It's a new month... time for some new bug fixes!
While Matt is still working on harnessing the book data that we all have contributed to, and making it available for searches, he's also been rather busy fixing other things, and even adding some nifty little features. Read all about it in this Announcements forum post.
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Age 71
Joined Monday, December 30, 2002
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2018 Update: I have retired as of Dec and I still have too many books. It was an real chore cleaning out my classroom - three stacks of book boxes higher than my head. I am going to have to catch up and get busy releasing books.

2011 I am back in the classroom this year part-time and the book-crowding is as bad as ever. I have tried to exercised some restraint. I keep telling myself I am stockpiling for retirement and going off the grid. Well...I still need to get rid of another 1,000 books so I'll try to carve out some time before school starts to work on BC. Passed my 10th year anniversary with BC. I used to be 65th in the world in releases and now I have dropped off the top 100.

Thanks for looking at my bookshelf. If you get a book from me, it is yours to do with as you want. If it becomes part of your personal collection, that's great.

Re: I took this picture in the lagoon at Bora Bora on a cruise. That place makes everyone look like a photographer. I love the color of the water.

Farway places with strange sounding names where I've released books since 2003: Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, The Netherlands, Ireland, Mexico, Chile, Antarctica, Scotland, Egypt, Tahiti, Huahine, Bora Bora, Raiatea, Falklands, Argentina, England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, China, Japan, Spain and Hong Kong. I have now released books on all seven continents! WAHHOOOOO!!

I wasn't going to do this on my bookshelf but I keep losing my list.

Books read in 2005 - 87 - complete
JANUARY (5) The Map That Changed The World, Fluke, Bad Girls, Endurance by Worsley, Raffles

FEBRUARY (9) Beat to Quarters, Gallows Thief, Watchdog, Dibs: In search of self, A New Leash on Life, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Lobster Chronicles, Understanding LOTR, Blue Latitudes

MARCH (8) All Through the Night, Curse of Camp Cold Lake, The Bookman's Wake, Mutant Message from Down Under, I Am the Only Running Footman, Sharpe's Triumph, The Golden Compass, Photo Nomad

APRIL (12) Sharpe's Rifles, The Dork from Cork, The White Dragon, Oddballs, The Slave Dancer, The Subtle Knife, Driving Force, Ender's Game, The Dollhouse Murders, Paddington Takes the Test, Sharpe's Trafalgar, Tattoo Blues

MAY (13) The Bookman's Promise, Remains of the Day, Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber, Scotland Is Not For the Squeamish, One For the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly, Cirque Du Freak, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, Favorite Celtic Fairy Tales, High Five, Sharp's Prey, How to Kill a Monster

JUNE (10) Crackdown, Earth Abides, Count Down, The Not-so-jolly Roger, Your Mother Was a Neanderthal. The Good, the Bad and the Goofy, Frozen Earth, A Brother's Journey, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Death takes Passage, Wildtrack

JULY (7) Hot Six, It's a Long Way from Penny Apples, A Traveler's History of England, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Secret of Platform 13, The Hounds of Morrigan, How not to be a Messie (2X)

AUGUST (7) Patrick O'Brian: A Life Revealed, Moonlight Becomes You, The Last Kingdom, Sharpe's Tiger, Princess in the Spotlight, Hot Money, The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club,

SEPTEMBER (9) Blue Heron, Guide to Owning a Guinea Pig, Into the Dream, Be A Wolf, The Broken Bridge, Others See Us, The Dog Listener, HP and the Goblet of Fire, The Death of the Office Witch.

OCTOBER (3) 44 Scotland Street, Of Time and Stars, Hold the Enlightenment,

NOVEMBER (1)Artemis,

DECEMBER(3) Wuthering Heights, Busman's Honeymoon, The Monkey's Raincoat
Total for 2006 - 94 for the year

JANUARY 2006 ( 9 )Triple Witch, Mystic River, Fear Nothing, Devil's Teeth, Lord Peter, Garden of Shadows, Mrs. Pargeter's Package, The Movie Quote Book, Dragonsblood, The Gladstone Bag

FEBRUARY 2006 ( 5) Potter's Field, She Came Back, Sheepdog in the Snow, The Duplicate, Decked

MARCH ( 6) An Unnatural Death, Mythbusters, Starship Troopers (again for the nth time), Rough Guide to Egypt, Lonely Planet Guide to Egypt, Remember Me,

APRIL (8 ) Angel Light, Hard Eight, God Save the Queen, Artemis Fowl, Boy, Mathilda, The BFG, Artemis Fowl:Arctic Incident.

MAY ( 7) The Music of Dolphins, Meet Felicity, Gaudy Night, Stuart Little, Celtic Magic, Free Fall, Irish Love.

JUNE (5) The Blind Assassin, The Cater Street Hangman, Unhinged, The Sharpe Companion: The Early Years, The Well of Lost Plots.

JULY (21 ) Murder on the QEII, Not in Graves As Yet, Speak, Ten Big Ones, Kalahari Typing School for Men, Crocodile On the Sandbank, Delores and the Big Fire, Dearest Friend, Double Act, Silence in Hanover Close, Bedford Square, The Princess Test, The Wicked Flea, Back to Before (animorphs), The Return Journey, The Last Vampire 2 - Black Blood, The Trouble with Lemons, Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher, Cinderellis and the Glass Hill, Love you, Daddy, Two Lives,

AUGUST (7 ) Homicidal Intent, Trapline, Powder Burn, To the Nines, Those Who Hunt the Night, A Death in China, It Doesn't Take A Genius

SEPTEMBER (5 ) Taming the Seahorse, Expresso Tales, A Dirty Job, Breakheart Pass, Skeleton Man

OCTOBER ( 8 )Driving Mr. Albert, Atlantis Found, The Sixth Sense #3, The Twits, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, Galileo's Daughter, The Scream Museum (PC Hawke), Enchantment

NOVEMBER (2) Dragonsong (again), Naked Once More,

DECEMBER ( 11) Cosmic Adventure (second time), Possible Side Effects, Twelve Sharp, Smart Dog, Island Survival, Island Shipwreck, The Universe in a Nutshell, The Journey of Crazy Horse, Lost in a Good Book, The Silent, A Mouse called Wolf.
Shooting for 100 this year.... 117 so far as of the end of December. WAHOO!!!

JANUARY 2007 (3 ) Horse Heroes, Death at Rottingdean, The Eyre Affair

FEBRUARY 2007(10) Bridge to Terabithia, Feed, Curse of the Pharoahs, Zia, Singer in the Shadows, The Cat who talked turkey, Private lives of the cat who..., Suspect, At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances, Dear Mr Henshaw

MARCH (10) The Well of Lost Plots (audio), Skinny Dip, Pedro's Journal, Serpent on the Crown, Sloop of War, Stories from Shakespeare, The Ghost at Windy Hill, Great Disasters, Isaac's Storm, The Templar Legacy

APRIL (8) Long Spoon Lane, Mornings on Horseback, Five Red Herrings, Places in the Dark, Brave New World, Ernest Hemingway: The Short Stories, Deviant Behavior, You Suck

MAY (13)Please Mr Einstein, I'm a Stranger Here Myself, Nemesis, The Wreckers, Loser, 84 Charing Cross, HP and the Order of the Phoenix, The Voyage of the Narwhal, Island Rescue, Dark Matter, The Quentins, My Invented Country, The Cat Who Went into the Closet.

JUNE (13 ) Jane Eyre, Le Voyage Au Tour du monde en 80 jours (abridged), Coralina, Trouble-free Travel, Bel-Air Bambi and the Mall Rats, Eyes of the Dragon, My Antonia, My Life as a Fake, Everworld #5, With the Lightnings, Everworld #11, Wind in the Willows, Tales of Imagination and Horror.

JULY (12) This Dame for Hire, With These Hands, Bachelorette #1, Zorro (Allende), HP 6, Cadillac Beach, Vampire Plague London, Vampire Plague Paris, Trekker's Guide to the Next Generation, HP 7, A Child Called Noah, Trust No One.

AUGUST (10) The Cat who went underground, The Gift of the Pirate Queen, A Wind in the Door, The Girl in Hyacinth Blue, Sharpe's Fortress, Something Rotten, I Hate Other People's Kids, In the Company of Cheerful Ladies, Plum Lovin'.

SEPTEMBER (12) First Among Sequels, You Belong to My Heart, The Giver, Break In, Jewels of the Sun, Firestorm, Neverwhere, Metro Girl, Burglar in the Rye, The Amazing Mrs Pollifax, The Case of the Missing Books, We'll Never forget you, Roberto Clemente,

OCTOBER (11) About A Boy, Field of Thirteen, Spygirl, The Watchman, James and the Giant Peach, The Hobbit (again), Grey Mask, In Cold Pursuit, Captain Grey, Gulliver's Travels, The Missing Osprey Nest

NOVEMBER (11)The Ghosts of War, Phone Calls from a Ghost, The Subtle Knife (again), Ghostly Warnings, Great Ghosts, The Restless Dead, Fog of Doubt, The Cat Who Lived High, The Sinister Pig, Escaping the Giant Wave, The Invention of English.

DECEMBER (4) The Mayflower, Cirque du Freak (again), A Fairy Named Hilary, Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar.

2008 - 141. I wanted 150 this year. It's a big jump but I'll never make a dent if I don't step it up.

JANUARY (18)The Book of Lost Things, Margaret Mead: A Life of Conflict, The Supernatural Book of Monsters, Spirits, Demons and Ghouls, Heartburn, The Winged Cat, The Amber Spyglass, Shadowland, Nature Girl, The Princess Academy, Sour Puss, The Glass Cafe, Dead Until Dark, Dark Voyage, The Westing Game, Shutter Island, Royal Cat, Who in Hell is Wanda Fuca?, All Together Dead.

FEBRUARY (14 )Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!, A Short History of Almost Everything, Through the Eyes of the Condor, Lord John and the Private Matter, The Vampire Assistant (Cirque du Freak), Tunnels of Blood (CDF), Life As We Knew It, Unlocking Harry Potter, Groundhog Day, The Witch's Apprentice, The Footprints of God, The Mysterious Death of Tutankhamun, The Rabbit Factory, As Nature Made Him,

MARCH (10) Vampire High, Heavenly Dates, Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse, Private Peaceful, Portuguese Irregular Verbs, Million Dollar Mermaid, Founding Brothers, Whose Body, The Guardship, The Transall Saga

APRIL (10) Pay the Devil, Spain (Eyewitness), The City and the Stars (20th time? in honor of AC Clarke), Birds of Prey, 1000 Places to See before You Die, Shark Callers, Wicked Fix, No.1 Ladies Detective Agency (again for the signing), Have Tux, Will Travel, The Book Without Words,

MAY (12)Kidnapped (RLS), Something Rotten (mystery), At the Foot of the Rainbow (ebook), Mr Monk in Outer Space, A Christmas Beginning, Treasure Island, The Road to Samarcand, Bicycling, The Jane Austen Book Club, Mission: Cook, Longitude, A Brilliant Madness, State of the Onion

JUNE (14)Gullboy, The Deen Brothers Cookbook, The Short Bus, Ghost in My Soup, The Day John Died, In Their Own Words: Lewis and Clark, The Hindenburg Murders, Imagining Egypt, Swine Not, Lean Mean Thirteen, Monkey Island, It's not about the Tapas, Traitor's Purse, Home.

July (16)Inkheart, Fodor's Spain, Froemmer's Madrid Barcelona and Seville, Eyewitness Barcelona, Fat Camp Commandos, The Sea of Trolls, Why Didn't They Ask Evans?, 1776, How to Live With a Neurotic Cat, Dolphin Life Story, Great Crystal Bear, The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, Thrones Domination (Peter Wimsey), South by Java Head, A War of Gifts, The Nanny Diaries.

August 2008 (12) The Naming of the Dead, High Stakes (Francis), Echo, Horses and Ponies, Tigerheart,The Death of Colonel Mann, Callander Square, Oceans Apart, Everything and a Kite, Shattered, Nail Biter, Sick Puppy

SEPTEMBER (8)Dead Sand, The Green Hills of Earth, Lady of Sin, Paragon Walk, Shoulder the Sky, Gerardus Mercator, Ripley's Believe It or Not 2006, I Believe in Unicorns.

OCTOBER (8) Black Tide, Waiting for Anya, Land of Silver Apples, Twilight (not Meyer's), Mr Monk Goes to Germany, Stalking the Unicorn, The Restless Dead, Wanless of India,

NOVEMBER (6) The Man in the Ice, Lord John and the _____, HMS Surprise, The View From the Seventh Layer, Farewell My Subaru, Planet Ocean,

DECEMBER ( )The Shattered Shell, How to Fight With A Girl, Splendid Soups, The Day I Ate Everything I Wanted, Fingersmith, Tarzan of the Apes (audio), Hedgehogs in the Hall, Dive: Book 3, The Cat Who Moved a Mountain, Miss Silver Comes to Stay, Empowering Underachievers, More Tales for the Midnight Hour,(140)The World's Most Incredible Stories,

2009- I want to read 120 books or more and have signed up for 10 from my official Mt TBR if I can find them.I read 6 and then forgot about it. 64 books so far as of end of June. Read a total of 110 this year.

JANUARY 2009(5) Hidden Talents (Mt. TBR1), The Hundred Days, Friends, Lovers, and Chocolate (Mt TBR2), The Gazebo (Miss Silver) Letter of Marque (O'Brian),

FEBRUARY (1) Ghostwritten (Mt TBR3)It was a bad month. RIP Scout 2-09-09

MARCH (12) Around the World in 80 Dates, A Dirty Job, The Lady Vanishes, Dinosaur Tales by Bradbury, Mystery at Lilac Inn (MT TBR4), From Dead to Worse, Everything on a Waffle, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, Bride of the Beast, Speaker for the Dead (MT TBR5), Q's Legacy, The Story of my Life.

APRIL (13) A Little Green Man From Ireland, London Eye Mystery, Bog Child, Death of a Cad, Murphy's Law, Death of Riley, Seven Magic Jewels of Ireland by Robert Adams(possibly the worst in a long time), Dark Visions Vol. 1, (Mt TBR6), Singularity, Dark Visions Vol 3, Dead Slow Ahead, Your Soul's Plan, Are You Somebody?,

MAY (11) Viking Warrior, For The Love of Mike, Invasion of the Road Weenies, Love Your Neighbor: Stories of Value and Virtue, Ireland from a spinning planet??, The Talented Clementine, HMS Surprise, 100 ways to Motivate People, Enter if You Dare: Tales from the Haunted mansion, Whatever Happened to Janie?, When a Hero Dies.

June (11) Resurrection Row, Ranger's Apprentice, The Last Temptation (Gaiman), Dragons from the Sea, Road to Vengeance, Little Boys Blue, The Time Bike, Deathwatch, The Thief Lord, Thick as Thieves, Stolen Rose.

July (9) True Love, In Like Flynn, The Grand Finale, Aphrodite's Flame, A Man Named Dave, Winnie of the Waterfront, Edge of Glass, S is for Silence, In Dublin's Fair City.

August (7) Death of a Charming Man, Death of a Macho Man, Evan and Elle, Tell Me Prety Maid, Ranger Apprentice Book 1, Channel Islands, Death Trap - La Brea Tar Pits.

September (12)Royal Pains, A Graveyard for Lunatics, Ranger's Apprentice Bk 2 Burning Bridges, Death of a Gossip, Her Royal Spyness, Nick of Time, Fellowship of the Rings, The 39 Steps, In a Gilded Cage, Dead and Gone, Black Star Bright Dawn, Cross Check.

October (14) Death of a Celebrity, Even Money, Evan Help Us, Sunset Express (toasted banana bread: Elvis Cole), Death of a Glutton, Death of a Perfect Wife, Off Season, How to Disappear Completely and Never be Found (Margaret and Sophie), Voodoo River (down to Cabo: Elvis Cole), Killer Wave, Ranger Apprentice Book 3: The Icebound Land, The Privateersman, Royal Flush, A Father's Book of Wisdom, The Sunday Philosophy Club, Even Money.

NOVEMBER (8) Evanly Choir, Rujub the Juggler, Betrayed (Dubois), Buried Dreams, Snarleyyow, Plague, Stowaway, Gone Tomorrow,

DECEMBER (7) Murder of a Bore, Coral Island, Nothing to Lose, A Christmas Promise, Ranger Apprentice #4 Battle for Scandia, Free Fall, Stalking the Angel (Bruce Willis and Judd Nelson) Death of an Irish Sea Wolf, The Garth Factor, Paths to Glory (Mallory)

2010 No predictions this year. It is what it will be.

JANUARY 2010 ( 13) The Young Carthaginian, In N Out Burger, Marco's Millions, Ranger Apprentice #5 Sorcerer of the North, Little Foxes, Wombat and Fox - Tales of the City, The Great Redwall Feast, Tales of Beedle the Bard, Rhiannon, Psychic Children, Paying Jack Back, Primary Storm (DuBois), Kipling's Choice.

FEBRUARY (12 ) The Sun and the Moon, Lionboy, Rutland Place, The Ebb Tide, Lionboy #2, Lionboy #3, Castaways, Killer Pizza, Urban Hermit, LA False Prophet, Texas Handbook, Agatha Raisin and the Fryfarm Fairies.

March (6 ) The Skies of Pern, Killing Floor, Arctic Chill, Sherman's March, Easy Company and the Headline Hunters, Skeleton in the Closet.

April ( 7) Maiden Voyage (ewwww), Irish Comfort Food, Cardington Crescent, Ferrets at Sea, The Trail of the Apache, Finger Food, Foodie. (Can't remember them all )

May (7) Agatha Raisin and the Dembley Walkers, Storm Front (Dresden Files 1) Barefoot Contessa Back to Basics, Agatha Raisin and the Wellspring of Death, Cooking for Friends (Gordon Ramsay), Thereby Hangs A Tail, Summer Knight (Dresden Files).

June ( ) Death of a Valentine, The Raven and the Rose, Heart of the Falcon, You'll Never Make Love in this Town Again, Truly Madly Manhattan, Fearless Jones, Pearl of Kuwait, The Buccaneer, Promise Me Tomorrow, Great Lake States, Mariner's Compass, Siege of Macindaw Ranger Apprentice #6, Erak's Ransom Ranger Apprentice Bk# 7, Death of a Dustman.

July () Gilda Joyce Psychic Investigator, Die Trying Reacher #3, Tripwire Reacher #4, Murder at Bertram's Bower, The Last Illusion, Knots in my YoYo String, Humphrey Bogart, The Whale Road, Wolf Tale,

August () Furies of Calderon, Kings of Clonmel (Ranger Apprentice #8), Zlata's Diary, Italian Slow Cooking, Time for the Stars, Theodor Seuss Giesel, Jamie MacLeod Highland Lass.

September ( )Once A Marine, Billy Boyle,

October ( ) Pirate,

November ( ) Hawke,

December ( )
January 2011 ( )Living Dead in Dallas, All Together Dead,

February ( )The Red House Mystery,
July 2014 (7 ) The Gazebo, The Killing Season, To Hell on a Fast Horse, Death of a Policeman, American Sniper, Such Men as Billy the Kid, Secrets of Baking.

August 2014 ( )

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