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From Dagenham, Essex United Kingdom
Age 32
Joined Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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Extended Profile
My name's Joseph and if you're here I guess it means you want to know more about me :)
I am rather spiritual, and loving. I love animals more than I love people because I think they are more deserving. There are a multitude of reasons I can think of to justify a hatred of society and mankind.

I love to read and listen to music, and I have recently begun learning guitar which I absolutely love to play.

I am vegan, homeschooled and a pacifist.

I have strong beliefs and I find these grow stronger as I develop myself. With every day that goes by I can feel myself becoming more and more the person I know I want to be.

I do from time to time engage in base entertainment but the things I love are profound, amazing and enlightening. I love to think. Yes, just to think. I think about morality, justice, freedom, beauty, truth, love, governments, societies, right, wrong, thoughts, feelings, emotions, perspectives, philosophy, psychology, ideologies, conventions, taboos, and many other things besides. I have always had an enquiring mind and I question everything. I have a small handful of friends whom I consider close to me, and some of them are on the same wavelength as me - we sometimes discuss the above in great detail, which I thoroughly enjoy. I have many passions, though some are still growing and are not quite in bloom.

So that's me. I dance to my own tune and follow my highest sense of right. :)

"Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they are yours." - Richard Bach

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