-Phillip Roth (RABCK from ekranda)(now a ray-want to join?)
Me Talk Pretty One Day-David Sedaris (ring by JennyC1230)
*Everyman-Philip Roth (bookring by NICNIC2)
*On Chesil Beach-Ian McEwan (bookring by aava)
The Conjurors Bird-Martin Davies (bookring by samulli)
*Emotional Geology-Linda Gillard (bookray by LyzzyBee)
Prodigal Summer-Barbara Kingsolver (bookray by lauraloo29)
Wine of Angels-Phil Rickman(bookring by raeliz64)
Sunnrise on Kusatsu Harbour (bookring by Heaven-Ali)
How Proust Can Change Your Life-Alain de Botton

Since September 07

The Poisonwood Bible-Barbara Kingsolver: bookray by ekranda
Ruth B McDowell's Design Workshop
Purple Cow Seth Godin
The Angry Island -AA Gill: bookring by Lyzzybee
*Black Baby-Clare Boylan (now a ray you can join)
*Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe- Fannie Flagg (now a ray you can join)
*Laugher, Sex, Vegetables and Fish-Dr John Tickell (now a stalled bookring)
*Six Thinking Hats-Edward de Bono
Think and Grow Rich-Napoleon Hill
Who Moved My Cheese-Spencer Johnson
*Scale-Will Self (released)
Anthropology-Dan Rhodes
Some of my wishlist, more on the ususal link:
Any book, any genre, that has been nominated for, or has won an award!
Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilt books
The Winslow Boy-Terence Rattigan
Pat Barker
Saul Bellow
AS Byatt
JM Coetzee
George Gissing
Alice Muro
Christopher Priest
Wally Lamb
Kaye Gibbons
Ann-Marie MacDonald
Anna Quindlen
Rohinton Mistry
Alice Hoffman
Sue Miller
Pearl Cleage
Ernest J. Gaines
Joyce Carol Oates
Elizabeth Berg
Andre Dubus
Mary McGarry Morris
Sheri Reynolds
Jacquelyn Micthard
Isabel Allende
Leaving Las Vegas by John O'Brien
Gap Creek by Robert Morgan
Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz
Red River/Cane River by Lalita Tademy
Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts
Icy Sparks by Gwyn Hyman Rubio
Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi
A Virtuous Woman by Kaye Gibbons
The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill
My Dream of You by Nuala O'Faolain
The Reconstructionist by Josephine Hart
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Slaughter House Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Fear and Loathing in America-Hunter S.Thompson
On the Road by Jack Kerouac
Scarlet and Black by Stendhal
from The Barrytown Trilogy: "The Commitments", "The Snapper" by Roddy Doyle
On Love by Alain de Botton
Kiss and Tell by Alain de Botton
On Seeing and Noticing by Alain de Botton
The Romantic Movement: Sex, Shopping, and the Novel by Alain de Botton
Journey Around My Room by Alain de Botton, Xavier De Maistre, and Andrew Brown
The Six Value Medals - Edward De Bono
Teach Yourself to Think - Edward De Bono
Jacob's Room by Virginia Woolf
Short Sories Virginia Woolf
Between the Acts by Virginia Woolf
David Guterson
J.P. Donleavy
Robert Olen Robert Bulter

You are welcome to use the following lists, but please give me a reference-thank you xx.............and for want of something to read.....The Guardians top 50 list....(on my wishlist)

Fever Pitch-Nick Hornby
Revolutionary Road-Richard Yates
Lady Chatterley's Lover-D.H. Lawrence (own but not read)
Relativity -Albert Einstein
From Russia with Love -Ian Flemming
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes -S.W. Hawking (read)
Birthday Letters- Ted Hughes(read)
Money: A Suicide Note -Martin Amis (read. In my top 5 books)
Fiesta-Ernest Hemingway (own, but not read)
Valley of the Dolls-Jacqueline Susann (own, but not read)
Howards End-E.M. Forster (own, but not read)
The Female Eunuch-Germaine Greer (read and released)
The Outsider -Albert Camus (own, but not read)
The Naked and the Dead -Norman Mailer
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold -John Le Carre (own)
Beloved-Toni Morrison (read, brilliant)
Portnoy's Complaint -Philip Roth (read)
The Waste Land and Other Poems -T.S. Eliot (read)
Interpreting Dreams-Sigmund Freud
The Bonfire of the Vanities-Tom Wolfe (read)
Look Back in Anger -John Osborne (read and acted, at school)
Waiting for Godot -Samuel Beckett (read)
1984 Nineteen Eighty-Four -George Orwell (read)
Catch-22 -Joseph Heller (own, but not read)
The Catcher in the Rye -J.D. Salinger (read)
The Grapes of Wrath-John Steinbeck (read)
The Diary of a Young Girl -Anne Frank
The Great Gatsby-F.Scott Fitzgerald TBR
Brave New World-Aldous Huxley (read)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd-Agatha Christie
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists -Robert Tressell (own, but not read)
The Day of the Triffids-John Wyndham (read)
Bridget Jones's Diary: A Novel -Helen Fielding (read)
Heart of Darkness and Other Tales -Joseph Conrad (own, but not read)
Things Fall Apart -Chinua Achebe (read)
Right Ho, Jeeves-P.G. Wodehouse (read)
The New Penguin Book of First World War Poetry-Matthew George Walter
The Good Soldier-Ford Madox Ford (own, but not read)
Carrie-Stephen King
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance-Robert M. Pirsig (own, but not read)
Ariel -Sylvia Plath
The Big Sleep-Raymond Chandler TBR
The Hound of the Baskervilles-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Wasp Factory -Iain Banks (read)
To the Lighthouse-Virginia Woolf (read)
Kim-Rudyard Kipling
The Buddha of Suburbia-Hanif Kureishi
Midnight's Children -Salman Rushdie (TBR)
Brighton Rock -Graham Greene (read)
No Logo -Naomi Klein

Ornage Prize 2011 longlist
•Lyrics Alley by Leila Aboulela (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Sudanese; 3rd Novel
•Jamrach's Menagerie by Carol Birch (Canongate) - British; 10th Novel
•Room by Emma Donoghue (Picador) - Irish; 7th Novel
•The Pleasure Seekers by Tishani Doshi (Bloomsbury) - Indian; 1st Novel
•Whatever You Love by Louise Doughty (Faber and Faber) - British; 6th Novel
•A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan (Corsair) - American; 4th Novel
•The Memory of Love by Aminatta Forna (Bloomsbury) - British/Sierra Leonean; 2nd Novel
•The London Train by Tessa Hadley (Jonathan Cape) - British; 4th Novel
•Grace Williams Says it Loud by Emma Henderson (Sceptre) - British; 1st Novel
•The Seas by Samantha Hunt (Corsair) - American; 1st Novel
•The Birth of Love by Joanna Kavenna (Faber and Faber) - British; 2nd Novel
•Great House by Nicole Krauss (Viking) - American; 3rd Novel
•The Road to Wanting by Wendy Law-Yone (Chatto & Windus) - American; 3rd Novel
•The Tiger's Wife by Téa Obreht (Weidenfeld & Nicolson) - Serbian/American; 1st Novel
•The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer (Viking) - American; 1st Novel
•Repeat it Today with Tears by Anne Peile (Serpent's Tail) - British; 1st Novel
•Swamplandia! by Karen Russell (Chatto & Windus) - American; 1st Novel
•The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives by Lola Shoneyin (Serpent's Tail) - British/Nigerian; 1st Novel
•The Swimmer by Roma Tearne (Harper Press) - British; 4th Novel
•Annabel by Kathleen Winter (Jonathan Cape) - Canadian; 1st Novel

Orange Prize for Fiction 2010
The Lacuna-Barbara Kingsolver
The Very Thought of You-Rosie Alison
Black Water Rising-Attica Locke
Wolf Hall-Hilary Mantel
A Gate at the Stairs-Lorrie Moore
The White Woman on the Green Bicycle-Monique Roffey

Debra Adelaide- The Household Guide to Dying
Gaynor Arnold- Girl in a Blue Dress
Lissa Evans -Their Finest Hour and a Half
Bernardine Evaristo -Blonde Roots
Ellen Feldman -Scottsboro
Laura Fish -Strange Music
V.V. Ganeshananthan -Love Marriage
Allegra Goodman -Intuition
Samantha Harvey -The Wilderness
Samantha Hunt- The Invention of Everything Else
Michelle de Kretser- The Lost Dog
Deirdre Madden -Molly Fox’s Birthday
Toni Morrison -A Mercy
Gina Ochsner -The Russian Dreambook of Colour and Flight
Marilynne Robinson-Home
Preeta Samarasan -Evening is the Whole Day
Kamila Shamsie -Burnt Shadows
Curtis Sittenfeld -American Wife
Miriam Toews -The Flying Troutmans
Ann Weisgarber -The Personal History of Rachel DuPree

2008 longlist Orange broadband prize

Anita Amirrezvani -The Blood of Flowers
Stella Duffy- The Room of Lost Things
Jennifer Egan -The Keep
Anne Enright- The Gathering
Linda Grant- The Clothes on Their Backs
Tessa Hadley -The Master Bedroom
Nancy Huston- Fault Lines
Gail Jones -Sorry Harvill
Sadie Jones -The Outcast
Lauren Liebenberg -The Voluptuous Delights of Peanut Butter and Jam
Charlotte Mendelson -When We Were Bad
Deborah Moggach- In the Dark
Anita Nair- Mistress
Heather O’Neill- Lullabies for Little Criminals
Elif Shafak -The Bastard of Istanbul
Dalia Sofer- The Septembers of Shiraz
Scarlett Thomas- The End of Mr. Y
Carol Topolski- Monster Love
Rose Tremain- The Road Home
Patricia Wood -Lottery

Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction Longlist 2007

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- Half of a Yellow Sun
Clare Allan- Poppy Shakespeare
Rachel Cusk -Arlington Park
Kiran Desai- The Inheritance of Loss
Patricia Ferguson- Peripheral Vision
Margaret Forster- Over
Nell Freudenberger -The Dissident
Rebecca Gowers- When to Walk
Xiaolu Guo- A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers
Jane Harris- The Observations
M J Hyland -Carry Me Down
Lori Lansens -The Girls
Lisa Moore- Alligator
Catherine O’Flynn- What Was Lost
Stef Penney- The Tenderness of Wolves
Deborah Robertson- Careless
Rachel Seiffert- Afterwards
Jane Smiley- Ten Days in the Hills
Anne Tyler- Digging to America
Melanie Wallace- The Housekeeper

1996: Helen Dunmore - A Spell of Winter
1997: Anne Michaels - Fugitive Pieces
1998: Carol Shields - Larry's Party
1999: Suzanne Berne - A Crime in the Neighborhood -read
2000: Linda Grant - When I Lived in Modern Times
2001: Kate Grenville - The Idea of Perfection
2002: Ann Patchett - Bel Canto
2003: Valerie Martin - Property
2004: Andrea Levy - Small Island
2005: Lionel Shriver - We Need to Talk About Kevin
2006: Zadie Smith - On Beauty (TBR)
2007: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Half of a Yellow Sun

Orange Broadband Award for New Writers shortlist

The Monsters of Templeton by Lauren Groff
Inglorious by Joanna Kavenna
The Voluptuous Delights of Peanut Butter and Jam by Lauren Liebenberg

Clare Allan- Poppy Shakespeare
Karen Connelly -The Lizard Cage Harvill
Roopa Farooki- Bitter Sweets

Man Booker Prize

Julian Barnes-The Sense of an Ending
Carol Birch -Jamrach’s Menagerie
Patrick deWitt-The Sisters Brothers
Esi Edugyan-Half Blood Blues
Stephen Kelman -Pigeon English
A D Miller-Snowdrops
Sebastian Barry-On Canaan’s Side
Yvvette Edwards -A Cupboard Full of Coats
Alan Hollinghurst -The Stranger’s Child
Patrick McGuinness -The Last Hundred Days
Alison Pick -Far to Go
Jane Rogers -The Testament of Jessie Lamb
D J Taylor -Derby Day
Howard Jacobson-The Finkler Question
Peter Carey-Parrot and Olivier in America
Emma Donoghue-Room
Damon Galgut-In a Strange Room
Andrea Levy -The Long Song
Tom McCarthy-C
Helen Dunmore-The Betrayal
David Mitchell -The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Lisa Moore -February
Paul Murray -Skippy Dies
Rose Tremain-Trespass
Christos Tsiolkas -The Slap
Alan Warner-The Stars in the Bright Sky-Jonathan Cape
Hilary Mantel-Wolf Hall
Sarah Waters-The Little Stranger
Simon Mawer-The Glass Room
Adam Foulds-The Quickening Maze
JM Coetzee-Summertime
AS Byatt-The Childrens Book

Aravind Adiga-The White Tiger
Sebastian Barry »The Secret Scripture
Amitav Ghosh »Sea of Poppies
Linda Grant »The Clothes on Their Backs
Philip Hensher »The Northern Clemency
Steve Toltz »A Fraction of the Whole
Gaynor Arnold »Girl in a Blue Dress
John Berger »From A to X
Michhelle de Kretser »The Lost Dog
Mohammed Hanif »A Case of Exploding Mangoes
Joseph O’Neill »Netherland
Salman Rushdie »The Enchantress of Florence
Tom Rob Smith »Child 44

Anne Enright-The Gathering
Edward Docx-Self Help
Peter Ho Davies-The Welsh Girl
Nikita Lalwani-Gifted
Catherine O’Flynn-What Was Lost
Michael Redhill-Consolation
Tan Twan Eng -The Gift of Rain
A. N. Wilson-Winnie & Wolf
Nicola Barker-Darkmans
Mohsin Hamid-The Reluctant Fundamentalist (bookring in prospect)
Lloyd Jones-Mister Pip
Ian McEwan-On Chesil Beach (bookring in prospect)
Indra Sinha-Animal’s People

Kiran Desai-The Inheritance of Loss
Peter Carey-Theft: A Love Story
Robert Edric-Gathering the Water
Nadine Gordimer-Get a Life
Howard Jacobson-Kalooki Nights
James Lasdun-Seven Lies
Mary Lawson-The Other Side of the Bridge
Jon McGregor-So Many Ways to Begin
Claire Messud-The Emperor’s Children
David Mitchell-Black Swan Green
Naeem Murr-The Perfect Man
Andrew O’Hagan-Be Near Me
James Robertson-The Testament of Gideon Mack
Barry Unsworth-The Ruby in Her Navel
Kate Grenville-The Secret River
M J Hyland-Carry Me Down
Hisham Matar-In The Country of Men
Edward St Aubyn-Mother’s Milk
Sarah Waters-The Night Watch

John Banville-The Sea
Tash Aw-The Harmony Silk Factory
J M Coetzee-Slow Man
Rachel Cusk -In the Fold
Dan Jacobson-All For Love
Marina Lewycka-A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian (bookring in prospect)
Hilary Mantel -Beyond Black
Ian McEwan -Saturday
James Meek -The People’s Act of Love
Salman Rushdie -Shalimar The Clown
Harry Thompson-This Thing of Darkness
William Wall-This Is The Country
Julian Barnes-Arthur and George
Sebastian Barry-A Long, Long Way
Kazuo Ishiguro-Never Let Me Go
Ali Smith-The Accidental
Zadie Smith-On Beauty (TBR)

Alan Hollinghurst-The Line of Beauty
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie-Purple Hibiscus
Nadeem Aslam-Maps for Lost Lovers
Nicola Barker-Clear: A Transparent Novel
John Bemrose-The Island Walkers
Ronan Bennett-Havoc, in its Third Year
Susanna Clarke-Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Neil Cross Always the Sun
Louise Dean-Becoming Strangers
Lewis Desoto-A Blade of Grass
James Hamilton-Paterson -Cooking with Fernet Branca
Justin Haythe-The Honeymoon
Shirley Hazzard-The Great Fire
Gail Jones -Sixty Lights
Sam North -The Unnumbered
Nicholas Shakespeare-Snowleg
Matt Thorne-Cherry
Achmat Dangor-Bitter Fruit
Sarah Hall- The Electric Michaelangelo
David Mitchell -Cloud Atlas
Colm Toibin -The Master
Gerard Woodward-I’ll go to Bed at Noon

DBC Pierre-Vernon God Little
Martin Amis-Yellow Dog (read)
Carol Birch-Turn Again Home
Melvin Bragg-Crossing the Lines
J M Coetzee-Elizabeth Costello
Julia Darling-The Taxi Driver’s Daughter
Gerard Donovan -Schopenhauer’s Telescope
Barbara Gowdy -The Romantic
Mark Haddon-The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
Francis King -The Nick of Time
Shena Mackay-Heligoland
John Murray-Jazz etc
Julie Myerson-Something Might Happen
Tim Parks-Judge Savage
Caryl Phillips-A Distant Shore
Jonathan Raban-Waxwings
Graham Swift-The Light of Day
Barbara Trapido Frankie & Stankie
Monica Ali-Brick Lane
Margaret Atwood-Oryx and Crake (own, but not read)
Damon Galgut-The Good Doctor
Zöe Heller-Notes on a Scandal
Clare Morrall-Astonishing Splashes of Colour (bookring in prospect)

Yann Martel-The Life of Pi (own, but not read)
Dannie Abse-The Strange Case of Dr Simmonds & Dr Glas
John Banville-Shroud
Joan Barfoot-Critical Injuries
William Boyd-Any Human Heart
Anita Brookner-The Next Big Thing
Robert Edric-Peacetime
Michael Frayn-Spies
Linda Grant-Still Here
Philip Hensher-The Mulberry Empire
Howard Jacobson -Who’s Sorry Now?
Jon McGregor-If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things
Will Self-Dorian
Zadie Smith-The Autograph Man
Colin Thubron-To The Last City
Rohinton Mistry -Family Matters
Carol Shields -Unless
William Trevor-The Story of Lucy Gault
Sarah Waters-Fingersmith
Tim Winton-Dirt Music (own, but not read)

Peter Carey-True History of the Kelly Gang (own, but not read)
Beryl Bainbridge-According to Queeney
Derek Beaven -If the Invader Comes
Melvin Bragg-A Son of War
Ciaran Carson-Shamrock Tea
Stevie Davies-The Element of Water
Nadine Gordimer-The Pickup
Patricia Grace-Dogside Story
Abdulrazak Gurnah -By the Sea
Nick Hornby-How to be Good
Zvi Jagendorf-Wolfy and the Strudelbakers
James Kelman-Translated Accounts
Eoin McNamee-The Blue Tango
Ferdinand Mount -Fairness
V S Naipaul-Half a Life
Philip Pullman -The Amber Spyglass (own, but not read, trilogy will be a spiral)
Manil Suri-The Death of Vishnu
Jane Urquhart-The Stone Carvers
Marina Warner-The Leto Bundle
Ian McEwan -Atonement (own, but not read)
Andrew Miller-Oxygen
David Mitchell-number9dream
Rachel Seiffert -The Dark Room
Ali Smith-Hotel World

Margaret Atwood-The Blind Assassin
Trezza Azzopardi-The Hiding Place
Michael Collins-The Keepers of Truth
Kazuo Ishiguro»When we were Orphans
Matthew Kneale»English Passengers
Brian O’Doherty-The Deposition of Father McGreevy

J M Coetzee-Disgrace
Anita Desai»Fasting, Feasting
Michael Frayn »Headlong
Andrew O’Hagan »Our Fathers
Ahdaf Soueif-The Map of Love
Colm Toibin »The Blackwater Lightship

Ian McEwan-Amsterdam
Beryl Bainbridge »Master Georgie
Julian Barnes »England England
Martin Booth »The Industry of Souls
Patrick McCabe »Breakfast on Pluto
Magnus Mills »The Restraint of Beasts

Arundhati Roy-The God of Small Things (own, but not read)
Jim Crace »Quarantine
Mick Jackson »The Underground Man
Bernard MacLaverty »Grace Notes
Tim Parks »Europa
Madeleine St John »The Essence of the Thing

Graham Swift-Last Orders
Margaret Atwood »Alias Grace (read)
Beryl Bainbridge »Every Man for Himself
Seamus Deane »Reading in the Dark
Shena Mackay »The Orchard on Fire
Rohinton Mistry »A Fine Balance

Pat Barker-The Ghost Road
Justin Cartwright »In Every Face I met
Salman Rushdie »The Moor’s Last Sigh
Barry Unsworth »Morality Play
Tim Winton »The Riders

James Kelman-How Late It Was, How Late
George Mackay Brown »Beside the Ocean of time
Romesh Gunesekera »Reef
Abdulrazak Gurnah »Paradise (own, but not read)
Alan Hollinghurst »The Folding Star
Jill Paton Walsh »Knowledge of Angels

Roddy Doyle-Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha (own, but not read)
Tibor Fischer »Under the Frog
Michael Ignatieff »Scar Tissue
David Malouf »Remembering Babylon
Caryl Phillips »Crossing the River
Carol Shields »The Stone Diaries

Michael Ondaatje-The English Patient
Barry Unsworth-Sacred Hunger
Christopher Hope »Serenity House
Patrick McCabe »The Butcher Boy
Ian McEwan »Black Dogs
Michèle Roberts-Daughters of the House

Ben Okri-The Famished Road
Martin Amis-Time’s Arrow
Roddy Doyle »The Van (own but not read, waiting for the first two in the triogy)
Rohinton Mistry »Such a Long Journey
Timothy Mo »The Redundancy of Courage
William Trevor »Reading Turgenev (from Two Lives)

A S Byatt-Possession (own, but not read)
Beryl Bainbridge »An Awfully Big Adventure
Penelope Fitzgerald »The Gate of Angels
John McGahern »Amongst Women
Brian Moore »Lies of Silence
Mordecai Richler »Solomon Gursky Was Here

Kazuo Ishiguro-The Remains of the Day (own, TBR)
Margaret Atwood »Cat’s Eye (own, TBR)
John Banville »The Book of Evidence
Sybille Bedford »Jigsaw »
James Kelman »A Disaffection
Rose Tremain »Restoration (own, TBR)

Peter Carey-Oscar and Lucinda (own, TBR)
Bruce Chatwin »Utz
Penelope Fitzgerald »The Beginning of Spring
David Lodge »Nice Work (own, TBR)
Salman Rushdie »The Satanic Verse (read)
Marina Warner »The Lost Father

Penelope Lively-Moon Tiger
Chinua Achebe »Anthills of the Savannah
Peter Ackroyd »Chatterton
Nina Bawden »Circles of Deceit
Brian Moore »The Colour of Blood
Iris Murdoch »The Book and the Brotherhood

Kingsley Amis-The Old Devils (read)
Margaret Atwood »The Handmaid’s Tale (read)
Paul Bailey »Gabriel’s Lament
Robertson Davies »What’s Bred in the Bone
Kazuo Ishiguro »An Artist of the Floating World
Timothy Mo »An Insular Possession

Keri Hulme-The Bone People
Peter Carey »Illywhacker
J L Carr »The Battle of Pollocks Crossing
Doris Lessing »The Good Terrorist (TBR)
Jan Morris »Last Letters from Hav
Iris Murdoch »The Good Apprentice

Anita Brookner-Hotel du Lac
J G Ballard »Empire of the Sun (read)
Julian Barnes »Flaubert’s Parrot (TBR)
Anita Desai »In Custody
Penelope Lively »According to Mark
David Lodge »Small World

J M Coetzee-Life & Times of Michael K
Malcolm Bradbury »Rates of Exchange
John Fuller »Flying to Nowhere
Anita Mason »The Illusionist
Salman Rushdie »Shame (TBR)
Graham Swift »Waterland

Thomas Keneally-Schindler’s Ark (TBR)
John Arden »Silence among the Weapons
William Boyd »An Ice-Cream War
Lawrence Durrell »Constance or Solitary Practices
Alice Thomas Ellis »The 27th Kingdom
Timothy Mo »Sour Sweet

Salman Rushdie-Midnight’s Children (TBR)
Molly Keane »Good Behaviour
Doris Lessing »The Sirian Experiments
Ian McEwan »The Comfort of Strangers
Ann Schlee »Rhine Journey
Muriel Spark »Loitering with Intent (TBR)
D M Thomas »The White Hotel (TBR)

William Golding-Rites of Passage (TBR)
Anthony Burgess »Earthly Powers
J L Carr »A Month in the Country
Anita Desai »Clear Light of Day
Alice Munro »The Beggar Maid
Julia O’Faolain »No Country for Young Men
Barry Unsworth »Pascali’s Island

Penelope Fitzgerald-Offshore
Thomas Keneally »Confederates
V S Naipaul »A Bend in the River
Julian Rathbone »Joseph
Fay Weldon »Praxis (Read)

Iris Murdoch-The Sea, The Sea
Kingsley Amis »Jake’s Thing (read)
André Brink »Rumours of Rain
Penelope Fitzgerald »The Bookshop
Jane Gardam »God on the Rocks
Bernice Rubens »A Five-Year Sentence

Paul Scott-Staying On
Paul Bailey »Peter Smart’s Confessions
Caroline Blackwood »Great Granny Webster
Jennifer Johnston »Shadows on our Skin
Penelope Lively »The Road to Lichfield
Barbara Pym »Quartet in Autumn

David Storey-Saville
André Brink »An Instant in the Wind
R C Hutchinson »Rising
Brian Moore »The Doctor’s Wife
Julian Rathbone »King Fisher Lives
William Trevor »The Children of Dynmouth

Ruth Prawer Jhabvala-Heat and Dust
Thomas Keneally »Gossip from the Forest

Nadine Gordimer-The Conservationist
Stanley Middleton-Holiday
Kingsley Amis »Ending Up (read)
Beryl Bainbridge »The Bottle Factory Outing
C P Snow »In Their Wisdom

J G Farrell-The Siege of Krishnapur
Beryl Bainbridge »The Dressmaker
Elizabeth Mavor »The Green Equinox
Iris Murdoch »The Black Prince

John Berger-G
Susan Hill »Bird of Night
Thomas Keneally »The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith
David Storey »Pasmore

V S Naipaul-In a Free State
Thomas Kilroy »The Big Chapel
Doris Lessing »Briefing for a Descent into Hell
Mordecai Richler »St Urbain’s Horseman
Derek Robinson »Goshawk Squadron
Elizabeth Taylor »Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont

Bernice Rubens-The Elected Member
A L Barker »John Browns Body
Elizabeth Bowen »Eva Trout
Iris Murdoch »Bruno’s Dream
William Trevor »Mrs Eckdorf in O’Neill’s Hotel
T W Wheeler »The Conjunction

P H Newby-Something to Answer For
Barry England »Figures in a Landscape
Nicholas Mosley »The Impossible Object
Iris Murdoch »The Nice and the Good
Muriel Spark »The Public Image (TBR)
G M Williams -From Scenes like These

Pulitzer Prize: Novel

1917 (No Award)
1918 His Family by Ernest Poole
1919 The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarki
1920 (No Award)
1921 The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
1922 Alice Adams by Booth Tarkington
1923 One of Ours by Willa Cather
1924 The Able McLaughlins by Margaret Wilson
1925 So Big by Edna Ferber
1926 Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis
1927 Early Autumn by Louis Bromfield
1928 The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder
1929 Scarlet Sister Mary by Julia Peterkin
1930 Laughing Boy by Oliver Lafarge
1931 Years of Grace by Margaret Ayer Barnes
1932 The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
1933 The Store by T. S. Stribling
1934 Lamb in His Bosom by Caroline Miller
1935 Now in November by Josephine Winslow Johnson
1936 Honey in the Horn by Harold L. Davis
1937 Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
1938 The Late George Apley by John Phillips Marquand
1939 The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
1940 The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (read)
1941 (No Award)
1942 In This Our Life by Ellen Glasgow
1943 Dragon's Teeth by Upton Sinclair
1944 Journey in the Dark by Martin Flavin
1945 A Bell for Adano by John Hersey
1946 (No Award)
1947 All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren

Pulizer Prize: Fiction

1948 Tales of the South Pacific by James A. Michener
1949 Guard of Honor by James Gould Cozzens
1950 The Way West by A. B. Guthrie, Jr.
1951 The Town by Conrad Richter
1952 The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
1953 The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (TBR)
1954 (No Award)
1955 A Fable by William Faulkner
1956 Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor
1957 (No Award)
1958 A Death In The Family by the late James Agee (a posthumous publication)
1959 The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters by Robert Lewis Taylor
1960 Advise and Consent by Allen Drury
1961 To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee (Read)
1962 The Edge of Sadness by Edwin O'Connor
1963 The Reivers by William Faulkner
1964 (No Award)
1965 The Keepers Of The House by Shirley Ann Grau
1966 Collected Stories by Katherine Anne Porter
1967 The Fixer by Bernard Malamud
1968 The Confessions of Nat Turner by William Styron
1969 House Made of Dawn by N. Scott Momaday
1970 Collected Stories by Jean Stafford
1971 (No Award)
1972 Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
1973 The Optimists Daughter by Eudora Welty
1974 (No Award)
1975 The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara
1976 Humboldt's Gift by Saul Bellow (TBR)
1977 (No Award)
1978 Elbow Room by James Alan McPherson
1979 The Stories of John Cheever by John Cheever
1980 The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer
1981 A Confederacy of Dunces by the late John Kennedy Toole (a posthumous publication)
1982 Rabbit Is Rich by John Updike (Read)
1983 The Color Purple by Alice Walker (Read)
1984 Ironweed by William Kennedy
1985 Foreign Affairs by Alison Lurie
1986 Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
1987 A Summons to Memphis by Peter Taylor
1988 Beloved by Toni Morrison (Read)
1989 Breathing Lessons by Anne Tyler
1990 The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love by Oscar Hijuelos
1991 Rabbit At Rest by John Updike (Read)
1992 A Thousand Acres by Jane Smiley (TBR)
1993 A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain by Robert Olen Butler (Read)
1994 The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx
1995 The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields
1996 Independence Day by Richard Ford
1997 Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer by Steven Millhauser
1998 American Pastoral by Philip Roth
1999 The Hours by Michael Cunningham
2000 Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri
2001 The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
2002 Empire Falls by Richard Russo
2003 Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
2004 The Known World by Edward P. Jones
2005 Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
2006 March by Geraldine Brooks
2007 The Road by Cormac McCarthy
2008 The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

Pulitzer Nominated Finalist from 1980

1 9 8 0
Birdy by William Wharton
The Ghost Writer by Philip Roth

1 9 8 1
Godric by Frederick Buechner
So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell

1 9 8 2
A Flag for Sunrise by Robert Stone
Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson

1 9 8 3
Rabbis and Wives by the late Chaim Grade
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler

1 9 8 4
Cathedral by Raymond Carver
The Feud by Thomas Berger

1 9 8 5
Leaving the Land by Douglas Unger
I Wish This War Were Over by Diana O'Hehir

1 9 8 6
Continental Drift by Russell Banks
The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler (TBR)

1 9 8 7
Whites by Norman Rush
Paradise by Donald Barthelme

1 9 8 8
Persian Nights by Diane Johnson
That Night by Alice McDermott

1 9 8 9
Where I'm Calling From by the late Raymond Carver

Billy Bathgate by E.L. Doctorow

1 9 9 1
Mean Spirit by Linda Hogan
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

1 9 9 2
Mao II by Don DeLillo
Jernigan by David Gates
An Inquiry into Morals by Robert M. Pirsig

1 9 9 3
Black Water by Joyce Carol Oates
At Weddings and Wakes by Alice McDermott

1 9 9 4
The Collected Stories by Reynolds Price
Operation Shylock: A Confession by Philip Roth

1 9 9 5
What I Lived For by Joyce Carol Oates
The Collected Stories by Grace Paley

1 9 9 6
Sabbath's Theater by Philip Roth (TBR-Xmas bookbox gift from niccijl)
Mr. Ives' Christmas by Oscar Hijuelos

1 9 9 7
The Manikin by Joanna Scott
Unlocking the Air and Other Stories by Ursula K. LeGuin

1 9 9 8
Underworld by Don DeLillo
Bear and His Daughter: Stories by Robert Stone

1 9 9 9
Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver (Read, bookray by ekranda)

2 0 0 0
Waiting by Ha Jin
Close Range: Wyoming Stories by Annie Proulx

2 0 0 1
The Quick and the Dead by Joy Williams
Blonde by Joyce Carol Oates

2 0 0 2
John Henry Days by Colson Whitehead
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen

2 0 0 3
Servants of the Map: Stories by Andrea Barrett
You Are Not a Stranger Here by Adam Haslett

2 0 0 4
American Woman by Susan Choi
Evidence of Things Unseen by Marianne Wiggins

2 0 0 5
War Trash by Ha Jin
An Unfinished Season by Ward Just

2 0 0 6
The March by E.L. Doctorow
The Bright Forever by Lee Martin

2 0 0 7
After This by Alice McDermott
The Echo Maker by Richard Powers

2 0 0 8
Shakespeare’s Kitchen by Lore Segal
Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson

All Souls" by Christine Schutt
The Plague of Doves" by Louise Erdrich
Olive Kitteridge,” by Elizabeth Strout

Tinkers- Paul Harding
Love in Infant Monkeys-Lydia Millet
In Other Rooms, Other Wonders- Daniyal Mueenuddin

A Visit From the Goon Squad- Jennifer Egan,
The Privileges-Jonathan Dee
The Surrendered-Chang-rae Lee

US National Book Award


Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin
Bonnie Jo Campbell, American Salvage
Daniyal Mueenuddin, In Other Rooms, Other Wonders
Jayne Anne Phillips, Lark and Termite
Marcel Theroux, Far North

Aleksandar Hemon- The Lazarus Project
Rachel Kushner-Telex from Cuba
Peter Matthiessen-Shadow Country
Marilynne Robinson- Home
Salvatore Scibona-The End

Dennis Johnson, Tree of Smoke
Mischa Berlinski, Fieldwork
Lydia Davis, Varieties of Disturbance
Joshua Ferris, Then We Came to the End
Denis Johnson, Tree of Smoke
Jim Shepard, Like You’d Understand, Anyway


The Echo Maker- Richard Powers
Mark Z. Danielewski, Only Revolutions
Ken Kalfus, A Disorder Peculiar to the Country
Dana Spiotta, Eat the Document
Jess Walter, The Zero

Europe Central - William T. Vollmann
E.L. Doctorow, The March
Mary Gaitskill, Veronica
Christopher Sorrentino, Trance
Renè Steinke, Holy Skirts

The News from Paraguay- Lily Tuck
Sarah Shun-lien Bynum – Madeleine is Sleeping
Christine Schutt – Florida
Joan Silber – Ideas of Heaven: A Ring of Stories
Kate Walbert – Our Kind


The Great Fire- Shirley Hazzard
T.C Boyle – Drop City
Edward P. Jones – The Known World
Scott Spencer – A Ship Made of Paper
Marianne Wiggins – Evidence of Things Unseen: A Novel

Three Junes- Julia Glass
Mark Costello – Big If
Adam Haslett – You Are Not a Stranger Here
Martha McPhee – Gorgeous Lies
Brad Watson – The Heaven of Mercury

The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
Dan Chaon – Among the Missing
Jennifer Egan – Look at Me
Louise Erdrich – The Last Report on the Miracle at Little No Horse
Susan Straight – Highwire Moon

In America - Susan Sontag
Charles Baxter – The Feast of Love
Alan Lightman – The Diagnosis
Joyce Carol Oates – Blonde
Francine Prose – Blue Angel

Waiting-Ha Jin
Andre Dubus III – House of Sand and Fog
Kent Haruf – Plainsong
Patricia Henley – Hummingbird House
Jean Thompson – Who Do You Love


Charming Billy- Alice McDermott
Allegra Goodman – Kaaterskill Falls
Gayl Jones – The Healing
Robert Stone – Damascus Gate
Tom Wolfe – A Man in Full (read)

Cold Mountain-- Charles Frazier
Don DeLillo – Underworld
Diane Johnson – Le Divorce
Ward Just – Echo House
Cynthia Ozick – The Puttermesser Papers

Ship Fever and Other Stories- Andrea Barrett
Ron Hansen – Atticus
Elizabeth McCracken – The Giant's House
Steven Millhauser – Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer
Janet Peery – The River Beyond the World

Sabbath's Theater- Philip Roth (Xmas bookbox gift from niccijl-TBR)
Madison Smartt Bell – All Souls' Rising
Edwidge Danticat – Krik? Krak!
Stephen Dixon – Interstate
Rosario Ferrè – The House on the Lagoon

A Frolic of His Own- William Gaddis
Ellen Currie – Moses Supposes
Richard Dooling – White Man's Grave
Howard Norman – The Bird Artist
Grace Paley – The Collected Stories

The Shipping News- E. Annie Proulx
Amy Bloom – Come to Me
Thom Jones – The Pugilist at Rest
Richard Powers – Operation Wandering Soul
Bob Shacochis – Swimming in the Volcano

All the Pretty Horses- Cormac McCarthy
Dorothy Allison – Bastard out of Carolina
Cristina Garcia – Dreaming in Cuban
Edward P. Jones – Lost in the City
Robert Stone – Outerbridge Reach

Mating- Norman Rush
Louis Begley – Wartime Lies
Stephen Dixon – Frog
Stanley Elkin – The MacGuffin
Sandra Scofield – Beyond Deserving

Middle Passage- Charles Johnson
Felipe Alfau – Chromos
Elena Castedo – Paradise
Jessica Hagedorn – Dogeaters
Joyce Carol Oates – Because It Is Bitter, and Because It Is My Heart

Spartina- John Casey
E.L. Doctorow – Billy Bathgate
Katherine Dunn – Geek Love
Oscar Hijuelos – Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love
Amy Tan – The Joy Luck Club

Paris Trout- Pete Dexter
Don DeLillo – Libra
Mary McGarry Morris – Vanished
James F. Powers – Wheat That Springeth Green
Anne Tyler – Breathing Lessons

Paco's Story- Larry Heinemann
Alice McDermott – That Night
Toni Morrison – Beloved (read)
Howard Norman – The Northern Lights
Philip Roth – The Counterlife

World's Fair-- E. L. Doctorow
Norman Rush – Whites
Peter Taylor – A Summons to Memphis

White Noise - Don DeLillo
Ursula K. Le Guin – Always Coming Home
Hugh Nissenson – The Tree of Life

Victory over Japan: A Book of Stories- Ellen Gilchrist
Alison Lurie – Foreign Affairs
Philip Roth – The Anatomy Lesson

The Color Purple - Alice Walker (read)
Gail Godwin – A Mother and Two Daughters
Bobbie Ann Mason – Shiloh and Other Stories
Paul Theroux – The Mosquito Coast
Anne Tyler – Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant

Collected Stories of Eudora Welty- Eudora Welty
David Bradley – The Chaneysville Incident
Mary Gordon – The Company of Women
Marilynne Robinson – Housekeeping
Robert Stone – A Flag for Sunrise

Rabbit is Rich - John Updike (read)
Mark Helprin - Ellis Island and Other Stories
John Irving - The Hotel New Hampshire
Robert Stone - A Flag for Sunrise
William Wharton – Dad

So Long, See You Tomorrow- William Maxwell
E.L. Doctorow - Loon Lake
Shirley Hazzard - The Transit of Venus
Walker Percy - The Second Coming
Anne Tyler - Morgan's Passing

Plains Song - Wright Morris
Shirley Hazzard - The Transit of Venus
William Maxwell - So Long, See You Tomorrow
Walker Percy - The Second Coming
Eudora Welty - The Collected Stories

The Stories of John Cheever- John Cheever
Thomas Flanagan - The Year of the French
Norman Mailer - The Executioner's Song
Scott Spencer - Endless Love
Herman Wouk - War and Remembrance

Sophie's Choice- William Styron
James Baldwin - Just Above My Head
Norman Mailer - The Executioner's Song
Philip Roth - The Ghost Writer
Scott Spencer - Endless Love

The World According to Garp= John Irving (READ)
Paul Bowles - Collected Stories
Gail Godwin - Violet Clay
John Updike - Too Far to Go

Nebula Award winners
The Windup Girl, Paolo Bacigalupi
The Love We Share Without Knowing, Christopher Barzak
Flesh and Fire, Laura Anne Gilman
The City & The City, China Miéville
Boneshaker, Cherie Priest
Finch, Jeff VanderMeer

2008: Powers by Ursula K. Le Guin
2007: The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon
2006: Seeker by Jack McDevitt
2005: Camouflage by Joe Haldeman
2004: Paladin of Souls , by Lois McMaster Bujold
2003: The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon
2002: American Gods: A Novel by Neil Gaiman
2001: The Quantum Rose by Catherine Asaro
2000: Darwin's Radio by Greg Bear
1999: Parable of the Talents by Octavia E. Butler
1998: Forever Peace by Joe Haldeman
1997: The Moon and the Sun by Vonda N. McIntyre
1996: Slow River , by Nicola Griffith
1995: The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer
1994: Moving Mars: A Novel by Greg Bear
1992: Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
1991: Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick
1990: Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
1989: Healer's War by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
1988: Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold
1987: The Falling Woman by Pat Murphy
1986: Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card
1985: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
1984: Neuromancer by William Gibson
1983: Startide Rising by David Brin
1982: No Enemy But Time by Michael Bishop
1981: Claw of the Conciliator by Gene Wolfe
1980: Timescape by Gregory Benford
1979: The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke
1978: Dreamsnake by Vonda N. McIntyre
1977: Gateway by Frederik Pohl
1976: Man Plus by Frederik Pohl
1975: The Forever War by Joe Haldeman
1974: The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin
1973: Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke
1972: The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov
1971: A Time Of Changes (Berkley Book: Science Fiction) by Robert Silverberg
1970: Ringworld by Larry Niven
1969: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
1968: Rite of Passage by Alexei Panshin
1967: The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany
1966: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
1965: Dune by Frank Herbert
Books I gave away shortly before Bookcrossing (:~\

Saving Agnes-Rachel Cusk
Falstaff-Robert Nye
Nice Work-David lodge
To kill a Mockingbird-Harper lee
Rabbit is Rich-John Updike
Emma-Jane Austin
Mansfield Park-Jane Austin
Wuthering Heights-Charlotte Bronte
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall-Bronte
Daniel Deronda-George Eliot
Cider with Rosie-Laurie Lee
Under the Greenwood Tree-hardy
Woman in White-Wilkie Collins
Jane Eyre-Bronte
A Pair of Blue Eyes-Thomas Hardy
Trumpet Major-Thomas Hardy
Great Expectations-Dickens
The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B-JP Donleavy
Destines of Darcy Dancer-JP Donleavy
Saddest Summer of Samuel S-JP Donleavy
A Room with a View-EM Forster
Giovanni’s Rom-James Baldwin
Our Mutual Friend-Dickens
Middlemarch-George Eliot
Noname-Wilkie Collins
In the Beauty of the Lilies-John Updike
Northanger Abbey-Jane Austin
Brave New World-Aldous Huxley
Adam Bede-George Eliot
Ukridge, Young Men in Spats, Right Ho Jeeves. Summer Lightning, Stiff Upper Lip Jeeves, Much Obliged Jeeves-PG Wodehouse
Couples-John Updike
Rabbit Redeux-John Updike
The Girls of Slender Means-Muriel Spark
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie-Muriel Spark
Are You Listening Rabbi Lowe?-JP Donleavy
Paradise News-David lodge
The Folks that Live on the Hill-Kingsley Amis
Alice Walker Omnibus
Lucky Jim-Kingsley Amis
Lord of the Flies-William Golding
Code of the Woosters-PG Wodehouse
Puckoon-Spike Milligan
Bonfire of the Vanities-Tom Wolfe
Put Out More Flags, Brideshead Revisited, Helena-Evelyn Waugh
Tess of the Durbervilles, The Woodlanders, Jude the Obscure, Far from the Madding Crowd, Mayor of Casterbridge-Hardy
A Passage to India-EM Forster
The Quiet American-Graham Greene
The Bleeding Heart-Marilyn French
The Shelters of Stone-Jean M Auel
The Lady Who Liked Clean Rest Rooms-JP Donleavy
Sap Rising-AA Gill
Cause Celeb-Helen Fielding
Jakes Thing-Kingsley Amis
Stanley and the Women-Kingsley Amis
American Psycho-Brett Easton Ellis
The Wide Sargasso Sea-Jean Rhys
The Stars Tennis Balls-Steven Fry
A handful of Dust-Evelyn Waugh
The Woman Who Walked into Doors-Roddy Doyle
White Teeth-Zadie Smith
Therapy-David Lodge
The Onion Eaters-JP Donleavy
The Rachel Papers-Martin Amis
White Oleaner-Janet Fitch
Miss Mackenzie-Trollope
South-Ernest Shackleton
The Robber Bride-Margaret Atwood
Catcher in the Rye-JD Salinger
Franny and Zooey-JD Salinger
Cousin Phyllis-Elizabeth Gaskell
A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain-Robert Olen Butler
The Rules of Attraction-Brett Easton Ellis
The power and the Glory-Graham Greene
The Satanic Verses-Salman Rushdie
The Bridge-Ian Banks
The Victim-Saul Bellow
The Warden-Trollope
Lighthouse-keeping-Jeanette Winterson
Ian McEwen-Enduring Love
Galapagos-Kurt Vonnegut
Astonishing the Gods-Ben Okri
A man in Full-tom Wolfe
Yellow Dog-martin Amis
Return of the Native-Hardy
Wilt in Nowhere-Tom Sharpe
Portnoys Complaint-Phillip Roth
Mr Pye-Mervyn Peake
A Suitable Boy-Vikram Seth
The Blues Eye-Toni Morrison
Travels with my Aunt-Graham Greene
The Edible Woman-Margaret Atwood
Toast-Nigel Slater
Success-Martin Amis
Beloved-Toni Morrison
Leila-J Donleavy
What Do You say after you say Hello
Countrymen of Bones-Robert Olen Butler
You Can Do Both-Kingsley Amis
Dead Babies-martin Amis
None to Accompany Me-Nadine Gordimer
Titus Groan-Mervyn Peake

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